Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

Bella squeals into my hand when Jazz unceremoniously yanks down her pants and underwear in one go, then shoves up her shirt and bra, leaving most of her body exposed. As I have to shift my grip around her middle anyway to let him do that I switch hands, leaving her just enough time to cry out before my other palm is cutting off the sound for the most part again. Her will to fight renewed Bella keeps pushing at us, but to no avail.

She also doesn’t stop when I stroke my free hand down her stomach, then cup her pu**y, in one motion both rubbing against her clit and Jazz’s cock.

I keep doing that for a while, relishing making them both moan. Jazz in the meanwhile is busy playing with Bella’s tits, only causing her to squirm even more.

With my dick all hard against her ass I soon can’t keep this up anymore, and Bella doesn’t even pick up cursing us again when I let go of her face.

Letting go of her altogether I pull my own pants down, then push her far enough away from me so that I can move. Grabbing her thighs just above the knee from behind I heave her off the floor, forcing her legs apart in the same motion that makes her sag back against my shoulder. The scream that leaves her lips is most satisfying.

Bella thankfully has the sense to stop moving after her bare heel hits Jazz in the arm, and I sag back against the fridge, letting the hard surface help me support her like that. Jazz, ever helpful, steps in and helps me steady her, sliding her legs around until I have them hooked over my arms.

"What now?" he turns to me, grinning mischievously.

"Now you grab the lube from the coffee table, slick up my cock, and then you help me get it into her squirming little ass. I don’t think I have to tell you what to do with your own after that."

He chuckles as he’s already letting go of Bella to fetch the bottle still left out from the evening before. Bella turns her head so that her face is pressed against my throat, and I have to laugh again when I feel her teeth scraping over my skin.

She’s not too heavy but I’m still glad when Jazz returns, having somehow lost his own clothes on the way. Squirting a liberal amount of lube into his right hand he steps closer to us again, and he smirks a little at my moan when his fingers close around my cock.

He’s quick and efficient as he strokes me a few times, then adds still more lube and keeps going, while his eyes keep flitting between Bella’s face and my own. I just love the sensation, both from the anticipation and the fact that he clearly knows more about how to pump a c**k than suck it, but I can’t really protest when he lets go of me in the end to add yet more lube to Bella’s anus.

When he’s satisfied with the prep work he grabs my c**k again, and after a little squeezing guides it to where it belongs. I feel Bella tense a little when I enter her, but she pushes herself down fast enough to show us both that I’m not the only eager one here.

As time is somewhat of the essence with my strength not lasting forever Jazz doesn’t dawdle, and a few moments later I feel his c**k slide into her pu**y. I groan both from that and the lessening of strain when he slips his arms in next to mine to take some of her weight off me, the shift caused by that feeling even more delicious.

Neither of us needs a signal as we both start thrusting into her.

Coordinating our movements takes a little longer than usual but finally we find the right rhythm, me going in just as he withdraws, which works best for us as it keeps her body mostly level. Bella’s urgent pants and huffs speak about the same language, and once she seems certain that we’re done re-arranging her between us, she reaches out with her arms and pulls both mine and Jazz’s head closer to hers.

Eagerly latching on to her neck I tighten my grip on her even more, then slowly withdraw first one hand, then the other, to instead hold her firmly around her waist with my crossed arms over her stomach. As much as that might limit how much I can move, supporting her is more important now, and the strain of the position makes her tighter than usually anyway. Plus, Jazz is doing a good enough job f**king her hard enough for the both of us, the sensation of his c**k rubbing against my own making me forget the pain that is starting in my arms, back and legs.

Bella screams every time he slams into her, her shouts soon rising in pitch and growing hoarse with need, spurring us both on more. Soon it all gets too much for Jazz and he comes with a loud cry, briefly sagging against Bella and forcing me to stop. She hasn’t regained her senses enough to utter a coherent word yet when he withdraws his c**k and pushes his fingers into her instead, using his shoulder against her torso to keep her steady.

"Holy! Fucking! Shit! Please let me! Argh!" Bella cries out, each of her words accentuating Jazz’s motions, and I’m a step away from climaxing myself when I bark a simple "Yes!" at her.

Coming together has seldom been such a rush.

Even after I put her back onto her own now shaky feet, Bella remains wedged between Jazz and me, happy to kiss every available mouth hungrily seeking hers, and I love coming down together like that, it’s nearly as good as f**king her has been before.

That is, until the phone starts ringing, cutting right through our collective post-orgasmic haze.

It’s not my cell so I’m instantly relieved that I’m not getting dragged to work right away, but there are not that many people who still call our landline. I’m also very indisposed of the idea of getting the call now, as are the others, not even Bella tries to squirm her way out of our now loose grasp.

Whoever is calling is insistent, and after the tenth ring, our answering machine picks up. I can’t say I’m not a little bit weirded out by hearing my mother’s voice just then.

"Bella, Edward, since you’re not picking up the phone I presume you’re either still sleeping, or otherwise occupied upstairs." She pauses then pointedly, but resumes in the same neutral tone. "I’m calling to inform you that I expect you to invite Jasper to the dinner today, if you’ve somehow forgotten to do so already." That stressed now. "I know that the three of you have been going through some rough patches, but he’s still your friend, and I’m obliging you to ask him. Rose and Emmett will be joining us, and Alice will be coming, too, so if he doesn’t want to because of that, I understand, but I would still love to have him with us. I know his family lives several states away and I don’t want him to spend today somewhere alone. And Edward? Don’t steal all the cranberries, you know how much everyone loves Bella’s relish."

She hangs up then and the answering machine shuts off with a beep, just as Jazz starts to laugh. Bella joins in a moment later, as do I, after a shouted "That wasn’t me!" in the general direction of the living room.

Our sweaty sandwich disassembles then as we move away from each other to shower and dress again, although Bella only joins us after finishing her cooking alone first. I don’t feel like it’s necessary to extend the invitation to Jazz as he has heard it himself, but he doesn’t comment on it until a few hours later when Bella disappears upstairs to get dressed for dinner.

"Do you think it’s a good idea if I come with you?"

I’m so tempted to tell him that it’s always a good idea if he comes with me, but now’s not the time for jokes like that, and it’s obvious how uncomfortable he is already. Purging my brain of lewd comments I shrug, trying to be honest.

"You have to decide yourself. She’s there, and there’s no way you’re going to avoid her, but I’m sure that my mom will do her best not to let conversations die. If nothing else, she’ll tell her stupid anecdotes of when I was a child, and you always laughed at them in the past."

"Yeah, you smearing cranberry sauce all over the new beige carpet when you were five is just too good not to laugh at it. Besides, she’ll probably be occupied cooing over the kid anyway." He doesn’t sound too convincing then, and when he looks up at me, there’s a different kind of uncertainty on his face. "But what I also meant was showing up with you and Bella at the same time. The three of us together, and not gloating or fighting. It kind of does send a message, and no one can accuse either of us of being very subtle and able to hide anything."
