Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

He looks at her, perplexed and a little bit stupidly.

"Over your knees?"

"Yes, are you daft? Stand here, then bend over so that your ass is right here across my lap and your palms are flat on the floor. It wouldn’t be very good if you fell down the moment I started spanking you, right? And little boys like you deserve to be spanked quite thoroughly."

Even through the receding pain I can’t keep a grin off my face. I watch him move into position slowly, then rearrange himself.

"Cock between my thighs, sweets, just where you’re so eager to stick it."

Jazz complies, then tries to relax as Bella squeezes her legs shut, but the way he is bent over her, he has to keep his tension up unless he wants to topple to the floor – and with his c**k right where it is at the moment that would be a really bad idea.

From where I am I cannot see his face, hidden behind his blond hair, but I have a great view of his ass. When Bella starts to spank him slowly, I feel myself getting turned on more by the minute. Her motions are deliberate; the single spanks well paced with the squeezing of her thighs around his cock, leaving him room when he inadvertently moves from the impact of her palm, but keeping him locked when she’s massaging the slowly reddening flesh or digging her nails into it.

"Do you like getting spanked, naughty boy?" she asks him after a while, accentuating her question with three harder hits.

"No," he groans out, his voice so obviously at odds with his physical reaction that I get a stern look from Bella, before she focuses on him again.

"I think you’re lying. I think you’re having a great time here, just like your friend. Aren’t you?"

Jazz murmurs something unintelligible that ends in a clear moan when she hits the right spot again, earning him a snicker.

"Oh yes, you’re loving this. Makes me wonder if I shouldn’t stop right now."


Her resulting laughter is priceless, and she licks her lips as she continues to spank him.

"You better show your gratitude when we’re done here."

By the time she finally tells him to get up again, his ass is a uniform red color, and once I get to see his c**k again I realize that he must have been very close to coming already. Looks as if spanking is definitely among the things that he likes.

Bella crosses her legs again as she looks from one of us to the other, her smile getting a little twisted around the edges.

"I think it’s time that we play a game. The winner gets a special surprise."

Neither of us speaks up, causing her smile to widen into a grin. She gets up and raises her skirt until it is hiked up around her waist, revealing that she’s only wearing a white lace garter belt that her stockings are affixed to, but no panties.

"Boys, the rules are simple. Each of you gets two five-minute long turns to satisfy me. Winner is the one who makes me come most often. And before you get your hopes up, you’re only allowed to use your pretty mouths, nothing else."

She then looks from one of us to the other again, her gaze finally settling on me.

"I think you should start, seeing as your friend just had the pleasure of rubbing himself all over my thighs."

At her hand signal I push away from the desk, hissing slightly when the motion makes the weights on the nipple clamp chain and the stretcher swing. Moving as slowly as I can manage without being too slow, I round the table and kneel down before her. She makes me scoot back under the table so that she can put her feet, still clad in her high heels, onto the desk surface. That also leaves her pu**y conveniently open and at the right height for me to work. Once she tells me to start, I dive in.

While she might have seemed calm and composed until now, a single lick and I can tell just how aroused and worked up she really is. Determined to do my best, I use all the tricks I know work well on her, and manage to make her come twice in the short time span that she grants me. It’s fun for once to watch her not hold back in the least, and I even feel a little resentful when she tells me to get out from under the table so Jazz can take my place. On the other hand, watching him eat her out is quite the picture, too, so I can hardly complain.

Then it’s my turn again and I try to outdo Jazz. Yet the moment I start teasing her opening with my tongue, my nose rubbing against her clit, I can feel her tense, but not in the way I need her to. She’s actively working against me, obviously enjoying me licking and sucking on her clit, but not much more. When I glance up her body to her face, I see her wink at me and I realize that I’m not supposed to succeed with my task.

For a moment I’m confused, then I even feel a little bad – thinking straight isn’t exactly my forte at this point with my body and mind screaming with pain and the need for my own release. Lost inside my submissive mindset, going against her orders would mean letting her down, even if that is her intention. It makes me feel helpless and frustrated at my shortcomings, but I can’t ignore that wink and try, against her wish, to make her come again.

Eventually my time is up and she pushes away from me, making me feel forlorn and guilty as she signals me to get up. True resentment grips me hard again when I have to watch Jazz rise to the occasion with alacrity, and Bella gripping his hair and humping his face only makes things worse. It’s not a sense of betrayal that I feel – as right now, she can do no wrong, and whatever she decides I will bow to gladly – but I hate feeling so utterly useless.

It’s been a while since anyone has managed to drag my mind that far under, and while I hate how I feel right now, I love it just as much at the same time.

At least some of my forlornness must have shown on my face. Halfway through Jazz’s five minutes, Bella turns her face to me, her eyes studying me intently. She’s absolutely gorgeous the way her face is flushed and her eyes are wide and glassy with her impending orgasm, but the fact that it’s not entirely due to my actions dampens my joy at seeing her like that. A hint of a frown appears on her forehead, but before it can develop into anything more she comes, her eyes losing focus for a few seconds.

I have to look away from her then because I feel my mood drop even more, but a moment later my eyes snap back to hers when I feel her hand slowly slide up the side of my thigh. She offers me a slightly twisted smile as she reaches for my balls, but her touch remains gentle as she strokes the stretched skin above the heavy metal ring weighing down my scrotum.

"Kiss me," she orders then, her voice a little breathy but still full of confidence and the certainty that she will be obeyed. Those two words act like a switch on the turmoil churning in my brain – suddenly I have a task, and I set to it fast. It’s a needy, passionate kiss that I place on her lips, eagerly pushing my tongue into her mouth as she opens to me. Bella moans in response, the sound so hot and filled with lust that it drives the last bit of resentment away, even when her fist suddenly closes around my balls and she pulls and squeezes hard until I cry out into her mouth. I wouldn’t have dared pull away from her, neither with my lower body nor my head, but the hand that has previously kept Jasper’s face where she wanted it is now bunched up in my hair, tugging on my roots while she forces me to keep on kissing her through her last orgasm.

She lets go and pushes away from us both, panting heavily, a grin on her face like the cat that just licked the cream. Her eyes are sparkling with mischief, and after looking from one of us to the other a few times, her gaze settles on Jazz.

"Congratulations, I think we have a winner."

Getting up more smoothly than should be possible after coming so often and so hard in the last minutes, she pushes her skirt down her legs and straightens the fake glasses on her nose, then steps closer to him.
