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Beautiful Disaster

He winces as she reaches up and removes both clamps from his ni**les, the sound quickly turning into a moan when she laps and sucks on each nipple to take the pain away. Then she removes his c**k ring / ball separator contraption, her fingers kneading his freed scrotum almost lovingly.

"Are you ready to claim your prize?"

"Whenever you are," he drawls back, all cocky once more, but his obvious expectation just makes her grin widen.

"Oh, you’re not going to get to f**k me. I have no interest in becoming just another one of your conquests. No, you’re going to f**k him now," she replies, nodding in my direction.

Jazz goes eerily still at that, and for a moment I’m not sure if it’s good acting or real uncertainty. It becomes obvious that it’s the latter when he doesn’t even try to offer any foolish, bravado-driven denial his role might warrant now. He tries to catch my gaze, but I’m playing dumb and stare at Bella’s shoulder instead. I’m all for it, obviously, but don’t want to break role even for a moment – she made me her bitch tonight, and it’s not my place to consent to anything she orders. Call me mean, but part of me is laughing my ass off at him right now.

Bella picks up on his uncertainty just as I do, only for once she is the one who has to deal with it – and does, with uncommon gentleness in her voice, obviously talking as Bella now and not the sadistic librarian.

"Jazz, it’s been twenty-three days. You two kiss, make out, grope each other, jerk each other off, give each other blowjobs, but then you always stop, and somehow I end up on the receiving end of everything else that follows. I really don’t mind getting DP’d on a nearly daily basis, but it’s so obvious that you’re stalling – and just to be clear, I mean both of you – that I, at least, am getting tired of this. I think it’s obvious that you both want this. Don’t even try to deny it because right now I’m holding the obvious sign of your eagerness in my hand. If you really need an incentive, here you go. Put on a show for me, and make it worth those twenty-three days of my mind running wild."

He doesn’t say anything but his answer is obvious when he straightens, visibly shaking off uncertainty and doubt.

"And just in case you missed the glaring neon sign, he doesn’t want you to be nice and gentle and thoughtful – he wants to be f**ked. So do both of yourselves a favor and f**k him," she helpfully supplies as she steps away from him, succinctly biting off the last two words of with such heat that my body almost physically responds to her demand. Jazz raises his brows at her questioningly but she doesn’t react, silently telling him to just go ahead.

Turning away from him, she sits back down in her chair, relaxed but once again assuming that elegant yet confident position that she has shown so often today. She reaches into the drawer, takes out a bottle of lube and puts it down on the desk top, the sound strangely ominous.

As if that were a sign – which in a way it really is – Jazz breaks his momentary apathy and crosses the short distance between us. Gone is the hesitancy, gone is all the doubt; all that’s left is horniness and his obvious intent to take his satisfaction where he can. He’s rough as he grabs the hair at the back of my head and forces me to face him, almost sneering into my face as he pulls me close.

"You’re going to suck me off now, bitch, and you better do a good job or I’ll find something else besides my c**k to ram up your ass!"

Normally I would have laughed at a sentence like that, but right now it makes my knees weak. That is not a bad thing as he pushes me down onto them a moment later, grabbing my head with both hands after he shoves his straining c**k into my mouth. While I’m not exactly out of practice, his forcefulness surprises me and makes me choke. Instead of easing up, he holds me hard against him for several seconds while I struggle feebly, then only lets up long enough for me to draw a gasping breath. I love how he shows no mercy and starts ramming his c**k into my mouth before I can start sucking on my own, and doesn’t even ease up when I do my very best to add to his enjoyment.

The roughness of our motions does absolutely mean things to the weights still fixed to the connective chain of my nipple clamps, distracting me from the blowjob and giving him an excuse to be even more ‘unsatisfied’ with my compliance.

"Do you have something here that I can get his hands out of the way with?

He’s struggling too much for my comfort."

From the edge of my field of vision, I see Bella get up but I can’t concentrate on what she’s fetching as Jazz resumes f**king my throat. I find out soon enough when the cool steel of a handcuff suddenly bites into my left wrist, then my right, as Bella pulls my arms together behind my back.

"Does our little f**k toy not like being used like this? Such a shame, because I love watching you like this," she purrs into my ear, then resumes her place as a spectator.

Jazz goes right on, obviously enjoying my increased degree of helplessness, and it doesn’t take long until he shoves his c**k into me as far as possible, and keeps my face pressed against his body while he shoots his load down my throat. I try to relax but eventually my gag reflex kicks in again, making me cough and sputter once he lets go, but he doesn’t show any mercy.

He draws me to my feet by grabbing my right elbow, then drags me over to the desk. I grunt loudly when he slams my body against the sturdy wood, the edge digging into my thighs. He keeps holding me right there with one hand in my hair as he draws my head back painfully, exposing my neck to him. I shout again when he suddenly bites down on my shoulder in a weird display of dominance, but I can’t deny that I get off on that, too. Keeping my head bent back and to the side like that, his other hand gropes for the nipple clamp chain, and yanks on it hard when he finally gets a grip on it.

My cry is one of real agony. I’m sure that if he realized just how much he’s really hurting me, it would disturb him, but I’m quite happy with the fact that it doesn’t. Things get even worse when he doesn’t detach the first clamp neatly but pulls it off, then pinches my nipple deftly between his thumb and forefinger. I see Bella wince but she doesn’t say anything, remaining sitting with her legs crossed and her fingers laced together over her knee.

I manage not to wallow like a baby when he removes the second clamp, but my ni**les are still throbbing with pain when he pushes me down onto the table, his hand now at my neck to keep me down. He pushes my right knee upwards until it stays pressed into the wooden top, too. The move thankfully raises my ass a little more in the air and my c**k is no longer wedged between table and my body. He briefly strokes it as he pushes it in the direction of my raised thigh.

More for show than anything else, I try to fight, but I’m helpless with my hands still cuffed behind my back. Instead of slapping my ass for that, Jazz grips my still weighted-down balls and pulls them further away from my body while at the same time squeezing them roughly, making me cry out –

and go still – again. He keeps up the pressure for a few more seconds, then increases it until I start struggling in earnest. Unlike Bella, he’s a better judge of how far he can go there, and is quite happy to push that boundary.

I’m panting with relief when he lets go of my tortured balls. His grip on my neck remains even while he opens the bottle of lube with his other hand and pours a very liberal amount down my ass crack. I feel some of it dribble down my painfully extended scrotum, too. Before I can wonder if it was just an accident, he resumes kneading my balls deftly, if less painfully than before.

"You like that, don’t you?" he observes, his voice a mean rasp in my ear as he leans into me. He switches from holding my neck to shoving my shoulders into the wood with one forearm pressing horizontally into my shoulder blades. I grit my teeth, trying not to make a sound, but it’s a useless endeavor. My pants and grunts soon fill the air of the playroom.
