Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

The way my c**k keeps rubbing against my thigh only increases the need to come, and I’m nearly there when the bastard stops.

Fuck, but sometimes I hate being a good teacher.

Jazz waits a while before he pours more lube between my ass cheeks, then starts to spread me open. He’s neither gentle nor slow, starting with two fingers that he really has to work into me, and I have to grit my teeth to keep from shouting at him to stop being such a dick. Eventually my sphincter gives and I start to relax, enjoying the whole thing a lot more now.

He keeps pushing, jabbing three fingers fast and deep into me, and I’m already close to coming again when he stops and withdraws completely, also removing his arm from my upper torso.

For a moment I consider trying to rear up, but I really, really want his c**k in my ass next, so I remain sweating and panting where I am. Jazz lubes up his dick while Bella still pretends to be mostly unaffected by what is going on right in front of her. I’m a little disappointed that she doesn’t seem to want to finger herself while she watches us f**k, but it fits the role she’s been playing perfectly – and somehow that cold curiosity is a huge turn-on, too.

Finally he’s done stalling and I feel Jazz’s c**k slide into me, meeting little resistance after the delicious abuse I already suffered at his fingers. He doesn’t dawdle, doesn’t wait, but grabs my hips tightly and starts f**king me without further ado. The sheer power of his motions makes my body and the table underneath me rock while his balls slap against mine, the whole to and fro motion adding yet more pain to my scrotum as my balls swing with each of his thrusts.

I can’t hold back and I don’t even try, giving myself over to the climax. It nearly wipes out everything around me for a few seconds, then adds a heightened sensitivity to the sensations assaulting my body. Having come in my mouth not long ago, Jazz holds out a lot longer, pounding into me hard and fast until I feel like I can’t stand it any longer before he orgasms himself. He sags down on top of me, completely spent in more ways than one, waiting until his slowly softening c**k slides out of me.

I’m so tired that I don’t even move when he pushes away from me, leaving me lying like that on the table. I’m still trying to gather my wits and strength when Bella gets up and removes first the cuffs, then the weights from the stretcher and finally the hellish thing itself. Unable to hold in the whimpers of pain anymore, I scrunch my eyes shut and ball my hands into fists as I tough out the final waves of pain, eased by her gentle hand massaging my tormented balls until I eventually fall silent.

I want nothing more than to crawl into bed now and sleep curled around whoever comes close enough to grab – and maybe take a shower first, seeing as this time it’s me ending up covered in sweat, come, snot and tears – but Bella quickly disabuses me of that notion. She throws my discarded clothes at me, telling me to get dressed. I stare somewhat balefully at her but she only answers with a nasty grin, still acting all unapproachable bitch.

When I’m finally done I join Jazz in front of her desk, not looking at him. I figure I might as well finish this with the minimum amount of roleplay as Bella has already made me get dressed again. We watch in silence as she shuts off the camcorder, then puts it into her desk before she sits back down and regards us levelly. With mirth I notice that she stays clear of the desk, the ‘forms’ on top now all crumpled and smeared with come, but that doesn’t diminish the effect of the way she watches us at all.

"I think that went quite well," she surmises, allowing herself a small smile. "I expect that in the future you will pay better respect to the rules of this library. Just to be sure, I will keep the video file of this enlightening little tryst, and should either of you ever disturb the peace of these halls again or be late in returning your books, I will be very thorough in refreshing your memory. Although, if you feel the need for some extra credit, feel free to approach me about that in the future. Now off with you, I don’t have the patience to keep wasting my time with imbeciles like you!"

Clearly dismissed, we both nod, then turn around and trudge out of the room. I close the door behind me without making much of a sound.

I haven’t yet fully turned around when Jazz sags down onto the floor, obviously just as tired as I am, but with a huge grin on his face.

"Shit, I didn’t think she could be that scary! Can you believe that?"

I give him a long look, then laugh, mostly at his incredulity.

"Dude, accept it, she’s no longer the little girl whose pigtails you used to yank! Of course she can be scary as hell. She’s probably just imagining how she herself would want to be barked at, to turn that around on us. And, by the way, do you ever intend to play with a guy other than me?"

My question seems to come out of the blue for him, and he clearly doesn’t know how to take it.

"Not really. I meant it when I told you that aside from you, I think I’m still mostly straight. And I don’t think I would want to play with another guy even if I found him attractive. I mean, for me, this is something personal, between us, and only the three of us."

"Good," I huff, then sit down beside him, wincing when my ass hits the floor. The whole region between my hips and my knees feels like a war zone, and while I love how the residual pain makes me feel, that doesn’t mean that I also have to like all of the discomfort it brings.

Only when I relax do I realize that Jazz keeps staring at me a little weirdly.

At my raised brow, he narrows his eyes at me a little.

"Are you jealous? That I might someday want to play with someone else?"

"No!" I quip, then realize that both my tone now and the way I’ve asked the question could lead him to think just that. "No, I’m really not." I try to diffuse the situation, but when he keeps looking at me like he doesn’t believe a word I say, I start laughing.

"Jazz, no. The reason I asked is because if you ever intend to play with someone who’s not as much of a masochist as me, I’d have to drag you into the playroom now and show you, first hand, just how much what you did to me hurt. Plain and simple, it’s a safety concern, not a passive-aggressive way of weaseling some kind of admission or promise out of you."

For a moment he grins with relief at the misconception, but then looks guilty.

"That bad? Shit, I didn’t think… but you didn’t really protest and I -"

"Stop rambling," I huff, then snort. "Of course I didn’t protest. I was having the time of my life between her going all Ice Queen Bitch on me and you finally accepting and acting on your own dominant need. It was all well within the limits of what I can take, but it felt like you were caught up in the moment and somewhat oblivious of the pain you were causing, and it’s my job to rub your nose in that now. You’ve still got a lot to learn, young Padawan."

As I’ve intended, he chuckles at the quote, then the quality of his gaze changes a little, the intensity rising. I don’t have to wait long before he leans over and kisses me, finding me only too happy to participate.

Bella finds us like that a little while later, sweaty and tired on the floor, making out like two high school kids in the backseat of a car. Her amused laughter prompts us to break off and get up, and we dutifully follow after her as she walks through the bedroom and on towards the shower. On the way she discards the heels she’s carrying in one hand while she unbuttons her blouse with the other.

If Jazz or I had been any less dead tired we might have tried to playfully get some payback from her now by undressing and teasing her, but as it is, we’re barely able to keep standing upright and make it into the shower. She joins us once she has removed her own clothes, still grinning at us while she squeezes between us to reach her body wash. Not even her ass rubbing against my abused crotch makes me want to bend her over and f**k her. Well, maybe in a few hours, when I’m still sore but emotionally back to normal enough that I feel the need to wrestle control back from her.
