Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

Jazz has opted to play wearing a pair of low-slung jeans, even though I’ve told him that his choice of dress should be the least of his concerns.

Appearing confident is what is essential, and the way he’s walking in a slow circle around Bella – who is of course kneeling in position on the floor –

reminds me more of a half-drunken swagger. Not quite the kind of confidence he’ll need, but there’s still hope.

He takes his time, letting her stew for a while as he stops behind her and just looks down at where her hands are clasped behind her head. It’s obvious to me that, of the two of them, she will be the last to lose her calm, but then she has learned to be remarkably patient over these last months while he can barely kneel for five minutes without fidgeting.

"Get up," he eventually orders. I feel a little proud at how calm and commanding he sounds, even though his fingers still drum against the side of his leg. Bella rises to her feet, then stills again, waiting.

"Hands behind your back, fingers clasped as if you are praying." His directions are clear, and she complies immediately, then jerks once when a flaying rope end hits her thigh accidentally as he starts tying her wrists together. An almost apologetic look appears on his face; he doesn’t say anything, but I take a mental note. It’s good that he notices. After the scene is over, he can be sorry for it all he wants, but as long as he’s playing, he’s in change, and the sub has to trust that everything that happens, happens for a reason – and not because the newbie Dom still has problems judging what a few feet of hemp will do if tugged the wrong way.

Once Jazz is done I watch as Bella flexes her fingers, then tugs on the restraints to test them. They seem to hold well, yet aren’t too tight. Instead of going right on to the next step, Jazz remains standing behind her, then steps up close enough that her fingers idly brush against his crotch.

Leaning further into her he inhales loudly next to her left ear, then blows on the side of her neck, making her shudder ever so slightly. He grabs her br**sts and roughly digs his fingers into her tits for a moment, then lets go just as he steps away. He’s giving her a quick taste of what is to come, but deprives her of any further stimulation.

Jazz leaves her standing there and walks over to the toy rack, selecting one of the medium-heavy leather floggers. We’ve done enough target practice with pillows over the last few days that I’m confident he will do a good job with it. And if not, that will at least wipe the slightly cocky smile off Bella’s face that she has been beaming at his back while it has been turned on her.

Before he even raises the flogger to hit her, he walks around her again, letting the leather strands of the toy slide over her ass and thigh, increasing her anticipation. When he is sure that he has her full attention he steps back, grabs the ends of the flogger strands, aims, and lets them fly. His aim isn’t perfect, but it’s not bad, either, hitting her ass every time without accidentally straying to her thighs or lower back. Bella doesn’t react except to curl her fingers upwards, away from where the flogger comes in contact with her skin and to suffer in silence.

He continues like that for a while, the strokes slowly increasing in both speed and force. He is highly focused on the task, missing the way Bella keeps looking at the ceiling instead of at him or herself in the mirrors. At least she does it stealthily, and stops whenever Jazz re-directs his attention to another region of her body. When he puts the flogger down again, her ass and thighs are a nice light shade of red.

Taking her arm in a light but firm grasp, he walks her across the room to the padded bench and pushes her down until she’s lying firmly on her back, her ass at the lower edge and her weight on her arms. I’m not sure whether I should tell him to have her sit up and replace the rope with cuffs, but decide against it – I haven’t checked the ties, and she should be fine this way for a while. I also trust her to speak up if she starts losing the circulation in her fingers. Another note on my imaginary list.

"Raise your legs and spread them. Let me see your cunt."

Displaying her first real sign of defiance, she only complies after he nudges her thigh, and even after that her body remains tense. When her head lolls to the side I can see her face in the reflection of the mirrored wall, and realize that she’s fighting hard to keep her tongue. Jazz doesn’t notice –

again – and runs his fingers over the inside of her thighs, then stops briefly to run two fingers up and down her pu**y lips.

"Soaking wet already. You really must have liked the flogging," he observes.

Bella’s head comes up, a hard move considering the strain it puts on her neck and shoulder muscles, and huffs at him.

"No shit. Did they teach you that in Dom Sunday School?"

Instead of putting her in her place – a hard slap to the pu**y might have been a good choice, or sneering into her face to wipe the bratty pout off it an even better one – he grins, then walks off to the supplies cabinet. The moment his back is turned, Bella closes her legs and shimmies around so that she can let them fall somewhat comfortably to the side while she keeps her knees drawn towards her chest.

Jazz is a little perplexed to find her like that, looking innocently up at him with a sweet smile on her face. I can’t remember her ever doing that with me. He finally gets the message, but instead of barking at her, he steps between her legs and pries them open, leaning on her thighs with increasing pressure until she grunts. That can’t feel good on her hips, but at least it’s one way to stress the need for her to keep her position.

"Legs stay open until I tell you to close them, understand?"

I half expect her to shrug, but she keeps on smiling and offers a sweet,

"Yes, Sir," in reply. He smiles back, obviously happy when she complies, and I feel like smacking my forehead.

"Good. Let’s see if we can get that cunt of yours dripping for real."

Bella is more amused than anything by his words, but holds her tongue while she watches him turn on the vibrator he took from the cabinet. He runs it over her clit a few times before he pushes it into her pu**y, f**king her slowly with it. She relaxes a little, then lets out a few moans a  p**n  star would have been proud of. And if I’m not mistaken, it’s suppressed mirth that has her legs shaking a while later.

"You like that, don’t you?"

"Yes, Sir, I like it," she replies, laughter now also in her voice. Jazz looks a little irritated, then pushes the vibrator deeper into her.

"That better stay in until I come back."

I half expect her to answer with a succinct, "Or what?", but she leaves it at a meek, if fake smile. At least he doesn’t ask for her permission or anything like that. When he returns with the bottle of lube, he pushes one, then two of his fingers into her ass while he keeps the vibrator firmly in her pu**y.

Eventually he deems her prepped enough, and after applying lube to the vibrator, slides it slowly into her ass. Bella holds her breath, her body language changing from languid to expectant for a moment, but it soon switches back when all he does with the vibe is make a few, very slow thrusts. I’m all for teasing her, mercilessly even, but right now he’s only boring her.

"Let’s spice this up a little, shall we?" he says, and this time she doesn’t hold back.

"Yes, please, let’s."

Jazz frowns, then looks over at me, which draws a long and quite audible sigh from Bella. I only shrug, silently telling him to go on. I feel like my part here is done anyway; the lesson he needs to learn is the one Bella is teaching him right now.
