Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"She’s here to please me and take whatever I want her to suffer through."

"Exactly. Now go and give her a wild ride. She deserves it."

I take my place in the back again while Jazz seems to consider his next step, probably a little overwhelmed by my info dump. He shouldn’t be, as we’ve talked about this at length, and all the possible ways the plan could be modified along the way. Then he squares his shoulders and walks back to her, his whole manner changing bit by bit as he comes closer.

There is no hesitating this time when he grabs her arm and hauls her back to her feet. Keeping his hand tightly around her bicep, he pulls the clothespins off her tits and lets them fall to the floor.

"Don’t move," he barks, then undoes the knots holding her wrists tied behind her back. I catch a look at her hands while he gets the cuffs. The skin is red but not bad enough to intervene and tell him not to have her lie on them again. He forgoes the breast bondage, but that’s his call to make.

Yet instead of just substituting the previous ties, he now cuffs her hands in front of her body, pushes her down on the bench again and brings her arms up to clip the cuffs to a snap hook at the other end of the piece of furniture.

With her ass still at the lower edge, she is forced to stretch her body to resume her previous position.

"Legs open. Don’t close them again."

I’m a little proud that he leaves it at a simple command, without adding a pointless threat that might just provoke her to see if he will really act on it if she doesn’t obey. She’s still hesitant to comply and he lets it slide, but gets the other box of clothespins, the plastic ones. Bella goes still when he starts putting them on her labia first, pinching the puffy, swollen flesh around and between her piercings. He also uses them on her tits, forming neat circles around the edge of each of her aureoles, the last two pins on her ni**les make her whimper. Lastly, he adds a few more on her arms, but not on her thighs, which makes me curious.

Once he’s done he steps away and admires his work a little, before he picks up the paddle again. Holding it in front of her eyes first, he brushes it almost tenderly over each of her cheeks, then down between her tits until he reaches her pu**y. I’m a little surprised when he taps it twice against the pins on her labia, but the shudder she gives in response looks good.

Still standing beside her, he proceeds to slap her spread thighs with the paddle, fast and almost methodically. At first she takes each hit in stride, but before long her legs start to tremble with the strain of fighting her instinct to close them and hide away from the pain.

"Keep them open," he tells her, almost conversationally, never missing a single slap. She doesn’t reply – no witty comment nor meek acknowledgement – but compared to before that’s an improvement.

By the time he finally stops, her thighs are a uniform red color, and she grunts loudly when he adds a few slaps with his bare hand. None of that should have been really painful, but considering it went on for a few minutes and there was no added pleasure, it has done a good job wearing her down a little. And this time Jazz’s expression is evil when he grins down at her.

Still holding the paddle in one hand, he walks up to where her hands are tied. He unzips his jeans and shoves them down his legs, then takes his partially erect c**k in his hand and slaps it playfully against her hands.

"Make me hard."

Another simple command, and one that would normally be easy for her to obey, but with the way her arms are already stretched out and the cuffs fixed to the bench, she has a hard time even rotating her wrists, let alone jerking him off. He watches her feeble attempts for a little while, then laughs softly.

"Seems like you need some incentive to do a good job."

Leaning forward, he taps the paddle against the upright clothespins on her breast from the side, slowly increasing the strength with which leather hits plastic. It’s not hard enough to knock the pins off but certainly enough to make her feel it, and I hear her gasp when he switches to her other breast.

He keeps alternating between them, then uses the paddle in between her tits, rapidly slapping the pins on the inside of both of them.

"I’m not distracting you too much, am I?" he asks, his voice deliciously sarcastic.

Eventually Bella manages to get him hard enough for his liking, and I wonder how much harder that must have been compared to if it had been me. I would have gotten a hard-on from hurting her alone, but if I’m not completely mistaken, Jazz has been working against her the whole time like this. Bella’s certainly worked up by the time he changes his position to standing beside her so that he can take her head and shove his c**k into her mouth. She rises to the challenge with alacrity, and for a while he just enjoys the way she bobs her head vigorously up and down on his cock, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.


She halts immediately, her lips sealed halfway down his dick, and looks a little perplexed when he just steps away from her, his wet, hard c**k moving up and down with each of his steps. He eyes the clothespins on her pu**y curiously, then walks back to the storage cabinet – and returns with a roll of duct tape.

Bella tries to raise her head and watch what he’s doing, but the way she had to move her head for the blow job has strained her muscles too much for now. She gives up when she feels him tug on the pins experimentally, then moans softly when he pulls all the pins on one labia towards her thigh and starts running the tape around her leg and over the pins, fixing them in place there. When the tape holds he does the same with her other leg, leaving her labia spread wide and her pu**y open and vulnerable. My c**k definitely approves of that setup.

Jazz experimentally flicks her clit, making her jerk briefly, then pant from the pain the motion has caused.

"Oh, I like that," he observes conversationally, then goes to fetch another vibrator. Bella moans when he switches it on and holds it to her clit briefly, then hisses and nearly bucks off the bench when he presses it against all of the clothespins on her right pu**y lip.

It’s fascinating that he obviously has no problem watching her in pain, even pain he has caused directly, if it’s not a vicious kind of pain but rather circumstantial. I wonder for a moment how he justifies it to himself, but as long as he somehow does, I don’t really care.

Eventually he seems to grow tired of it, and with a grin still on his face tells Bella to open her mouth. Switching the vibrator off, he slides it between her lips, then leaves it there. He runs his c**k up and down between her spread labia, teasing her like that for a while, before he shoves himself deep inside her, making her buck against him in turn. Taking her ankles, he pulls them back to his ass, signaling her to close her legs around him, before he picks up f**king her, hard, fast and deep.

Bella is just about to relax into the motion when he reaches towards her tits and starts to pluck the clothespins off, making her scream around her improvised vibrator gag when the blood comes rushing back into the pinched-off flesh. Soon only the last two pins on her ni**les are left, and from the way her eyes widen with trepidation, I can tell that she’s dreading their removal.

Jazz stops, his c**k deep inside her, then grabs the vibe from between her teeth and brings it to her clit, switching it on again. Bella pants in turn, her fists clenching at the direct pleasurable assault. He keeps watching her face without moving until she finally starts to beg.

"Please, Sir, may I come?"

"So soon already?" he taunts, then resumes f**king her, making her pant hard while she fights to remain in control of herself.
