Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"Yes! Please!"


Her teeth clench and her nails dig into her palms, the way she’s trying to hold back stunningly erotic.

"Please, let me come, Sir, I beg you, please! I can’t hold it much longer!"

Jazz snorts, then shoves the vibe back into her mouth without switching it off this time.

"That’s not exactly my problem, is it?"

She tries to talk around the gag but is unable to get a single word out. After watching her tremble for another ten seconds, Jazz reaches for the two remaining clothespins, taking one in each hand and pulling softly, making her keen in return.

"I will count down from five, then remove them. Only after that are you allowed to come."

Bella nods frantically, her eyes open and fixed on him, then on the pins when he pulls harder on them and starts to count, while at the same time increasing the speed of his thrusts into her.

Then the clothespins come off, and Bella nearly pushes off the table, the back of her shoulders and her ass the only parts of her body still on the bench as she comes with a high-pitched scream. Holding onto her hips the whole time, Jazz keeps f**king her, his own orgasm following when the worst of hers is over. For a moment he sags down on her, his lips kissing the red marks on the soft flesh of her tit, before he pushes away and crouches down between her now slack legs to remove the duct tape.

Spent as she is, Bella whimpers a few times while he unwinds the tape, the noises laced with pain when he has to pull harder to unstick it from the clothespins. Finally the tape is gone and he starts taking the pins off, slowly, one after the other. She jerks a few times but takes the pain mostly in silence, then relaxes further when he rubs her clit with one thumb while massaging her reddened labia with the other hand.

When Jazz is done he straightens, then walks back to her head, unclipping the cuffs from the bench but leaving her wrists still restrained.

"Lick your juices off my cock."

She complies quickly, her motions a little sluggish but with no hesitation in them anymore.

"Now kiss it to thank me."

Again she doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t question, but still scrunches her nose up when she lets her head fall back onto the bench. Jazz laughs softly, then leans down to kiss her gently on the mouth before he unbuckles the cuffs and helps her off the table. Bella’s legs are still a little shaky as they both come walking over to where I straighten up from my crouch on the floor.

"Better now?" Jazz asks, cocking one eyebrow dramatically.

"Don’t ask me, ask her," I retort, grinning at them both.

"Well, you certainly had a few problems at the beginning, but I can’t complain about the end."

Jazz beams at her words, as if they were that much of a surprise. I nod in agreement, then look pointedly at Bella’s ass.

"Haven’t you forgotten something?"

"Nope, I figured you’d take care of it and relieve what must be, without a doubt, an uncomfortable hard-on," Jazz replies sagely, then hugs Bella before he walks out of the room, leaving us alone.

Bella looks after him with confusion plain on her face, before she turns to me.

"What was that all about?"

"I think he’s trying to give us some privacy," I venture a guess.

"What for? It’s not like him to walk out on watching us f**k."

I shrug.

"I think he expects us to do more than just f**k."

It’s funny to watch her cross her arms over her chest in a clearly defensive gesture, but the way she looks me is hungry, not weary.

"And do you plan on doing that?"

"You know me, I only ever think with my cock, any way you make me come will do."

She huffs, then steps closer to me so she can kiss me, molding her naked body against mine. Very quickly my clothes are gone and we end up on the floor, me on my back and Bella straddling me, her beautiful br**sts, all covered with fading marks, right in front of my face.

I sigh contently as she guides my c**k into her pu**y, feeling the butt plug rub against me as she sinks down. While I’m horny as f**k I still love letting her take the lead, starting to move on me before she takes my hands and brings them to her tits.

"But be nice to them, my ni**les still hurt like f**k ."

"They do?" I tease, then grab her hips for a moment so that I can rearrange myself into a position that allows me to reach her br**sts with my mouth instead. "Guess I’ll have to do something about that."

"You should," she moans as my hungry mouth finds her left nipple, her hands holding my head in place as I start sucking and nibbling on the pierced flesh. I’m so happy her ni**les are finally completely healed so that I can lick them again, much to her ongoing amusement. Today she doesn’t tease me about it, though, but instead arches her back in an attempt to urge me on as she presses her tits into my face.

"Yeah, like that!" she grunts as my hand finds her other nipple, deftly pinching the already tormented flesh. "May I rub my clit?"

I’m a little surprised that she asks, seeing as we’re obviously not playing, but I don’t mind, of course.

"No," I tell her succinctly, then grin up at her when she looks disappointed.

"But you may pinch it. I want to listen to you moan in pain."

Her eyes glaze over a little as she nods, then slips one hand in between our bodies. The angle is a little awkward, though, and after a minute or two she stops moving.

"Do you mind f**king my ass instead?"

"Of course not."

She has the plug out before I can even withdraw my cock, and when I try to push her away so I can grab the lube, she simply takes my dick and pulls it back to her anus, then eases herself down on it.

"There’s more than enough lubrication, Jazz got very enthusiastic about it,"

she laughs, then dutifully brings her fingers back to her clit. "Shall we go on?"

Instead of answering I thrust upwards into her, then bite down on her nipple while I dig the fingers of my other hand into her aching breast. She clenches hard around me in turn, letting me hear the moan rising up from her, loud and clear.

It doesn’t take long until I’m close, and when I feel her bear down on me as her own orgasm makes her body shake, I let go, finishing with my c**k buried deep inside her.

"That was fun," Bella pants when I help her off me, and we leave the playroom together. I can always clean up on my own later, but right now I want to rub myself all over her ass in the shower.

We find Jazz still in the bathroom, and he looks perplexed that we’re done so soon. Bella laughs at his astonishment as she draws me along into the shower.

"Not all scenes take two hours or longer, and I don’t mind still being able to walk out of the playroom without needing additional support. You did a good job, no need to get my kink on any further."

It’s still early in the day when we’re done cleaning ourselves, barely noon, so we don’t head for the bed afterwards but downstairs. Bella excuses herself; she has some research to do, or so she says. That leaves Jazz and me to talk about the scene.

"Better?" he asks, unnecessarily.

"Lots. You did a good job there finding a balance between her needs and your comfort zone."

"It’s still kind of weird to play with her," he admits. "And not just because it’s her, but because her expectations are kind of, well, intimidating."

I sigh, for a moment wondering how often I will have to explain this part to him.

"Jazz, her expectations as a submissive are simple – she wants you to dominate her, to assume, be, and stay in control of her. That’s all. You don’t have to cater to all her needs, you don’t have to max her out until she’s close to using her safeword, she just wants not to be in charge, and to not have to think. It’s not your responsibility to do anything that makes you uncomfortable just because you want to indulge her."
