Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"White lies, really," she adds. "It’s April, just three weeks until we do actually have that anniversary, you know? And while I think we should celebrate that with Jazz, I’d really love to have some alone time with you again, too."

Getting the cleaning utensils from the corner next to the door, I set to wiping down the bench while I think of something to say in return. Bella seems to takes my momentary silence as chagrin, because she crosses her arms over her rope-marked br**sts, looking just a tad bit defiant.

"It’s not like I wouldn’t speak up if I felt the need to have you to myself more often. I was talking mostly playroom time. Watching you both have your first real lover’s spat last week was just too adorable to keep you apart for too long at a time!"

Gnashing my teeth, I glare at her before I kneel down to clean sweat, snot, spit and other bodily fluids off the floor.

"If you keep making fun of me like that, I will have to tan your ass one way or another. And, as I keep repeating, he was behaving like an ass. Should I have kept silent?"

"I’m not making fun of you alone, Edward, but of both of you! And speaking of my ass, you know that I love including Jazz in and out of the playroom, but even you have to admit that you tone it down a lot for his sake. Not complaining, and I’m happy that it’s been weeks since you last weirded him out enough to make him consider walking out, but I’m kind of starting to miss how things were between us before we were both getting it up the ass all the time."

Finally done, I straighten, then walk over to her and kiss her softly.

"So you’ve miraculously cleared our schedule for the time that Jazz isn’t here. Knowing you, you must have more plans for what we should be up to then."

I don’t even ask her if I should have initiated a few more intense sessions with just the two of us, because I know that if she had felt the need for it before, she would have asked for it.

The fact that she’s biting her lip before she answers is already making me curious, and her following suggestion even more.

"I kind of thought that it might be interesting for once to not stop playing when we leave the playroom? Like a continuous, day-long session?"

"I thought you didn’t want to do anything even remotely 24/7-ish?"

"I didn’t until now," she replies, then looks down at my chest while her fingers dance over my abs. "And I know that you haven’t been too fond of the idea in the past, but I think the way things are going between us, we might have reached a point where we know each other well enough that we can anticipate each other’s reactions? And somehow I get the feeling that having me at your mercy for twenty-four hours, completely devout and set to fulfill your every wish, might be something you’d like."

I can’t help returning her coy smile with a sinister one.

"You might just be right about that."

Either my voice or my words – or maybe both – make her shiver for a moment, turning that coy smile into a wide, hungry grin.

"Thought so. You know that I love it when you’re all playful with me and Jazz both, but the thought of having you go all mean, sadistic, relentless bastard on me just makes me all kinds of crazy."

"And what exactly do you have in mind? Or is this as far as your planning goes, and the rest is up to me?"

"Actually, yeah, the rest is up to you, but I might have a few suggestions that I hope will inspire you."


"Well, the usual," she starts, then takes a deep breath in what I know is her way of making herself go on, even though whatever she wants to say clearly takes some strength to admit. "I’d also like to point out that since Jazz moved in we haven’t done any fisting at all, which is very, very sad. I also know that you’ve been eyeing that single tail whip over there a lot, but you’ve never asked me if I wanted to try it. And because this is a special occasion, I think I’d love it if you left a few marks on me. Souvenirs, kind of.

Nothing permanent, but enough that they’ll take a few days to fade. I mean, it will be kind of inevitable anyway if you hit me as hard and as often as I want you to, so might as well go all the way with it, right?"

Instead of answering verbally right away, I kiss her, deeply and hungrily, making her both moan and laugh at the same time.

"I’d love to. Anything else?"

"Nope, just be your charming self and give me hell."

Chuckling darkly, I reach around to pinch her ass, making her jump and yelp delightfully.

"I think I can do that."

Together we leave the playroom, and my mind is already filling with devious ideas while Bella takes care of my resulting hard-on in the shower.

As such things go, the next few days fly by so fast that I’m hard pressed to plan and organize everything I need to enact my plan in its glorious entirety. It takes Jazz about five minutes to catch on to the fact that I’m up to something, but I don’t tell him anything beyond the basic setup – that while he’s in California, trying to do a week’s work in just a day, I’m going to do my very best to turn Bella’s life upside down. He doesn’t even bat an eyelash although he must realize that we’re going to do a lot of things he’s probably still uneasy about but we established a while ago that as far as things in the playroom are concerned, a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy works for us. I even get the sense that he’s glad we’re going to use the opportunity presenting itself, which makes me wonder if he feels like we’ve been holding back for his sake alone. Which, while not entirely wrong, is a long shot from the truth, but there’s only so much mindfucking I can do with Bella when we’re limited to an hour or two in the playroom. I think that if our day goes even remotely as I plan, I might have to turn that into a monthly thing, as none of us seem even remotely put off by the idea.

When I leave the hospital late on Wednesday evening I’m already excited, doing my best to ignore the gentle abuse of my co-worker’s teasing. For some reason, everyone seems incredibly amused that my girlfriend has such a tight grip on my reins that she even bends all of them and the usually rigid shift rotations to her will. I’m more than happy to leave them blissfully ignorant of what will be going on in our home, and outside of it, during the days to come, but it’s impossible for me to hide my excitement.

And I’m not the only one, I realize when I come home and find Bella restless and jumpy, unable to sit still even while she watches Jazz pack his overnight bag. She greets me with a bright grin and some very emphatic kissing, which would have turned into more than just a make-out session if Jazz hadn’t thrown us out of the bedroom, so as not to destroy his previous efforts at ironing his shirts and pants. I’m still tempted to f**k her right outside on the landing of the stairs, but she drags me downstairs to help her cook instead.

Spending the evening in front of the TV watching a movie is an endeavor we give up ten minutes after starting the DVD, as Bella and I are both horny as hell. Jazz doesn’t seem up to the task of keeping us apart or tearing each other’s clothes off, nor does he seem even remotely inclined to try. He also doesn’t protest when Bella and I unanimously concentrate most of our attention on him – we have the next day all to ourselves, we might as well make Jazz feel like he’s going to be missed while he’s away, whether that’s the case or not.

I’m already too locked in a dominant mindset to let him set the pace, and as usual, Bella is nearly as driven as I am before she’s ready to give up control. We end up with both of us pretty much doing whatever we want to with Jazz. Afterwards, all of us are dead tired and utterly satisfied by the time we finally fall asleep, with Bella curled up between us as usual.
