Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

Smirking at her, I close the distance between us. Then I slap her left cheek a little harder than before, leaving a quickly fading handprint there while her motion to avoid the hit unbalances her anew. This time I steady her by grabbing her ni**les and twisting them, making her yowl with pain until she moves closer to me to alleviate the pressure.

"Still so defiant? I think I have to teach you a lesson," I taunt, then let go of her to walk over to the impact toy rack. New excitement zips through me as my fingertips brush over the leather of the single tail whip that I’ve had for two years now, but haven’t yet gotten a chance to use on Bella. The leather warms quickly under my hand when I grab it and let it unfurl in all its beauty.

Bella looks fittingly uneasy when I return to her and caress her thigh idly with the whip. I’m burning to let her feel its sting finally, but instead of going for that right away I push the whip over her head from behind and lay it across the ropes binding her tits.

"That better not fall down or I’ll make sure you’ll regret it."

She doesn’t reply but I can still see her tense with the effort to keep still and brace herself for what’s to come. When I slap her ass hard she yelps and tries to take a step forward, nearly losing her precarious balance. Another slap and the same happens again. I take pity on her then, putting one hand on her stomach while I continue to bring the other down hard on her ass for a quick warm-up. She squirms and grunts, trying to minimize the contact from both of my hands which of course is impossible, and only ends up making me use more force.

Because I’m not that much of a heartless bastard, I ease up on her for a moment so I can slide my hand lower, from her stomach to her cunt. Now she’s wet for real, and although her ties make it impossible for me to reach down far enough to slide a finger into her, I can still rub her clit. She relaxes briefly and my next slap on her ass finds her unprepared, making her cry out beautifully.

I keep spanking her a little longer while I tease her clit with my finger, then step back and retrieve the whip. Sadly her fidgeting hasn’t dislodged it but I don’t really care that much – I don’t need an excuse to use it on her after all.

Taking a stance in front of her, I let my eyes roam over her body before I raise the whip. I know that she isn’t just pretending to be scared of it – and rightly so. Unlike most of our toys, whips can actually do real damage with any accidental hit that misses its target. It has taken me years to perfect throwing whips. Beth has been a good teacher, making sure I knew what I was doing before she ever let me near anyone with it. I’ve only had a week to pick up my practice again so I won’t over do it, for both Bella’s sake and my own, but I intend to give her a wild ride.

Some people like to crack their whips before they actually make skin contact, but I refrain from that, simply because I can’t stand the sound myself. Instead I throw it with minimal velocity, just fast enough to hit my target – the side of Bella’s thigh – square on. She makes a sound somewhere between a grunt and a cry, but it’s clearly more pent-up tension needing release than pain. If there even is a resulting thin red line it disappears before I can see it, and when the next few hits don’t hurt her further, Bella slowly relaxes.

I let my aim wander to the front of her thighs, then up to the soft, lower part of her belly below her abdominal muscles, then walk around her so I can reach her ass, the back of her thighs and her calves, always keeping a steady rhythm and the resulting pain to a minimum. She still doesn’t relax altogether, and a few times I have to stop because she loses her balance.

Eventually I grow tired of that.

Substituting padded cuffs for the wrist cable binders is easy now that she can’t really fight. After I’ve raised her arms away from her back and clipped them to the connective rope above where the ropes from the breast bondage lead, I cut through the cable ties on her ankles and below her knees. I leave the last one so that she can’t kick at me, though, and once she stops fidgeting I pick the whip back up again.

One of the crucial rules when using whips is to stay away from any joints and most importantly the face, but because it’s her first time altogether I take it easy on her in general. Her ass and thighs bear the brunt of it over the next minutes as I slowly increase the speed of my throws, soon leaving marks that don’t fade faster than they appear. The will to fight leaves her gradually as her mind slips into the sensation, soon craving the pain as much as I know she dreads it. The low moans I pick up from her are a sure indication of that.

Things get a little more interesting when I switch to the front of her body, and this time include her bound br**sts. Her breath catches harshly at the first contact while she instinctively turns her head to the side, farther away from anywhere the whip might go. Each time I hit her tits she jerks in her bonds, a few whimpers escaping her now and then.

When I take a break her shoulders sag with relief, but only until I walk up to her and grab her bound tits roughly, pushing my fingers into the constricted flesh. Bella grits her teeth and tries not to make a sound, but soon rewards me with a strangled cry when I don’t ease up. Keeping my right hand there I let go of her other breast, leaning forward so I can take her nipple between my teeth. She hisses sharply when I bite down hard, then moans as I continue sucking while I tease the barbell of her piercing with my tongue. Meanwhile, I stroke her side with my free hand, then push two fingers between her still tightly bound legs so I can stroke her clit. Before long she is having problems trying not to writhe under the attention, and I know it’s time to step up the pace.

The glazed over look of lust quickly leaves her face when the whip kisses her stomach again, faster and more painful than before. I love how both surprise and the harsh sting of the toy make her cry out, her voice that high kind of hoarse I’ve heard so little of over the last months. And as I go on, sometimes straying to her thighs but mostly aiming at her tits and stomach, her cries become louder and more frequent. Her squirming soon forces me to abandon her front lest I hurt her accidentally. After all, her upper back and ass are much more forgiving when it comes to not quite perfect aim.

"Please stop! I can’t take it anymore, please!"

I’m surprised to hear her begging like that, but it fits the tone we’ve set.

Pausing, I then add two final, more painful throws before I walk around to her front, staring at her bound tits before I meet her eyes.

"Did you say something? All that lusty moaning from you is kind of distracting."

She frowns for a second but quickly returns to pleading with me when I slap her tits hard.

"Please! I’ll do whatever you want of me, just please stop!"

Stepping close to her until her tits rub against my t-shirt, I reach around her and pinch her ass, then push my finger down her crack until it reaches her anus. She makes a face but keeps her eyes on mine, wide and seemingly afraid.

"And what keeps me from simply taking what I want?" I ask her, pushing the first digit of my middle finger inside her sphincter. She seems at a loss for words, even when I stop and step away from her. When she still doesn’t answer I slap her face again, loving the quick flash of anger that appears in her eyes before she tries to appear meek again.

"Nothing, but things will be easier if I comply, right?"

"I can just force you to comply. I don’t need your cooperation, slut."

I slap her again, hard enough this time to make her wince, and she suddenly drops the act. Even though she can barely move she somehow manages to grip the ropes her cuffs are fixed to with her fingers, allowing her to brace herself a bit before she starts to yank on her bonds. She tries to wriggle out of them, and when that doesn’t help, kicks out towards me somehow, all the while shouting at me.
