Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"You f**king bastard, I demand that you let me go!"

Stepping out of her reach I watch her with a wry grin, inwardly wincing at how much the ropes must be digging into her tits, but she has had enough experience with bondage to have expected that before she started throwing that fit.

"Not before I’m done with you," I tell her succinctly, when her own thrashing has worn her out enough to stop for a moment. I love how angry my words make her.

"Let me go!"

I simply shake my head, then pick up the whip again.

"Seems like I need to teach you some manners," I grunt, then crack the whip after all in the general direction of her back. It falls short by several inches but the sound scares her into momentary submission again.

Her back is soon covered in red lines, and when she stops fidgeting every so often I turn my aim lower, to her ass. Every whip lash makes her howl now, and a few of the marks turn into slightly raised welts, bound to stay for a few hours at least. A few more obscenities leave her but then she falls oddly silent, my signal to stop.

Leaving the whip by the wall I walk back to face her, the tear stains on her cheeks confirming my guess that I’ve pretty much maxed her out. There’s still defiance in her gaze but she seems to want to shy away from me when I close the distance between us.

Reaching for her throat, I keep her from turning her head away, the light pressure of my fingers barely enough to choke her, but either way making a point. She doesn’t react when I press my lips to hers, but a quick, hard pinch of her ass makes her cry out and eliminates that problem. I shut her up by shoving my tongue into her mouth. Either she’s tired of pretending not to care, or too far gone to keep on playing, as she kisses me back eagerly. A few whimpers escape her when I continue to knead her butt, then cut off when I increase the pressure of my fingers on her throat.

When I pull back she lets out a strained panting sound, so I let go of her, and instead stroke her cheek softly for a moment, a tender gesture that I turn on her when I grab her hair and wrench her head back until she is forced to look into my face again.

"You will not defy me. You will do as I say. Understand?"

Stubborn as always, she keeps her lips pressed together until I slap her again, only then offering a whimpered, "Yes!"

I reach up and start undoing the knots that hold all of the ties together.

Bella sighs with relief when the strain on her br**sts lessens once there’s some slack in the ropes, but grits her teeth until I’m done unwinding the ropes completely. The marks the rope has left on her tits stand out even against her flushed skin and I’m quite happy to maul her tits while they are still sensitive from being bound for so long. She suffers it mostly in silence, not fighting me, and lets me lead her towards the bench at the back of the room, once I’ve cut through the cable binder holding her legs together.

I push her down on her back so that her ass hangs slightly over the edge of the padded bench, then tell her to stay there with her knees drawn up to her chest. She complies and I turn around to fetch the needed supplies, watching her from the corner of my eye gingerly rub her tits once my back is towards her.

Returning with padded cuffs for her ankles and enough rope to immobilize her, I set to the task of doing just that. She still doesn’t protest although she’s not as compliant as I’m used to. This forces me to push and pull her into position rather than to just fix the wrist cuffs to the head end of the bench directly, followed by the ankle ones with barely enough connective rope to leave her with a minimum of movement in her legs.

I love how open and vulnerable she is for me now, leaving me so many possibilities to use and abuse her while she can’t even move her head properly with her arms right and left of it. She shivers slightly when I skim my fingers over a stray welt left on her thigh, then opens her mouth as if to protest.

"I don’t think so," I inform her, then turn around to fetch the remnants of her panties. Bella lets out a grunt of protest when I force the torn cotton between her teeth to gag her. Turning my attention back to her thighs, I stroke the mostly unmarred expanse of flesh before I return to the supplies cabinet.

Bella tries to get a look at what I bring back, but she doesn’t react when she sees the bottle of lube and inflatable butt plug. Slickening the plug quickly, I then work it into her, her ass not needing much preparation to accommodate the toy in its native state. A few pumps expand the plug and draw a low moan from her and I keep going until she winces briefly. Gently pulling on the base of the plug shows me that she won’t be able to just push it out anymore. I leave her one last time to get the cane we most often use in the playroom.

Used to it as she is, she doesn’t look too concerned when she sees me return with it, but that quickly changes after the first few strokes that come down hard on her spread thighs. The whipping and the strain on her legs from the previous position she was in have left her muscles tired and somewhat tender, something I abuse now mercilessly. She has also asked me for marks, and I’m only happy to oblige – whether she wants it now or not.

The makeshift gag does little to muffle her cries. After a little while she doesn’t even seem to hold back anymore, sounds of pain and pleasure intermingling freely, depending on where I hit her rather than how hard, it seems. I only pause from time to time to add a few more pumps to the plug.

She’s squirming around as much as the position allows her, and before long my jeans are definitely too tight for my own comfort. It feels good to ditch them together with the t-shirt, both sweat-soaked already from all the exertion. Bella uses the break to relax again, her eyes closed, so she misses the tray of lit candles that I bring back to her side – and once they are on the floor she can’t see them because of her position.

I keep on caning her thighs and ass for a while longer, both to keep her agitated and to give the candles time to melt enough wax to make things interesting. A couple of minutes later I put the cane on the floor next to the bench and grab a tall, while pillar candle. Without much ado, I upend the entire pool of wax over Bella’s left thigh, letting it run from below her knee to inches away from her pu**y.

The wail she lets out is almost painful in my ears, even muffled as it is, and the gag does little to silence her heavy panting once she stops. Her eyes are huge as she stares at me, but it’s obvious that her reaction is more due to surprise than pain. I chuckle and pick up another candle, doing the same to her other thigh, this time only getting rewarded with a low grunt. We’ve played with wax before but usually in smaller amounts, with lots of teasing and little actual spilled wax – not so this time as she soon finds out. I get two blue candles next and upend one over each of her tits, making her arch her back in discomfort.

Exchanging the candles for the cane again, I set to the wonderful task of peeling the cooled wax off her thighs and tits with the help of the flexible rattan and maybe a little more force than necessary. More moaning and grunting ensues, and she rewards me with another scream when I add another round of wax – this time directly onto her swollen, wet pu**y. The cane won’t do there so I use the flat of my hand, slapping her pu**y long after the last bits of green wax are gone, leaving only glistening, red flesh.

A check on the plug reveals that it has deflated considerably from her bearing down on it so hard, something I have to remedy fast. Once the plug is back to its largest circumference I grab the base and start to move it inside of her, even though there’s little give at first. Eventually it deflates a little more while her muscles gradually relax. When a light pull allows the thickest part to pop out of her sphincter, I’m pleasantly surprised by how much she can take.
