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Beautiful Disaster

She waits patiently until Bella raises her head again, then inserts a ball gag with a dildo attached on the outside into Bella’s mouth, quickly buckling the straps in place to prevent her from spitting it out. Charlotte barely has to roll up the hem of her dress to be able to straddle Bella’s head, then slides down on the dildo until her pu**y is almost flush with Bella’s nose.

"Fuck me. I’m not going to do the work for you."

Bella sets to the task with fervor, even though the strain must be killing her neck, and almost immediately a string of muffled groans leaves her throat.

A quick look at the tautness of the strings leading up from her ni**les reveals the source for those – and they increase exponentially when Beth starts plucking on them while watching the dildo disappear into Charlotte’s pu**y over and over again.

Peter eventually stops paddling Bella to watch what is going on, and after about a minute or so steps up to them to fondle Charlotte’s br**sts while kissing her passionately. At his quick direction she undoes the fly of his pants and starts stroking his c**k while still kissing him, right next to Bella’s face where she can see. Soon Charlotte is begging to come. When Peter finally allows her to, she does so with a loud scream before she eases herself off the dildo, right onto her knees where Peter starts to f**k her from behind. Bella’s gaze is transfixed on them, ignoring Beth while she removes her gag, at least until Beth pulls on the strings surrounding her ni**les, hard enough to make Bella scream and snap her head up.

Smiling as if she hasn’t done anything, Beth then turns to Gerard, almost forgotten on the sidelines again. She just snaps her fingers and points at the floor, making him drop to his knees and crawl over to her immediately.

He follows her dutifully as she walks to the area between Bella’s legs, then pulls the butt plug out of her. It only takes another point of her hand and he lowers his face to Bella’s ass, then starts to lick around and into her anus, still open from hours of wearing the plug.

Bella relaxes almost instantly, enjoying the sensation even when Beth unclips the weighted chain, which makes her yowl for a moment. Gerard only uses his tongue and lips, his hands obediently on his thighs, and he soon has Bella trying to rock into his face as much as the bonds let her.

Her eyes stray in my direction for a moment before she goes back to watching Charlotte get banged from behind, idly licking her lips all the while.

Peter finally climaxes, pulling out at the last moment so he can shoot his come all over Charlotte’s back, then helps her to her feet. She’s still a little unsteady and leans into his embrace as they both watch Gerard continue to lick Bella’s ass, making her sigh and moan softly every so often.

"Do you think she looks bored? I think she needs a little something to challenge her," Charlotte observes dryly. Beth nods, then picks up a bottle of lube and commands Gerard to stop, with another snap of her fingers. He pulls away and remains kneeling at her side.

After having had to strain her neck for so long, Bella simply doesn’t have the energy anymore to see what is going on between her legs. While Gerard and Beth switch places she slumps in her bonds, but tenses a little again when she feels Beth’s well-lubricated fingers push into her ass.

Clearly enjoying the sensation, she soon tries to hump back but with little success, besides making the strings pull on her ni**les a little more. After all the action Bella’s ass has seen today it doesn’t take long until Beth has four of her fingers worked in, but it actually takes her tucking her thumb in and easing it along slowly with yet more lube for Bella to catch on.

That moment is easy to recognize for she goes still, then her eyes snap to me, wide and full of need even from upside down. She utters a barely audible ‘fuck!’ under her breath, making me smirk at her, before she relaxes almost completely.

"What did you just say?" Beth asks with a teasing lilt to her voice, her fingers already pushing in up to her knuckles.

"Nothing, Mistress."

"Are you sure? Because I swear I heard you say something. Some kind of protest maybe?"

"No, Mistress."

Beth pushes a little more, then stops, withdrawing a bit so she can squirt more lube onto her hand, and as if in afterthought, also over Bella’s clit.

Holding the bottle out to Gerard, she doesn’t even look to see if he’s ready to catch it before she lets go, then starts rubbing Bella’s clit while continuing to work her fist into her ass.

Until then Bella has been good about keeping herself in check, but with her body tired and screaming for release, plus the added excitement, the more direct stimulation soon makes her jerk in her bonds and moan loudly. Her eyes flutter shut but snap open every so often, and she’s writhing in the ropes as much as the tight restriction will let her.

Bella seems close to begging for release when Beth finally has mercy on her nerves and pushes that little bit more, making Bella’s anus ease up enough to allow her entire hand to slide inside. Yet unlike me, Beth doesn’t stop there but continues to rotate her wrist and move her hand inside Bella, not easing up until Bella’s hoarse moan cuts through the room.

"Please let me come, Mistress!"

"Not yet."

Frustration has Bella screwing her eyes shut and balling her hands into fists where they are still bound underneath her back.

"Please, please, PLEASE!" she keeps shouting, fighting in her bonds and inevitably adding even more friction to what Beth is already supplying.

The answer, though, remains the same. "No."

Bella actually starts crying with frustration then, her body torn between going rigid with the impending orgasm she’s trying to fight and the dire need to come. I’ve seldom seen her this horny. Hours of teasing with little relief have left her strung out, but even between her sobs she continues to ask and plead.

My c**k is so painfully hard that I nearly come myself when Beth finally utters a single, low, "Come," but to watch Bella succumb and thrash around in the ropes is more rewarding in some ways. Beth continues to f**k Bella until she goes still again, then slows down a little but she still manages to coax another orgasm out of her barely two minutes after the first.

Beth finally withdraws her hand with a sloppy sound, then holds it out to Gerard to lick it clean, but my concentration is on Bella alone now as I walk over to her and crouch down next to her face. Her eyes are half closed, her face a mess of snot, tears, sweat and makeup, but she has seldom looked more beautiful to me. I kiss her gently at first but she’s obviously hungry for my attention, deepening the kiss and sucking eagerly on my tongue when I push it into her mouth.

Her reaction tells me one thing clearly – she may now be too tired to even kneel on the floor, but she’s still horny as f**k, and there’s no need for me to hold back. Gathering her hair in my hand as much to support her head as to wrench it up so I can sneer in her face, I stare down at her.

"I’m now going to f**k your cunt, and you better f**king come again before I’m done with you, do you understand?"

She nods eagerly, her gaze feverish and filled with need. I let go of her and quickly walk around her, pushing down my pants. My previous assessment has been partly true – swollen as her labia still are, the piercings are high enough so I can comfortably thrust my c**k into her pu**y, although I’m sure she feels every single motion magnified on the outside now, too.

Grabbing the ropes that keep her suspended I start f**king her, pulling her towards me as much as thrusting forward. She’s so wet and ready that I feel my resistance dwindle fast, her cunt gripping my c**k soon as she’s about to obey the one order she rarely gets to hear.
