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Beautiful Disaster

He follows this with more rope around her lower thighs before he tells her to lie on her back on the floor. With her arms tied behind her it takes some maneuvering on her part to get into position, but she eventually manages when no one steps in to help her. Once she is stretched out, Peter connects the thick bundles of rope on her upper thighs to the ring that he has lowered further, then adds more rope around her legs – above and below the knee – to also tie those binds to the center ring above her. At last he runs a rope through the ties on her torso to pull in the breast bondage, too.

Once he has made sure that all the knots are holding, he nods at me and I walk over to the winch, hoisting Bella into the air, her entire body parallel to the floor. Peter tells me to stop once she has reached about hip level of everyone standing there, then continues with her ankles, tying them to the thigh ropes that also hold most of her weight.

That way Bella is pretty much helpless and without much range of movement, beyond a little in her legs, and some in her neck. I almost expect Peter to be done but he makes one last trip to the rope rack, returning with two lengths of twine that he subsequently ties around her ni**les, the barbell in each piercing anchoring the string and letting him wind it around her ni**les tightly. The other end of the twine goes up to the suspension ring as well, forcing her to slightly arch her back to relieve the tension. It all looks relatively harmless, but I know that half an hour from now her whole body will ache from the strain of just keeping her back straight – and I get the feeling that they won’t just let her hang decoratively around like this, either.

Beth joins Peter where he’s standing next to Bella, and she beams her signature evil grin down at her soon-to-be victim. A pluck on the strings attached to Bella’s ni**les yields a rather loud grunt, but as usual Beth isn’t satisfied until she has made someone scream – a lot. She and Peter then walk over to her supplies, talking in hushed voices, clearly working on some last minute idea. Charlotte meanwhile takes Peter’s former place by Bella’s side, smiling down at her while she undoes Bella’s ponytail and lets her hair cascade down a good distance towards the floor.

She straightens and looks down Bella’s body, before she starts touching her again, all soft caresses, staying away from anything important. There’s not really that much of Bella’s torso left that’s not either covered by her corset or with rope so Charlotte walks around her to stroke her thighs, making Bella strain a little towards her in hopes that Charlotte will touch her in more intimate places than her knees.

Beth and Peter return, making Bella look away from Charlotte and regard the other two upside-down as she hangs her head. Peter is armed with a heavy flogger and a paddle while Beth seems to have returned empty-handed. I’m not fooled, though, seeing that she hides something in her right fist between her body, away from where Bella can see it. From the way Bella is frowning I think she doesn’t buy it either, but of course she doesn’t say anything.

Stepping between Bella’s spread thighs, Beth scrutinizes the two rings I’ve used to replace Bella’s piercing jewelry, then gently tugs on them.

"Does that hurt?"

"No, Mistress."

Beth allows herself a small smile at the quick reply, then pulls rather roughly on them again. A low groan, part pain, part pleasure, answers her, but she repeats her question nevertheless. Bella’s reply remains the same, although now her tone is somewhat strained.

"Well, if that’s the case, I’m sure you won’t have any problems with these, either."

An expert at knowing when a well placed pause has more impact than any threat, she waits for a moment, then clips a thin chain to the clasp of the padlock, and starts adding weights to the dangling end of it. Bella lets out a throaty mumble that I think is a half-swallowed curse, the muscles in her thighs standing out when she tenses to brace for more pain to come. And more pain is coming, one added weight at a time, each underlined by Bella’s soft gasps, then louder ones, until Beth’s hand is empty.

Still grinning brightly, Beth walks around Bella and stops by her head, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Does it hurt now?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Good," she retorts, then turns her head and glances over to where Gerard is still standing without having moved a muscle since greeting me. "Fetch me one of the blocks from over there."

He quickly obeys, bringing one of the makeshift wooden steps to her that mostly get used as a replacement for stairs – or to level height differences.

He dutifully puts it down underneath Bella’s head before he steps away again, eyes downcast.

Meanwhile, Peter hands Charlotte the paddle, then takes position between Bella’s legs.

"Keep your knees spread."

Bella tries to increase the distance between her thighs as much as she can, considering how she is tied up, and tenses with anticipation. Unlike Beth and me, Peter’s sadistic side rarely surfaces, which is a good thing, considering that for his wife an over the knee spanking equals punishment.

But like us, he’s never one to pass up a chance when it presents itself, so when he brings the flogger down on Bella’s left thigh it is with enough force to make her jerk in her bonds. Her knees remain open, though, and he continues, his pace measured and his aim true.

Bella’s forehead is soon scrunched up with pain and concentration, but Beth doesn’t give her much of a chance to let herself mentally fall into the flogging. Undoing a zipper at the side of her long leather skirt, she swings her freed leg over Bella’s head and onto the step, bringing her pu**y right in front of Bella’s face.

"Lick me."

Bella has to crane her neck to be able to reach Beth, but I can’t say if Beth reaching down and grabbing her hair to pull her head up is really ‘helping’

much. The image of her grinding her pu**y into Bella’s face while she keeps her head locked there is certainly hot, and Bella quickly sets to the task, whether her roots are killing her or not.

For a brief while it is almost silent in the playroom, except for Peter’s even strokes of the flogger on Bella’s thighs. Only when he switches targets and aims at her cunt, incidentally making the chain with the weights swing, do things get a little more interesting.

It’s impossible to say if the muffled sounds she’s making are from pain or pleasure, and I’m sure that by now Bella has serious trouble discerning between the two anyway. Beth definitely approves of the added vibrations, allowing herself a moan or two, her hips rocking against Bella’s face.

"Oh, you like that, do you? Being in the middle of all that attention, our little painslut and f**ktoy?"

Bella’s unintelligible answer is clearly affirmative, even if it ends in a high shout as Peter switches to the paddle. The next contact of leather on her pu**y is a lot more painful than Bella must have anticipated. She even tries to close her legs and buck away from him, but there’s not enough freedom in the bonds to let her do that. Instead of stopping, Peter increases both the speed and strength of the hits until Bella stops fighting, instead screaming into Beth’s pu**y.

Once he’s satisfied with having made his point, he slows down and concentrates on her thighs instead, and Bella’s sobs are almost drowned out by Beth’s moans. Apparently Bella hasn’t really stopped licking and sucking on her pu**y, or is increasing her efforts now, because it doesn’t take long until Beth comes, briefly smothering Bella as she keeps her locked in place.

Bella lets her head hang down once Beth lets go of her hair, her face red and sticky now, but before she can relax, Charlotte appears by her side.

"My turn now. Open your mouth."
