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Beautiful Disaster

When Bella gets to the part on the restaurant terrace after our dinner, her voice turns husky. I chuckle into the side of her neck when she pushes her ass repeatedly back against my hard-on. Jazz seems greatly amused by the whole thing, until Bella mentions our possible mystery encounter.

"Wait, so you have no idea if some guy just stuck his head out to see how cold it was for taking a smoke, or whether someone was watching you the entire time?"

"Nope," Bella laughs, then moves a little closer to him so she can stare directly into his eyes, forcing him to look at her. "And quite frankly, while that uncertainty would freak me the f**k out now, back then I wouldn’t have run even if he had told me to suck off a couple of strangers."

Jazz shakes his head, still bewildered, while Bella settles back against me and resumes her tale. He takes the rest of it better than I’ve expected, besides a few cut-off moans when she speeds up jerking him off. Despite that I’m still curious when he makes a face at both of us at the end.

"I get why you didn’t want me around for roughing her up," he gripes at me, then narrows his eyes. "But why did you think you had to keep me from the rest? Beth, Charlotte, Peter and Gerard have watched me f**k people before. I don’t think any of us has a problem with seeing each other’s naked asses anymore."

Bella’s hand drops from his c**k and she rearranges herself so that she is lying on her back, able to gaze at the both of us. The look on her face is still somewhat quizzical when she turns to Jazz.

"I think I’m kind of speaking for Edward and myself when I say we assumed you’d have issues with someone’s entire hand shoved up my ass?"

"I got that, yeah, but what I don’t understand is why?"

It’s almost comical to watch her unease turn to that frustrated kind of anger she has perfected over time, but before she can do more than open her mouth and take a deep breath, Jazz interrupts her.

"If your answer by any chance entails terms like ‘too loose’ or ‘not tight enough anymore’, you can keep it to yourself. If I remember correctly, it was you having issues with me maybe not approving of that half a year ago, not me actually telling you I thought you were a freak for liking to get your holes stuffed with a little extra something something."

It’s moments like these when I really appreciate the kind of bond that exists between them – while I could never have said anything even remotely like that to her and lived to tell the tale, his crude remark doesn’t even seem to faze her. Yet at the same time it takes the wind out of her sails. With her need for self-righteous smiting suddenly gone, Bella appears at a loss for words for a moment before she eyes me questioningly.

"I guess you never asked Jazz what he thought about fisting?"

I shake my head mutely, confirming her guess. Slowly a wide grin spreads across her face, and this time I’m the one who gets poked.

"Guess assumptions make an ass out of you, and make mine rather sore.

Or something like that. Shit, I need more sleep for conversations like this!"

"Well, at least that’s cleared up now," I helpfully supply, earning a wry chuckle from Jazz, and a breathier one from Bella, cut short by a grunt of discomfort as she shifts positions.

"Hopefully. Still, I’m not only horny now, I also have a painful hard-on. You can’t just leave me like this!" Jazz complains, then nudges Bella’s thigh repeatedly with said evidence of his arousal. She laughs but shakes her head.

"No, no, no, no, don’t make puppy eyes at me, my wrist is about the only part of my body that doesn’t hurt right now, and I know that you’re asking for more than a quick hand job."

Jazz does a half-assed job at looking crestfallen, then turns to me, the comical look of hopefulness on his face making me laugh.

"And you think it’s now my obligation to finish what she started just because I’m responsible for her being all banged up from yesterday?"

"Kind of, yeah. Although I was hoping you’d let me f**k your ass instead."

Not that I ever need much convincing for that, but instead of telling him, I put on a mock frown.

"Do you realize that of late you show a disconcerting penchant for f**king my ass over me f**king yours?"

"Stop being such a whiny bitch and roll over. You know you love it!"

His growl makes both me and Bella crack up, and she snorts when I raise my eyebrows in her direction.

"What? I’m just glad I’m not the only one who has to suffer what must be one of the lamest sentences ever. But if you want to, I can start a list of who is f**king whom in this house and how often. I swear, if I wasn’t sure I’d dislocate my hips doing it, I’d get my strap-on and f**k you both right now!"

"Aw, poor Bella, too sore to teach her bad, bad boys a lesson?" Jazz tries to get another rise out of her, but fails miserably when she just shrugs and props her head up with her arms crossed underneath.

"Oh, wait. I can do that without even moving a single muscle. But considering that he is trying to play the strong, unfazeable guy now, Edward can’t be that much better off than me. I think you should just wrestle him down and f**k that self-satisfied smirk off his face. I’ll help you as much as I can."

As happens so often when they exclude me from their conversations, Bella and Jazz have reached an agreement before I can interject anything. Jazz is already up on his knees and hurling himself at me before I can protest.

His movements display little grace, as he has to crawl over Bella to get to me and somehow tear away the duvet that covers us both. Not that I feel like protesting when he grabs my shoulders and pushes me into the mattress as he climbs onto me, then leans in for a sloppy kiss that I quickly deepen.

While he has started out rather aggressively, Jazz takes his time just staying like that, before he eventually nudges me onto my left side, facing Bella, while we pushes himself flush against the length of my body along my back. I have just a moment to smile at Bella before she’s on me, molding herself against my front while she kisses me just as hungrily.

I moan into her mouth when she wraps her fingers around my cock, instinctively moving closer to her. Jazz’s arm is around my hip while he strokes my stomach, his lips and tongue alternating between my neck and shoulder. None of us is really in a hurry to actually get it on for real, so we stay that way, relaxing and touching each other.

Things change when Bella eventually lets me nudge her thighs apart so that I can run my hand up her inner thigh to her pu**y, the contact making her moan. Jazz stills for a moment, then pushes his c**k a little more decisively against my lower back, but I ignore him for now. Looking deep into Bella’s half-lidded eyes, I cup her entire sex with my hand, then push just the tip of two of my fingers into her pu**y, feeling her swollen labia wet and warm against my hand. She utters another moan, smiling languidly, then stretches and moves her hips into my hand, clearly wanting more.

I feel Jazz push himself up at my other side, probably so he can see what I’m doing between Bella’s legs, his chuckle low beside my ear when he props his chin up on my shoulder.

"That’s so hot," he observes as he watches me stroke her pu**y some more, my thumb finding her clit. Bella grins up at both of us, her smile coy.

"You like? I was thinking about getting a couple more. You know, for making a setup like this more like a real restriction," she adds, then laughs softly when I tug gently on the padlock still connecting the two rings.

Jazz groans dismally, surprising both Bella and me. When he sees the looks on our faces he huffs, pushing himself off into a sitting position.
