Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"I’m not protesting per se. But doesn’t that mean I wouldn’t be able to eat your pu**y for another three months? You can’t do that to me, Bella. You can’t be that cruel!"

I wisely press myself deeper into the mattress when Jazz crawls over me, narrowly avoiding getting kicked in the process. Bella starts laughing when he moves up her body from the foot of the bed, on the way kissing and licking her calves, knees and thighs. The sound turns into a high pitched shout when he stops hovering over her pu**y and blows on her clit, obviously tickling her. Shout eventually turns to moan when he lowers his head and starts tonguing her clit.

Jazz stops after a bit, grinning up at her, then looks over at me.

"As hot as it might be, it’s a bit impractical right now."

Bella makes a sound between a groan and squeal when he catches the padlock between his teeth and gently pulls on it, as if to make a point.

Laughing at his antics, I reach over to the nightstand and get the small key that fits into the lock. Jazz eagerly takes it from me to undo it, then gives Bella a sidelong glance to see what she wants to do. Pushing herself up onto her elbow, she reaches over to gently run a finger down his chin, still not touching herself.

"I love it when you or Edward play with them. Just do whatever you want."

Urged on by her words Jazz sets to removing the rings, but puts them back through the piercings vertically, one through each of her labia now. Bella meanwhile turns her head to me. When she smacks her lips I get the hint and move closer, eagerly kissing her again while I pull her onto my arm so that she can rest her head on my shoulder. Her moans get louder when I run my hand up her stomach and start playing with her breast, while Jazz dives between her legs again.

In a movement typical of her, Bella eventually pushes me away, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed.



"Are you going to do me a favor?"

"Anything you want."

I can already guess what she’s up to when she glances from me down to where Jazz is still very enthusiastically eating her out.

"You know what would be even better than having my pu**y licked like that?"

"The same while you watch me f**k him?"

Her breathy laughter somehow manages to be dirty at the same time.

"You can always read my every wish from my eyes! Just one of the reasons I love you."

Leaning into her I kiss her again, then get the lube. In the meantime, Bella shimmies upwards on the bed so that she ends up with her head and shoulders comfortably propped up on a pillow against the headboard. Now there’s actually enough room at the other end of the bed so I won’t fall off.

Jazz follows her, seemingly without breaking stride, and moans appreciatively when I run my hand over his naked, raised ass. So much for preferences either way with us.

My c**k isn’t entirely hard yet so I squirt enough lube onto my palm so I can slick up my fingers and spread him open and stroke myself at the same time. Bella’s eyes stray from watching Jazz lick her to what I’m doing, idly chewing on her bottom lip. I take my time, knowing how much she loves watching me jerk off.

Finally I stop, taking my hard c**k into my hand and slapping it against Jazz’s ass a few times just for the hell of it. He grumbles something that neither of us understands, and makes me crack up as the sound becomes a low moan when I slowly push into him with my dick. Jazz lets out a string of profanities, muffled beyond recognition, and Bella’s only answer is to grab his hair with one hand and grind her pu**y into his face.

I set a slow and relaxed pace – for one I just love watching Bella writhe under Jazz’s mouth, for another I am aching all over from yesterday’s exertions. As much as I don’t mind pain in general, feeling my thigh muscles lock up because of that strain is not something that gets me all hot and bothered.

Taking Bella’s invitation for what it is, Jazz seems to increase the intensity of his ministrations because soon she is moaning constantly as she comes, one hand still gripping his hair, the other digging into the mattress. When she goes slack again it is with a glow on her face and a decisive "Ouch!" as she shifts her weight off one hip, wincing briefly.

When she pushes his head away he rests it briefly on her thigh, but Bella is not done with him yet by far. Instead of just lying back now, she starts inching down the bed until she’s lying underneath Jazz, their faces almost flush with each other.

"Let me take care of that," she coos, reaching for his c**k and starting to stroke it with determination. Jazz leans further over her so that it’s impossible for me to see what is going on between them anymore, but when Bella sighs contently it’s not hard to imagine where his c**k has ended up. I speed up my own pace a bit then, making him rock forward a bit more in reaction, and get rewarded with a low moan from her in turn.

Turning his head to the side Jazz begins nuzzling Bella’s jaw, then finds her lips and kisses her slowly, almost in sync with my thrusts into him. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, the hand that ends up lower on his back briefly brushing against mine there.

Watching them both like that, gentle and almost intimate between their small pants and the sounds of sloppy kissing, makes me want to draw the moment out forever, but my own need is soon too overwhelming. As I speed up, Jazz’s motions become more jerky in return. Eventually he stops kissing Bella and instead rests his forehead on her shoulder, his moans and grunts half-muffled against her. She smiles at him briefly before she turns her head and looks up at me, a wry grin on her sweat-slicked face.

I hold her gaze as I speed up until it gets to be too much. My eyes fall closed, need racing through my body and wiping my mind clear of any coherent thought. I vaguely register Jazz crying out when his own orgasm drags him under, leaving us both panting heavily while Bella laughs softly.

On any other day I would just have sagged down on Jazz, dragging him onto the mattress, but I don’t want to add any additional strain to Bella’s already aching body so I pull out of him and push myself away. He does the same, leaving Bella lying on her back alone, her pu**y and thighs sticky with their combined juices, and maybe even some of mine.

"Now that was fun!" she laughs, then crawls back up towards the headboard. She flops down onto her stomach, seemingly lifeless, and not unlike she was before Jazz came in earlier. Jazz quickly follows her but stays propped up on his side next to her, studying her exposed backside.

Yearning for more physical contact now I snuggle up to her body, resting my head on her shoulder so that I can both kiss her there and look at Jazz while I let my hand roam over her ass and back. Bella utters a contented sigh, moving ever so slightly closer to me, at least until I poke one of the remaining welts on her left ass cheek.


I let a dark chuckle be my only answer next to a pacifying kiss. Jazz finally settles down completely, mirroring my position so that we end up both cuddling Bella between us, stealing a few kisses from each other while we all calm down and relax.

Bella’s breathing eventually evens out until she starts snoring slightly, making me grin as Jazz rolls his eyes. I feel myself drift off, only rousing when I feel Jazz shift so he can drape one arm halfway over my back, too.

He smirks at me when his hand drifts lower to grab my ass, but I don’t react, just happy to be exactly where I am.

Chapter 38

"Can I get you anything else, or will that be all?"

Handing Raven back my signed receipt, I smile at her and shake my head.

"No, thanks. Assembling all of this and putting the new equipment through a series of stress tests should keep us busy for a while."
