Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"Are you still convinced that using a small butt plug is beneath you?"

She hedges for a moment, then nods.

"As you wish."

Bending down to rummage inside the toy bag until I find the medium sized plug, I then tell her to turn around and bend over. Lubing up the plug and her anus alike I make sure that there’s enough lubrication that she won’t feel uncomfortable later because of the lack thereof I push it into her, taking a little extra time to f**k her with it than strictly necessary. By the time I have her straighten again her cheeks are a little flushed, and her pu**y is wet when I pull the knotted rope between her labia and up her back to her neck again where I tie it to the initial loop that started the harness. Once it is complete she won’t be able to get rid of the plug herself, and the knots should stimulate her clit and the exterior of her pu**y with their rough texture whenever she moves.

I have her raise her arms then and start criss-crossing the two now separated ends of the rope between the front and back parallel starting rope, always going through the intervals between the knots at her front.

That way I can comfortably encase her whole torso in a visually appealing way that doesn’t really restrict her, but should make her hyper aware of every patch of skin covered, and put some light pressure on her br**sts where the ropes run above and below them. Finally down at her ass and hips I tie off the rest of the ropes around her thighs, forcing her to keep her legs slightly open at all times.

When I’m done I check some of the connecting knots again, but as there’s no real strain on the rope it’s not as vital as with suspension. Satisfied with my work I reach for her face and cradling her cheeks in my hands kiss her deeply until I feel her mold her naked and bound body against my fully clothed one.

"I hope you didn’t forget the old clothes you don’t really wear anymore that I asked you to bring?"

"Of course not, Master."

"Show me, I’ll tell you what to wear."

Bella positively glows as she scampers off towards the wardrobe, and soon returns with a small stack of clothes. I look them through critically, then point at a jersey sundress and short cardigan I remember her wearing a lot the summer she hooked up with Mike. That definitely deserves to be ripped to shreds.

"Wear that, and some shoes you can walk in comfortably."

"Socks, too?"

I snort, then kiss her again while I slap her ass hard.

"Smartass. Now hurry up, I expect you kneeling outside on the patio in two minutes."

I wait until she’s dressed and outside before I grab what I need from the toy bag and put it in a backpack, together with a comfy pair of sweat pants and sweater from the to be discarded pile, too. She probably thinks I just let her stew outside, which is part of the plan, but I also want her as oblivious as I can get her.

Once I have everything assembled I follow her outside and lock up behind me, before I draw her to her feet and we set out towards one of the trails leading into the wilderness all around us. Striking up a casual conversation I’m inwardly amused to see her struggle with trying to decide how she should act. In the end our banter is nearly as free and unrestrained as always, but she keeps shooting me looks every time her answer falls short of being polite or well versed. I could have told her to just act normally for the time being, but I like that she’s working on that adjusting we’ve been talking about yesterday.

We encounter very few people even on the main path, and then eventually lead her away from that, using one of the many deer trails instead to put a comfortable distance between us and any joggers or other people taking a longer afternoon stroll. I soon find a place that is ideal, and turning to Bella I let her glimpse a hint of the malicious glee running rampant inside of me.

"See that oak over there? Stand against it, your back facing the tree."

She quickly nods and complies, her eyes alight with excitement. I love the way how she keeps looking around, checking if someone can see us, but it seems she’s not really concerned about that.


"Hands in front of your body."

I set the backpack down and get out more rope, and I can see her eyes go wide when she realizes how many yards of hemp rope I’ve packed. Using one of the shorter coils I tie her wrists together, then have her raise her arms over her head. The oak is gnarly enough that I find a few knobs in the trunk I can run the ropes over to secure them from slipping down, before I tie both ends of the rope behind the massive tree.

Kneeling down next to her I wrap a generous amount of rope around each of her ankles, then tell her to spread her legs, her heels against the tree, as wide as she can. Bella complies but looks more uncomfortable already when I drag both ropes around the tree and tie them together there. Now she’s helpless and at both ends of her body tied to the tree, and not really able to get herself out of the situation unless she intends to yank on the ropes for an extended amount of time. Eventually my slip knots would open, but I don’t think we’ll need that failsafe.

Picking up another rope from the floor I knot up the middle four inches of it, then turn back to her.

"Open your mouth."

She complies willingly, then lowers her head onto my shoulder so I can tie the ends of the rope gag behind her head. Gathering her hair into an impromptu ponytail I wind the long ends of the rope leading from the gag around it, making sure the knots I place around it don’t snag and pull on her long strands. Tugging gently on her hair makes her straighten again, and I can tie the rest of the rope to her wrists, forcing her to either look up or straight ahead, but not onto the floor.

I expect that on some level at least she must have guessed I would do something like that with her, but my next move should surprise her.

"Smile," I tell her, then reach back into the bag and get out the small, portable video camera. Her eyes go very wide and she utters a few grunts around the rope gag caught between her teeth, but I choose not to try to make out the words. Their meaning is clear enough anyway, but I ignore that, too. Walking behind the tree stump a few yards away from the oak I place the camera down on the top, using two small twigs to create an even surface. The angle isn’t perfect but then the purpose of that home video is more that she knows now that I’m going to record every single minute of this, not necessarily to use it for later ever. Once she sees the red light come on Bella stops protesting and goes still again, probably reasoning with herself that she can’t do anything to prevent this now, and having her mewling on tape might just lead to any kind of punishment later.

Making sure I’m not obstructing the view for the camera I return to her, an evil smirk on my face.

"I love how helpless you are like this. Completely at my mercy, and I can do whatever I want with you."

Stepping closer, I reach for her chest, grabbing and fondling her left tit roughly. She grunts in what sounds like real protest, but there’s no fear in her eyes, only a certain level of anger.

"Not really happy right now, are you?"

She shakes her head as much as she dares with her hair tied to her wrists, her gaze for a moment pleading, until I twist her nipple cruelly through the fabric of the dress. Pain clouds her gaze for a moment, then she’s back to glaring at me again. Next she tries to jerk on the bonds holding her feet apart and tied to the tree, but there is virtually no slack in the ropes, and she gives up after a few moments.

"You can stop struggling right here, you’re only getting out of that if I set you free. And there’s no one else here to help you, either. You’re mine, and I intend to make the best of that. Not necessarily the best for you, though."
