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Beautiful Disaster

I see her swallow hard at my laugh, then her eyes go wide when I grab the faded blue fabric of the dress over her chest and tear, managing to rip it a good six inches on the first attempt. Leering into her eyes I hook my fingers into the ruined fabric and keep tearing, jostling her body hard in the process. With every rough pull the garment falls away further, revealing her creamy, rope adorned flesh to me. A last harder jerk and I’m done ripping the front completely, prompting her to utter a partly frightened, partly defiant sound.

Yanking the fabric aside I bare her fully to my gaze, before I bend down and catch first one of her ni**les, then the other between my lips, licking and sucking on them until they start puckering up. Then I turn my attention back to the ruined dress and light jacket and keep on ripping it to shreds.

Before long she’s completely naked except for the shoes – and socks –

with the torn fabric littering the floor around the tree. I step a little to the side so that her whole body is in the center focus of the camera, then start fondling her tits again, squeezing them roughly until I see the first fingerprint sized patches stay on the skin. I want her to carry away a few bruises from our adventure in the woods, and if she really wants to take things to the next level she’ll better not complain later.

Satisfied with the soft sounds she keeps making I let my hand move lower, over the ropes that cover her sex. First I pluck at them, then when I’m satisfied that they don’t really move I cup her pu**y and rub over the knots, stimulating her clit that way. Bella’s eyes roll back in her head for a moment and she moans, but the sound cuts off when I laugh at her tauntingly.

"So soaking wet already, looks like you’re really enjoying this."

She’s back to glaring at me then, and just for fun I slap her thigh hard a few times. Her teeth sink deeper into the rope of the gag but she doesn’t even grunt, and that simply won’t do. Stepping away from her I cast a quick look around, but in the end walk back to the backpack to get the leather flogger I’ve packed instead. I can always spice things up later.

Bella knows the impact toy well, it’s one of the heavier floggers that leave a thudding rather than stinging sensation, and I usually only use it on her juicy ass. Seeing me approach her now with my intent clear on my face turns most of her defiance into unease, but except for closing her eyes when she sees me take the first swing she doesn’t protest.

Even through the flogger can inflict quite a lot of pain I start slow and relatively gentle as I hit her outer thighs, taking away her anxiety while I go through the warm-up. After a while I see her relax, and even when I let my aim stray to her stomach and soft inner thighs she doesn’t seem frightened anymore. Apprehensive, yes, because she must know I will not keep it to slow and gentler strokes, but as with so many things, the actual sensation is obviously more pleasant for her than painful.

After a few minutes of that I stop to tease her ni**les a little more and rub her pu**y through the rope knots, before I return to flogging her – now also hitting her br**sts a few times. It seems to be an acquired taste as the first lighter strokes make her squeal and tense, but once the hits turn steady and a little harder she stops protesting. Varying my aim further I do a good job reddening most of the exposed parts of her body, in the end mostly centered on her tits and inner thighs. I’m pleasantly surprised how well she’s responding, and the moment I return to masturbating her, I am rewarded with a very nice lusty moan from her.

Time for phase two.

After making sure that the circulation in her fingers is still well – they are rosy and warm, so no concern there – I pick up the tatters of her dress and tear off a long chunk. She gives a soft sound of protest when I wind it around her head, making sure that while not cast in darkness, she can’t see anything, the fabric covering her face from the hairline down to her nose. To test if she’s really properly blindfolded I make as if to slap her face, but I know she can’t see anything when she doesn’t even tense up, let alone shy away.

Satisfied I twist her ni**les one last time before I pick up the flogger again to add a few even harder strokes on her tits. Bella shrieks at the first two, then clearly tries to fight the urge to make a sound, but she fails miserably.

"Don’t worry, no one can hear you out here," I taunt her, then add a slap with my open hand on her left breast. "But I love to hear you scream.

Makes my c**k even harder. Don’t you want to make me happy?"

Her grunt is parts defiant so I slap her other tit for good measure, too. The way my hand print stays visible for a second even over the reddened patches from the flogging is mesmerizing, so I do it again, and again. That only seems to feed her resistance as I can barely hear her gasp from the pain. But I want to hear those delicious sounds, and won’t stop until I get her to utter them.

When ten more hard slaps on her tits don’t accomplish my goal I reconsider my tactic, then grab her br**sts around the ni**les and aureoles – and pull upwards. She gasps, then tries to push her whole body with the motion as she rises onto the balls of her feet, so I take a step back from her, forcing her tits to extend in a direction she can’t follow. And then I just hold still there and wait.

At first I only hear her heavy, fast breathing, but as the seconds tick by a pained whimper becomes audible. It actually takes an added twist of her extended tits that breaks her stubbornness, and finally she gives in and screams. Not one of those stunted, partly swallowed sounds, either, but a real, agony laced shout that’s as much of a turn-on as it’s frightening.

I let go of her after three seconds that must be endless to her, then listen with satisfaction as she falls silent, but only to add a few sobs and sniffles to her calming breathing. She definitely deserves a small reward for toughing that out so I move close and stroke her tits gently, although at first the contact makes her cringe anyway. That changes a little when she feels me lap and suck on her tormented ni**les, while my other hand is back to rubbing her clit through the ropes.

All the while I listen closely to the sounds she makes – even hampered with the gag she can easily use her safeword if she wants to – but with the immediate sharp pain gone she looks ready to go on. Seeing her covered in rope with her skin red and a few marks that might turn into faint bruises later is a huge turn-on for me, and I have to get a grip on myself not to untie her feet and f**k her right away, but I’m not there yet. Instead I kiss her neck where I can reach it, and also her mouth over the gag, feeling her try to respond in kind. Grinning at her I let go of her again, but stay close enough that she can probably still feel the heat of my body next to hers. I study her for a while, enjoying how she keeps swiveling her hips slightly to increase the friction of the rope over her sex, and how hot she looks, helpless that she is.

And then I turn around, and making as much noise as possible without seeming to overdo it, I walk away from her. There’s a fallen tree only fifty yards North, that’s as far as I go, before I sit down and look back at where I’ve left her. Moving very carefully I untie my shoes and slip them off, so when I track back to crouch down next to the stump where the camera is resting on I’m barely making a sound.

At first she’s still enjoying the fact that I’ve stopped tormenting her, but then the lack of sound coming from the direction she must have heard me walk off to is starting to have an effect on her. She’s writhing in her bonds, her face turned that way as she obviously strains to hear – but there’s only the usual sounds of the forest.

Her head whips around when in the distance a twig snaps, then again when a few birds take flight to her left. I’m sure that deep down she knows I wont leave her alone, but she’s still uneasy – and as the minutes pass that unease slowly turns into uncomfortable restlessness.
