Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster


Another smile, but the way she keeps wringing her hands I wish she’s just go on, which she finally does after hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her pants.

"So, well, when I was over at Mandy’s last week to see her updated version of the design, we got talking, and one thing led to another, …" she trails off, then shrugs as she reaches into the cups of her bikini top to get rid of some cotton swaps, in the same motion pulling the top down to pool around her waist. "And then talking led to this."

I let my gaze follow the motions of her fingers as she plucks the fabric from her tits, revealing her ni**les hardened in the cool air of the room – and somewhat puffy from the barbells now piercing them. I feel a wry grin come to my face as I look back up to her face.


She laughs, the sound holding more relief than I think is warranted, but is at the same time so like her.

"Yeah, I’m such a rebel," she offers, then crosses her arms over her stomach in a way that squishes her br**sts together enticingly.

"So you like it?"

"A lot." As does my dick.

Bella smiles, her eyes for a moment jumping to my crotch, but then she goes on while she pulls the bikini top off completely.

"Of course that means that my poor, tormented ni**les are off limits for you for the next days. No sucking, licking, rubbing, twisting, pretty much no touching because I know how much of a temptation that all must be for you.

And me."

"Don’t you trust me to behave myself?"

She considers my question a little too long, but then grins brightly when she sees me frown.

"Of course I trust you. But I also don’t want to tease you too much if I can avoid it."

"Really." No question, but a statement.

"I’m not done yet," she offers in turn, then blushes, that in itself as adorable as it is strange. Unless, of course, that talking has lead to more still.


"No. You see, when we were done with the tattoo today and Mandy and I were in the back room, getting everything ready for my ni**les, I was kind of, ah, afraid. And she kept going on how the pain is not that bad, just like a harder pinch that’s over within a few seconds, and, you know me, of course I had to blurt out that I know I can take a lot more than just a few moments of pinching. I think she was still grinning knowingly when she told me to raise my arms so she could place the marks for the needle symmetrically, and I was still rambling when she took it out of the sterile wrapping – and then it was all over, really not more than a pinch, it was nearly disappointing. I mean now it hurts more, but I really thought it would be worse. Mandy was clearly amused by my reaction, and then quite casually told me that it doesn’t really get any worse anywhere else if I didn’t find the ni**les that painful. At least she didn’t feel like any of her other 27 piercings were much more painful. And of course I had to ask where else she’s pierced, with her tongue, lip, and ears leaving another 13 unaccounted for.

Then one thing led to another, and welll-"

"You’re rambling," I interrupt her gently, and Bella actually rolls her eyes at me.

"Yes, I know that I’m rambling! Sheesh! I’ve worked on that speech the whole way back and now you’re interrupting me!"

"I’m sorry."

"Yes, I can see just how sorry! Stop smirking like that, or I’ll insist on her fourteen days no sex safety instructions!"

Now that’s a threat if I’ve ever heard one.

"Fourteen days?"

"Well, some people insist on that," she replies haughtily, before her previous grin wins over again. "Anyway, what I was trying to say is that after piercing my ni**les was a nearly anti-climactic experience, as far as my worst fears went, I got a little light-headed. And cocky. Impulsive. Like I sometimes do when something I’ve been dreading turns out to be better than I’ve hoped for."

Very like her, I agree silently. I’ve seen it happen time and again, although right now I’m really wishing that she goes on and quits talking.

"Long story short, I finally got my courage back together after Mandy was done taping my ni**les up and asked her right away just how much worse the more, ah, fleshier parts of the female anatomy hurt. And she shrugged and said that depends on just how sensitive I am, to which I replied not that much, and -"

"And one thing led to another?" I helpfully supply, causing her to emit a cute growl.

"Yes, it did! So while you were sitting out there, all white in the face and sweating like a pig I ditched the other half of my clothes, jumped up onto Mandy’s chair and asked her if my labia were anatomicallysuited to be pierced. Happy now?"

"Very," I reply, now smirking at her defiance while my c**k is begging me to just shut up as not to incur her wrath. "Outer or inner?"

"Outer," she huffs back, then in an unconscious move she crosses her arms over her chest, which in turn makes her wince when she brushes against her sore ni**les. She tries to keep up her stubborn act but I can already see it crumbing, torn apart between her badly contained laughter and more wincing. "And seriously, that bitch must have a hell of a high pain tolerance, because that’s so not true with the not much worse!"

"Aw, come ‘ere!" I beckon her with my arms open, my belligerence instantly answered by her sticking her tongue out at me. But then she reconsiders her stance and crawls back onto the bed, letting me comfort her with a warm hug.

It has never been so hard to keep my hands mostly to myself, though.

Taking pity in me – or in herself as I am sure that even the soft fabric of her trousers must be irritating her – Bella finally peels the rest of her clothes off.

I grin at the sight of her white cotton panties, that choice telling me that she must have considered needing something less restricting than a thong when she got dressed this morning already, but wisely hold my tongue.

When they finally come off Bella remains lying on her side, her knees still pressed together, but at a gentle nudge from me she lets her thighs fall open so that I can catch a glimpse of the four rings now adorning her pu**y lips, two on each side.

"No touching, tugging, playing around with. Cleaning two times a day, I have to keep them as dry as I can manage. No tight clothing that can cause friction, and when I do have sex again, condoms until the wounds are closed. Healing time between three to six months," she murmurs, sounding very clinical as she does.

"Fourteen days, eh?" I ask again, the implication of that meaning a possible twenty-six days since I let her come the last time if she really sticks to it kind of baffling.

"Well," Bella hedges, "some say two weeks without sex. When she realized that was about the only thing making me hesitate Mandy told me that she didn’t last two hours herself when she got hers. But she advised, if possible, only doggie style, and still no touching of the piercings. Anal’s okay, though."

That last part makes me chuckle, and Bella lets her thighs fall closed again, but in a way that keeps the pressure off her tormented pu**y.

"I know you must find that incredibly funny, but seriously, twelve days is bad. Twice that much and I’ll be a tight-wound bundle of insanity."

"Do you really think I would keep you hanging that long?"

"You might," she muses, then grins at my playful frown. "As punishment for not talking with you about getting pierced beforehand maybe?"

"Why the hell should I do that?"

"Just a thought."

While she shrugs that off I feel like she needs a little more reassurance, so I wait until she looks at me again, gnawing on her bottom lip. Again.
