Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"Of course I wouldn’t. It’s your body, you can do with it whatever you want to. You don’t need my permission for that, or anyone else’s."

I’m glad she doesn’t seem surprised at my words, but definitely relieved.

"Thank you for being so thoughtful."

"Thank you for being such a smart-ass," I retort, then kiss her with more heat than before as I let my mind run high with the possibilities her quest for rebellion – or whatever it is, I really don’t mind either way – now opens for me. Her answering moan makes me want to just f**k the living shit out of her – which right now I obviously can’t.


She looks at me weirdly when I disengage myself from her, chuckling under my breath, but she doesn’t protest when I ditch my own clothes in turn. My arm is burning under the bandage and the urge to rip it off and scratch is at the forefront of my mind even with my c**k screaming for attention, and I wonder for a moment just how much worse that all must be for her. That makes me somewhat obliged to help her scratch that one itch I can, at the moment.

"So what do you want to do about that twelve days situation?"

"You’re really asking me this?"

Her disbelief causes another chuckle to escape me, this one a lot darker.

"I’m open to suggestions. But if you don’t want to offer any, we can just roll over and go to sleep -"

"No, no, suggestions sound good!" Bella muses about that for a few seconds, then frowns. "You know, this new temporary living arrangement is one huge cockblock!"

"Last time I checked it was just the two of us here."

"Yeah, but we can’t really do anything downstairs!"

"We still have the bed," I offer. "Most people don’t even know you can have sex outside of it."

"Very funny." She considers the soft, dark duvets we’re right now lying on, although I wonder if she’s not just stealthily eyeing my cock. "Do you just want to f**k, or more?"

"Do you?"

She grins, then shrugs, the motion ending in a slight wince that I presume hails from the sore skin on her shoulder blade.

"I’d love to say I’m in for everything you wanna dish out, but right now I think that would be a moment of massive delusion. And quite frankly, I’m way too horny to just make sweet, sweet love here."

That is quite obvious from the perpetual flush on her cheeks, and when my eyes keep wanting to zoom from her face down to her tits, I get an idea.

The sad fact is, if I f**k her from behind kneeling on the bed, I’m taking half of the fun from myself. But there are ways to avoid that. Taking her hand I draw her off the bed and to her feet, then start walking us towards the bathroom.

"Uh, you heard that part about not spending ages in the shower, right?"

Bella reminds me, earning a stern look from me in turn.

"I’m not stupid. And I don’t want to ravage you in the shower, either."

Leaving her standing at the door I hunt down the low plastic stool we keep under the sink so that Bella can reach the upper part of the towel rack herself and doesn’t need me to fetch them all the time.

"Up with you onto the stool, and your other leg goes up onto the countertop," I tell her in a quiet but firm tone, and have to hide a smirk at how she visibly snaps from her tightly wound state into a more relaxed, meeker demeanor.

Having her naked ass right in front of my c**k calls for a lesson in restraint from me, but I do my best to try to ignore her juicy bits for the moment. The way she is standing now leaves her not only open and available to me, but at the perfect height so I don’t have to slouch, a definite advantage for me –

and in the end for her, too. Yet instead of doing what I really want – to grab her hips and f**k her senseless – I reach around her on both sides of her body to switch on the faucet, washing my hands with soap while her eyes never stray from my face.

A light shiver runs through her when she feels my wet fingers on her shoulder, then another when I slowly peel off the bandage over her tattoo and clean it gently with more water, before I do the same with mine. Her skin is slightly red and irritated but less so than mine, and it takes a lot of me not to lean in and ghost my lips over the lily petal blooming across her shoulder blade. I know enough about basic hygiene – and way too much about the serious implications of not keeping it up – to know that my mouth has no place anywhere Mandy’s glove covered fingers went today, but it’s still hard not to touch Bella wherever I want to. I nevertheless take my time admiring the design in the right light, before I turn my head so I can look at her face in the mirror.

"Beautiful," I murmur, then kiss her shoulder – well away from the irritated skin – before I reach around her for the drawer where we stash the lube. I am aware that she is following every motion of my hands intently, but when I glance up to her face her eyes snap straight ahead again, causing a sly smile to appear on my own.

"I don’t mind you watching me. As long as you know your proper place."

"Yes, Master."

"Good girl," I whisper into her hair as I squirt a generous amount of the viscous liquid onto my fingers. Bella tenses a little when I reach down and spread her ass cheeks with one hand unceremoniously, then sighs softly as she feels two of my fingers push into her rectum, her own fingers clenched on the stone of the counter until she’s able to relax around the intrusion. I take my time rotating my fingers inside of her to spread the lube everywhere, before I begin f**king her like that for a while. She can’t really contribute much friction of her own as she’s already on her tiptoes to keep the strain off her raised leg, but from the moans and cut off sighs I can tell how much she enjoys this – while I enjoy the way her swollen ni**les bounce along with her br**sts with every breath she takes and every thrust she responds to.

Long before I expect her to she starts begging me to let her come, and I slow down a little to drag out her sweet torment. Then again it has been twelve days since last I let her come, and it’s obvious that the slight pain from the piercings is taking a heavy toll on her stamina. When she realizes that I have no intention of letting her off the hook – yet – Bella looks ready to snarl in my face, earning herself a hard slap on her ass after I withdraw my fingers.

"I can stop right now, you know," I taunt, snorting when I see the panic in her eyes. Exhaling loudly, I watch her intently as she closes her eyes and tries to regain what little calm she can muster, trying hard to appease me.

"I know, Master."

"Then why are you acting like a petulant child? Maybe you want to be tucked in like a little girl, too? I think it’s way past your bedtime anyway."

Heat surges into her cheeks at my condescending tone, this kind of humiliation obviously not her thing.

"I’m sorry, Master. It wasn’t my intent to act like that."

I’m mollified by the raspy quality of her voice, speaking plainly of how much she wants to grit her teeth and curse at me but doesn’t, and slide my fingers back into her, but even before I feel her relax again something else occurs to me. Grabbing her hair with my free hand I wrench her head back so that I can easily growl into her ear, and the suddenly triumphant look on her face just underlines my suspicion.

"You think you deserve some kind of mercy or leniency from me because you’re hurting right now?"

She doesn’t reply, just sinks her teeth into her full bottom lip, but that’s enough of a response for me.

"You manipulative little piece of shit."

Definitely not the reaction from me she has been hoping for, and I can feel her whole body go rigid with indignation. Even though turning her head must hurt her scalp from the way I’m holding her, she tries to look at me directly, her gaze heavy with need and trepidation alike. We keep up the staring duel for at least ten seconds, then her lids threaten to flutter closed when I resume f**king her with my fingers. I have to admit, the fact that she doesn’t just roll over and plays meek is a turn-on for me, but at the same time I’m starting to resent that double-edged game she thinks she can play with me. I know it’s a very fine line between playful defiance and ungrateful mutiny, but she can’t really learn to hit the right spot without me drawing the lines, right?
