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Beautiful Disaster

"Look at me. I haven’t allowed you to close your eyes."

Immediately her lids open again and she glares back at me, but from the way her throat constricts convulsively I know she’s trying hard to get a firmer hold on her temper. And as I keep thrusting my fingers into her, her will slowly wins over her temper, her glare soon toning down to a pleading look that is only moderately laced with resentment. Not much of an improvement, but still progress.

Placated yet not satisfied, I finally let go of her completely and take a step back, and notice with new amusement how she rolls her shoulders in discontent at the loss of contact between us. Part of me is tempted to just leave her like that and take care of my hard-on myself – or f**k her throat –

but while I love indulging my cruel streak, I think she has finally started to learn the lesson, and a little bit of positive incentive might help a lot more than pushing her to her breaking point.

I still don’t hurry as I put on a condom and slather my c**k with lube, stroking my shaft until I’m fully hard. Bella keeps watching me, her brows knitted as if she’s afraid I will just keep her like this another day, but when I step back up to her and push the head of my dick into her ass without further ado the frown is quickly replaced by a look of bliss. Picking up a leisurely pace I push into her a little more with each thrust, always withdrawing until I’m on the brink of sliding out of her, ending up with slow, deep thrusts that make her whole body rock. Wound up as she is I feel her bear down on my c**k very soon, but I keep up the slow rhythm, one hand around her hip, the other on her raised thigh, as much to steady her as hold her in place.

"Do you think I should let you come today?"

I can feel her clench harder around me as she contemplates the idea, but instead of the onslaught of pleas I’ve expected, she holds her tongue. I’m about to bark at her for not answering me when she drops her head, the motion bowing her back enough that for a moment it is pressed flush against my chest. I halt, buried balls deep inside of her, when I hear her voice low and husky as she’s talking more to herself than to me.

"I really don’t want to be so defiant, I don’t want to feel like I’m fighting you every step of the way, but I can’t help it! I am a spoiled little brat, so used to getting what I need in abundance that suddenly deprived of all that I can’t not feel partly rejected and treated unfairly."

I wonder for a moment if she wants me to stop entirely, or at least step out of playing as she hasn’t used any form of appellation, but when she goes on it’s obvious that neither is the case.

"Master, I’m sorry that I can’t be your meek little slut. Well, at least not the meek part." She laughs, a breathless, cut-off sound, and finally she raises her head again, pushing it against my shoulder so that her face is next to mine as she catches and holds my gaze over the mirror. "I’ve tried, so hard, but I just can’t! If that’s what you want, I’m sorry, but I’m failing by such a long shot, it’s ridiculous. So if you’ll only let me come if I overcome that will to rebel, you can stop right there because I know I’ll never really get there. I can play meek and docile, but I’m not, and I won’t lie to you, Master."

By the end of that her voice is low and shaking, and it’s obvious that it’s costing her a lot to admit defeat. Yet there is no hint of dejection in her tone

– it’s not defiance that’s making her say this, but honesty. And with honesty I can always deal.

She is surprised when I turn my head and kiss her cheek softly, but she relaxes when she feels my lips skim over her ear.

"I’m not asking you to be all docile and meek if you don’t feel comfortable with that," I tell her, letting my nose continue to caress her jaw. "Any form of your submission is a wonderful gift to me." That paints a smile onto her face, a smile that is still on her lips when I reach up and wrench her head back until she gasps. "But if you don’t give me what I’m asking from you, I’ll just have to take it, right?"

I don’t wait for my words to sink in but start f**king her with fast, deep thrusts right away that push her hard against the counter, Bella nearly losing her balance except that she can’t slip away with my body pinning her in place. My fingers still twisted in her hair I push her head to the side so that I can scrape my teeth along the side of her neck, then bite into the soft flesh there hard enough for her to cry out – and leave a hint of a mark.

Her whole body is tensed up by the time I look at her face again, but her eyes, half closed now, are dark and full of lust, showing me what I want much more than the act of subservience she has been talking about – her true enjoyment of being made to submit to me.

That as much as the wonderful sensation of her clenching so hard around my c**k makes me come, and I finish with a few last, rough pumps into her. Her whole body is shaking when I sag down on her, forcing her to take part of my weight as well, adding a different kind of physical strain to the one she’s been under for nearly two weeks now. She grunt in turn, the sound turning desperate when she feels my spent c**k slip out of her when I pull her raised leg down, and for a minute or so I enjoy watching her war with the knowledge that yes, she will go unsatisfied for yet another day. No longer hiding her struggle I see the emotions run over her face, not for the first time feeling that sense of power that I have over her – and loving every second of it.

She grunts again and tries to turn her head away when I kiss her softly, a silent gesture that so many guys use to apologize to their girlfriends when they, once again, didn’t get their needy women off, but she knows that I’m just gloating at her this way, and that doesn’t sit well. But I persist, and eventually she turns her head enough so that I can press my lips against hers, and after a little prodding she lets my tongue in.

This way her cry is muffled when she feels three of my fingers push back into her abused ass, but I feel her melt into me a second later. Smirking at her for a moment as I pull my head back I see her smile at me with gratitude, but that is drowned by another yelp when I push her upper body down onto the cold, hard stone of the counter top, forcing her to lose her balance. I hold her securely enough so that it doesn’t matter that she can’t reach the stool anymore, and after a moment of flailing her legs she goes still, thankfully not kicking my shin or knee.

"You like that, don’t you?" I hiss into her ear, then stop with my fingers deep inside of her to let her calm down enough so she can answer.

"Yes, Master!"

I laugh at her, trying to sound derisive but can’t quite pull it off, and hear her chuckle between two pants. In retaliation I pull my fingers out of her and spank her hard a few times, hard enough to make my palm burn, but her shrieks are definitely worth it. Then I’m back to making her come on my fingers while I lean over over her, my nose only inches away from her face.

"I want you to hold out as long as you can. We both know that you’re so close, and that you can’t win this if I forbid you to come. But because you’ve been such a good little whore these past weeks I won’t be that mean this time. Although if I feel like you’re not trying hard enough not to come, I won’t be so lenient next time."

Unable to really formulate a response she nods her head frantically, and her whole body seizes up when she tries to fight her impending orgasm.

Without a watch it’s hard to tell how long it takes her to lose the fight against herself but it’s longer than I’ve expected, making it obvious that I’m still going too soft on her. When she finally comes it’s with a loud, drawn-out shout, her whole body bucking underneath me. While impressive in its force, I assume that one climax is not everything I can get out of her, and when I just keep on she reaches a second one a minute later. Only when she sags down in herself completely do I stop, leaving her as a shivering, spent mess, half slid down from the counter.
