Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(17)
Author: Ashley Blake

We got dressed and went off campus to enjoy dinner together. It was a balmy fall evening as we walked back to campus, hand in hand, and I knew that our time together was about to end.  I was more upset about it than I expected and I got really quiet as we got closer to the dorm.

“What’s wrong sweetie?”

“Our weekend is just about over and I was spoiled being able to spend so much time with you.  I don’t want to go back to the real world, not yet.”

“I know but look at it this way, I’m right downstairs if you want to see me any time you want.  You know you can always come down whenever you want.  You practically live in my room anyway.”

He let go of my hand and put his arm around me and I leaned my head against him as we walked into the dorm.  We paused by the stairs and he gently ran his finger down my cheek.

“I better check email to see if there are any urgent messages from the administration.  We’re supposed to have a big meeting one day this week but they hadn’t set a date before we left for Thanksgiving.  You’re more than welcome to sleep in my room tonight Sky.”

“I wish, but Katie is going to kill me if I don’t fill her in on the weekend.  She’ll want to chat all night since we haven’t seen each other for a few days.”

He looked disappointed but agreed.  “Okay, well I’ll come by to say goodnight before I go to bed.”

“Okay, sounds good.  I’ll see you later.”

He smiled at me as his lips touched mine. “See you later beautiful.”

A feeling of sadness overwhelmed me as I watched him walk down the stairs.  This is silly Sky!  You’re going to see him in a few hours and he’s right downstairs!  I had it bad for Jonathan Hunter.

Chapter Eight

I was unpacking my bag when Katie came in, dropped her suitcase, and rushed over to give me a huge hug.

“Oh my gosh, I missed you! So tell me, how was Thanksgiving?”

She took off her coat, threw it over the back of her desk chair, took off her boots and sat on her bed, legs crossed and eyes bright and wide open waiting to hear what I had to say.  I couldn’t help but laugh because she didn’t even take the time to take off her hat.

“Um, Katie I think you forgot something there.” I looked her head and raised my eyebrows.

“Oh!” She laughed herself and pulled her hat off her head. “I’m just dying to hear what happened!”

“Well, for the most part it was pretty awesome.”

She looked worried. “What do you mean for the most part?  Did Barbi do something?”

"No, I had a bit of a rocky start with one of Jonathan’s sisters. The girl just did not like me when she first met me, but by the time I left everything was fine between us.”

“Oh, wow, okay, well overall how did the rest of the weekend go?”

"Katie, I had so much fun and they were all so nice to me.  Jonathan’s grandma, Bunny, is this feisty little lady and she doesn’t hold her tongue at all.  It was so hilarious when Barbi showed up because she was wearing her standard low-cut, boobs out, too tight trampy outfit and Bunny told her to go change because no one wanted to see her bosom. She actually said the word bosom in front of everyone. Barbi turned beet red, turned around and left the room to go change.”

“Serves her right, she should have known better. So what was the rest of his family like?”

"They were so awesome. A bunch of us went ice skating the morning of Thanksgiving and it gave me a chance to get to know his sister Claire who’s in her mid 20’s, she was super cool, and I really liked her.  Abby is her twin and that’s the one that didn’t like me, but it turned out that she was so nasty to me because she was preoccupied with boyfriend stuff.  Her boyfriend, who is super hot by the way, showed up at the skating rink and when her dad saw him he came rushing out of the recreation area and yelled at the guy across the rink.”

“You’re kidding!”

“No, seriously, her boyfriend took off running and it looked like her dad wanted to kill the guy, there was definitely no love lost there. So, Abby was bummed about what was going on with her boyfriend and she was kind of being a bitch to everyone.  I guess they have really bad fights because he kicked her out of the car on the side of the road the day before Thanksgiving, and I think that was the final straw with her parents.  Anyway, he was the reason that she was in such a foul mood and it had nothing to do with me, so I was happy about that.  The rest of the weekend was all about quality time with the family so everyone just kind of hung out, relaxed, played some games and just had a really good time.”

“Well it sounds like it was a good trip, how are things with you and Jonathan?”

"Honestly Katie, every day with him gets better than the day before. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel like this, it’s been pretty amazing.  He’s amazing.”

"I’m so happy for you Sky, I know you guys are meant to be together and I think I called it at the beginning of the year, so I should probably pat myself on the back.”  She gave me a silly smile and reached behind her back to pat her shoulders.

“Okay there missy, don’t go getting a big head or anything, but yes, I will agree that you did call this.  I guess I was just too scared to believe that this could really turn into something.”

“Well, it’s turned in the something great and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter is for you guys.”

“Okay, enough about me, what about you, how was your Thanksgiving?”

“It was good, it was your typical Thanksgiving dinner with tons of family, nothing out of the ordinary to report.  It was really good to see everyone.”

“And Mike, did you talk to him at all?”  I gave her a knowing smile.

“Yes, he called me every day, he’s really sweet Sky.”

“I know, I can tell he’s a good guy so I’m really happy that you guys are together.  Hey Jonathan’s band is playing this Friday at that place in town, do you want to go see them?  It’ll be a nice break from studying for finals.”

“Yeah! I need my fix of Sonic Blaze!  I’ll invite Mike and a few other people, that will be so fun, now I can’t wait until Friday!”

We chatted for a little longer while we unpacked and then we went to go find some of the other girls to ask about their Thanksgiving break.

The rest of the week there was a nervous energy all over campus as we got closer to finals.  I had two papers to finish and two finals to study for so I basically lived at the library and was completely buried in the books.  Jonathan would meet me at the library to study most days and then I would sleep in his room with him every night. I couldn’t wait for finals to be over but I was also sad because Christmas break was coming and I knew that I wouldn’t see him for almost 3 weeks.
