Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(18)
Author: Ashley Blake

A bunch of us went to see his band that Friday and we all had a really fun time.  For the next couple of weeks the only time I saw any of my friends was if I passed them on campus, or had a class with them.  Jonathan and Katie were the only two I saw every day.  There was a big party on the last night of finals and everyone was in a great mood because we were free for a few weeks.

After the party, Jonathan and I were lying in bed chatting about how happy we were that finals were over and talked again about what we were doing over Christmas break.  Jonathan and his family were going to their house in Aspen and I was going home to Chicago.  I knew it wouldn’t be as glamorous as his trip but I was really looking forward to seeing my parents and my brother and sister.  We both hated that we wouldn’t see each other for so long but promised to talk on the phone or Skype every day.

“Three whole weeks Jonathan?  This sucks, I am going to miss you so much.”

I didn’t even try to hide the pout on my face.

“I know sweetie, I’ll miss you too but the time will fly by, you’ll see.  It has too.”

He was trying to stay positive for me but I could see that he was also upset.  It gave me me a little bit of comfort to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling down.  We drifted off to sleep holding each other tight, not wanting to let go.

The next day we were all leaving and he came to my room to say goodbye.  I was one of the last ones leaving so I had already said goodbye to Katie and the other girls.

I hugged Jonathan when he walked into my room and I did not want to let go.  “You’ll call every day?”  My eyes filled with tears as we stood in my room.

His sad eyes searched mine, desperate and full of love. “Every single day, I promise.”


He reached into his pocket and handed me a small wrapped box.   “This is for you but you can’t open it until Christmas morning.”

I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

I walked over to my closet and pulled out the gift box I had for him.  “This is for you.”

“Sky, you didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to and you can’t open it until Christmas day.”

He gently caressed my cheek with his finger.  “Thank you.  Well, I better get going.  Have a safe flight home.”

I tried to smile at him.  “You too.”

He leaned down and gently touched his lips to mine.  “Time will fly by and we’ll see each other again in no time, trust me.  I love you, Sky.”

I hugged him tight.  “I love you too.”

Chapter Nine

I missed Jonathan like crazy but it was really good to be home.  I hadn’t seen my brother in months and it was really good to have almost all of us together again.  My sister Samantha, her husband Mark and baby Sophie were spending Christmas day with her in-laws in Arizona and they were coming to Chicago after the New Year.

Every Christmas since I was a little girl I always woke up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning and rushed out to the living room to see the presents under the tree.  This year was no exception but the first present I wanted to open was the gift from Jonathan.

I was the first one awake so I went around the house to wake up everyone else.

My mom groaned as she tried to bury herself under the covers.  “Just a few more minutes Skylar, please.”

It was like I had reverted to a five-year-old because I hopped on their bed and started jumping up and down saying ‘time to open presents!’  My mom started giggling and Jay groaned but knew that he had to get up.  I had done the same thing to them every year since they were married so they knew to expect it.

“Okay honey, we’ll be right down.”  That satisfied me so I moved on to wake up my brother.

I walked into his room and gently shook him.  “Stephen, time to wake up, time to open presents.”

“Okay Sky, just give me five more minutes.”

I closed his door and hopped down the stairs to the tree.  There were a bunch of presents under the tree but half of them were for Sophie, and my sister would open those when they came to visit a few days later.  I sat under the tree and held the present from Jonathan in my hand, wondering what could be inside.  A couple of minutes later my sleepy family came downstairs to join me and we gathered around the Christmas tree.

My mom smiled at me and shook her head as she pointed at the gift in my hand.  “I see you have your first present that you’re ready to open.”

“Yep, this is from Jonathan.”

“Oh, well let’s see what he got you honey, I’m sure it’s something special.”

I carefully tore off the wrapping paper to see a simple red box.  When I opened it I gasped and my eyes filled with tears.

“What is it honey, why are you crying?”

My mom looked concerned and then I held up the box so she could see and her eyes filled with tears also.  My step-dad and brother looked at the gift and then looked at each other and gave approving smiles.

“Oh Sky, that is such a thoughtful and beautiful gift.”  My mom was smiling as she got a closer look.

On a dainty gold chain was a small charm of a bouquet of sunflowers.  I opened the card next and it said, “Two men who love you will now always be close to your heart.  Merry Christmas Sky, I love you.  Jonathan.”

I knew that my dad would have liked Jonathan if he’d had the chance to meet him, but these subtle signs were his way of telling me that he was watching over me to make sure I was okay and that he approved.  I would cherish the necklace forever.

We opened the rest of our gifts and then got dressed to go over to my grandparent’s house.  Both sets of grandparents would be there so I was really looking forward to seeing them.

The rest of my Christmas vacation was pretty uneventful except that I talked with Jonathan every day and we used Skype every night to say good night to each other.  I was only able to see my sister and her family for one night and I was absolutely in love with Sophie, she was the prettiest baby I had ever seen.

My family was sad to see me leave but I had to get back to school and I couldn’t wait to see Jonathan.  I hugged everyone goodbye and told them I would see them again soon.

Chapter Ten

I practically ran into the dorm, dropped off my suitcase in my room, which showed no signs of Katie, and ran downstairs to Jonathan’s room.  He was chatting with a couple of the guys and I had to stop myself from running to him and flinging my arms around him.  He looked so gorgeous and the butterflies were going crazy in my belly as I knocked lightly on his door.
