Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(8)
Author: Ashley Blake

“Oh good, I’m glad. What did she want to talk to you about?”

"She just let me know that this wasn’t the world that she grew up in and what matters most to your family is how much you all care about each other. This is all so new for me and I’m just not used to being around people who have so much.  I know I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record, but it’s true and I was beginning to feel really insecure about it. But she really put me at ease and I feel so much more comfortable now. I think I’m going to really enjoy myself here with you guys this weekend.”

"I hope so Sky.  While we’re talking about that, I have to apologize for my sister Abby, she can be a real bitch sometimes and I just didn’t expect her to treat you like that, you didn’t deserve that.”

"Yeah, what was her deal? Your sister Claire was the polar opposite of Abby, she was so sweet to me. I don’t think Abby likes me, and she doesn’t even know me!”

"It’s not personal, Abby has her issues and has this silly feud with Claire, there’s a long-standing sibling rivalry there which has never really been resolved. Claire tries to talk to her but Abby doesn’t seem to want to let her get close.  Our parents have even suggested counseling for them but Abby doesn’t want to do it, so they continue to argue but deep down I know that they love each other. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.”

“Wow, heavy.”

"Tell me about it.  Anyway, let’s not let that ruin our time here this weekend, Abby will just have to get over herself and my mom will see to it that she does.  Are you ready to go downstairs and have some delicious hot chocolate?”

“Sure, let’s go.”

Chapter Three

We were sitting around the dinner table when I heard a familiar voice enter the room.

“Hi everyone, sorry I’m so late.  I couldn’t fly with Jonathan and Sky so I had to fly commercial and my flight was delayed.”

Barbi strolled in wearing a low cut tight sweater, tight jeans, tall black boots and a mink fur, her blonde extensions flowing down her back.  She looked ridiculous.

“Hi Barbi, why did you have to fly commercial?”  Abby looked thoroughly concerned at the thought, like the world was ending.

“Jonathan thought it was best that I get my own flight.”

Um, girl, you’re not going to throw him under the bus like that.  I surprised myself because I didn’t even hesitate to defend him in front of everyone.

“Barbi, we both know he had his reasons.  If you had not tried to break us up, he would have welcomed you on the flight with us, right?”  My eyes held hers as she tried to look away.

She looked visibly uncomfortable as she was forced to tell the truth, and all eyes were on her.

She glared at me and then answered me.  “Yes, and I apologized for the misunderstanding.”  Her glare became even stronger.

We had settled things back in the park that day, but it had not turned into any sort of friendship, not by a long shot.  I had tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and I thought she might have had some redeeming qualities, but I wasn’t seeing them and I still didn’t trust the girl and neither did Jonathan.

"Let’s be clear Barbi, there was no misunderstanding, you blatantly tried to break us up.  But we’ve already covered that and it’s water under the bridge now, so let’s move on.”

I glanced around the table and realized that his family was looking at me with awe and admiration, everyone but Abby, of course.

“Jonny, sweetheart, this girl is a keeper.” Bunny had a big grin on her face as she winked at Jonathan, and then her look turned to disgust as her eyes landed on Barbi’s outfit.

“Barbara please go change into more appropriate clothing, no one here is interested in seeing your bosom and the outline of your figure.”  Bunny did not mince words and I really liked that about her.  Jonathan was right when he told me she was the spryest little thing I would ever meet.

Barbi’s cheeks turned beet red as she sulked away to go change her clothes.

"Ethan really needs to get that girl under control, she looks atrocious and she’s making our family look bad.  I don’t want our family to be associated with someone like that. Joshua, Jake, I want both of you to have a talk with Ethan about that girl.  She needs to shape up and be quick about it.”  Bunny was not happy.

“Yes mother.”  Both men spoke in unison.

It was really interesting to me to see what the general consensus was about Barbi in that family. The only person who seemed to like her in that room was Abby, and after the way they both treated me, that should not have come as any sort of surprise.

“Well, it’s getting late, we’ve had a tough few days at school, tons of work, so we’re going to turn in, if that’s okay with everyone.”

"You are most certainly not going to turn in with Skylar young man, we have raised you better than that. You may walk her to her room and say good night and then I expect for you to go to your room to retire for the evening. Do we understand each other?”  Mr. Hunter’s voice was firm as he furrowed his brow at Jonathan.

"Dad, I didn’t mean that she and I were going to go retire in a room together, I meant that we’re both very tired and going to go retire to our individual rooms, that’s all.”

“Okay, good, I’m glad to hear that. Well, you two get some rest and we will see you in the morning for breakfast.  Skylar, if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Okay, Mr. Hunter, thank you.  Goodnight everyone, I will see you all in the morning.”

Jonathan closed the door behind us after we entered my room and he immediately gathered me in his arms and gave me a soft, sensual kiss. “I have been waiting to do that all day.”

“Jonathan, we can’t do that because I won’t want to stop and we have to stop since we’re in your parent’s house.  I don’t want to do anything to make them not like me.  I already have an uphill battle with Abby, which I can handle, but I don’t want to have an uphill battle with the rest of your family. Things are good right now with everyone so we’ll have to wait to be together until we get back to school.”

“Okay, but you have to at least give me little pecks.  I can’t go the entire weekend without kissing you Sky.”

“Okay, here, is this what you want?”

I pulled him down to me and gave him a soft lingering peck.
