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Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(9)
Author: Ashley Blake

“Or is this what you want?”  I pulled him down to me for a longer kiss and I was a total hypocrite because I got caught up in the kiss and I didn’t want to stop.  I was doing exactly what I just told him I couldn’t do.  But I couldn’t help myself because he was so sexy.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him as his tongue slid over mine.  His fingers laced through my hair, grabbing fistfuls as his kiss became more needing and wanting.  I pressed my body against his and I laced my fingers through his hair as a soft moan escaped my lips.  I could feel his arousal and I wished so badly that we were back at the dorm in his room so that I could let him have his way with me.  His hands roamed slowly over my body, cupping my br**sts and squeezing my behind and my core began to throb, aching to be filled.

I suddenly pulled away and we were both panting like animals in heat.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, especially when I knew how difficult it would be for me to stop.  I want to be with you so badly but we have to wait until we get back to school.   We’re going to have to be good while we’re here, right?”

He looked at me and gently ran his hand over my hair, letting a finger slowly caress my cheek and then slide across my bottom lip.

“Yes, sweetie, we’ll be good.  But when we get back to school, you better be ready because I have a lot of lost time with you to make up for.”  His voice was raw as he ground out the words.

His eyes were filled with lust as they held mine and the butterflies were going crazy in my belly, the good butterflies this time.

“I better go to my room before I don’t have the strength to leave you.  Good night my love, sleep well.”  He leaned down and gave me a sweet peck on the cheek, his stubble lightly grazing my skin, before leaving my room.

I got ready for bed and crawled under the covers feeling as if I was on cloud nine.  I drifted off to sleep thinking of kisses from Jonathan.

Chapter Four

The next morning Jonathan came to my room to get me for breakfast and if it was even possible, I think he looked more gorgeous than he had the day before.

“Good morning sunshine, how did you sleep?”

“I slept like a baby, I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a more comfortable bed in my life.  How did you sleep, honey?”

“Honey, I like that.  I also slept like a baby.  Knowing that you were here probably had a lot to do with it.  So, are you ready for today?”

I gave him a curious look. “What do you mean? What’s going on today besides Thanksgiving dinner?”

"Ice-skating!  We didn’t mention it last night because my aunt Lauren likes guests to be a little bit surprised when they hang out with us.  Her best friend came to visit once and had no idea about the ice skating trip, and tried to get out of it, but aunt Lauren wouldn’t let her and she ended up having the best time!  Every single person in my family loves to go ice-skating because no one knows how to do it very well.  We all end up falling on our butts and laughing our heads off, but it is so much fun.”

“I had no idea you like to ice skate!  I love ice-skating! How soon are we going?”

“The car will pick us up after breakfast, but you’ll have time to change into more ice-skating appropriate clothes first.”

“Okay, sounds good.  I’m starved, let’s go eat!”

After breakfast I quickly changed my clothes and met Jonathan by the front door.  The car was waiting for us outside and we were riding with Abby, Claire and Barbi.  I wasn’t too thrilled about that but I didn’t have much say in the matter so I decided to put on a happy face.

Barbi was barely speaking to me after our exchange the night before and Abby wouldn’t even look in my direction. Thank goodness Claire was there to break the ice otherwise it would have been super awkward if it was just me, Jonathan, Abby and Barbi in the car.

“So Skylar, do you like to ice skate?”  Thankfully Claire broke the ice.  I think Jonathan was completely oblivious to the tension being directed toward me from Abby and Barbi.

I perked up and was happy to talk to her.  “I do, I go every winter back home.”

“Oh good, you and I can race aunt Lauren.  You wouldn’t think it because she’s older, but she can still fly around the rink like nobody’s business.”

“Oh fun, I love a challenge!  Is the rink big?”

She answered but I didn’t hear her because all I could hear was the snide comment Abby whispered in Barbi’s ear.

“Look at the new best friends.”

They both giggled quietly and I have to say my feelings were hurt.  I had tried to be nice to Barbi, even after what she did with the whole being in Jonathan’s bed thing, and Abby didn’t even know me and wasn’t giving me any kind of chance at all.  I was starting to think that the person I was seeing was who she really was.  The whole ‘I’m sorry I’m being a jerk to you because I broke up with my boyfriend’ story was no longer going to fly with me.  The girl just didn’t like me and I didn’t know what to do about it.

“Abby, is there a problem?”  Claire’s voice was firm.

Abby sneered at her.  “Are you my keeper or something?  No, there isn’t a problem.  Do you have a problem?”

“Come on you guys, cut it out.  Do you have to fight every single time we all get together?  Can we just agree to be polite around my guest?  Abby that question was for you.”  Exasperation was written all over Jonathan’s face and the firm tone in his voice left no room for back talk.  Even though he was the younger brother, he had an authority with his sisters that went way beyond his young years, and to my surprise they actually listened to him.

Abby looked apologetic and smiled at him. “I’m sorry Jonny, can you forgive me?”

His eyes were cold as they searched hers.

“Are you forgetting something?”

She glanced at me and I could see that it was a struggle for her to speak to me.  “I’m sorry about that comment Skylar.  I just haven’t been myself since my boyfriend broke up with me.”

That excuse was getting really old but I didn’t want to seem confrontational so I just smiled and didn’t say anything.

“That’s better, now let’s all have fun at the rink.”  Jonathan seemed to be satisfied with what she said but I knew that she wasn’t being sincere.
