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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(19)
Author: Ashley Blake

I glanced over at Barbi and she was watching us like a hawk and I didn’t care.  I was happy that she saw us together because hopefully she would get the message that he liked me and not her.

My mom gave me a quick glance after she was introduced to Barbi and I could tell that she was not a fan.  Barbi was sticky sweet to my parents and my mom and Jay could spot a fake person from a mile away.

My parents and Jonathan’s parents chatted like old friends in the car and Jonathan and I chimed in every now and then, but Barbi was silent and I could tell that she felt out of place.  If it wasn’t for her, the scene would have been perfect.  I discreetly pinched my arm in the car to make sure that all of this was real.  It was so surreal yet seemed so natural that Jonathan and I were out to dinner with our parents and the night was almost perfect, except for Boobs McGee.

After we were seated, our parents started chatting away but the conversation never turned to what each one did for a living.  I was kind of surprised by that because I thought that that was what adults talked about first.  I’m sure my mom was relieved that she didn’t have to talk about it.  She didn’t love that she worked in a grocery store, but it paid the bills and provided secondary insurance for us.

Dinner flew by quickly even though we were there for over two hours.  I couldn’t believe how well my parents and Jonathan’s parents were getting along.  Jonathan and I chatted about the weekend festivities for the fam and Barbi was literally pouting throughout the entire dinner because she was not really a part of either conversation.  Ugh, She’s so annoying.

The night had been nearly perfect, minus Barbi’s presence, and we were getting ready to dive into dessert when the mood suddenly changed.  Mr. Hunter directed the question to me.

“Skylar, have you seen Jonathan’s band play?”  There was definite tension behind that question.

“I have, I saw them a few weeks ago, and they were awesome!”  I was beaming because I was happy that I had the opportunity to let his parents know how talented I thought he was.  Little did I know that was the wrong thing to do.

I glanced over at Jonathan and I could see the irritation on his face and then I glanced at his father and his jaw looked razor sharp as he clenched his teeth.

“We like to encourage all of our children’s little hobbies, but I hope that Jonathan hasn’t graced the stage with his presence too many times.”

I didn’t know what to say to that and thankfully Jonathan jumped in.

“Dad, I know what my priorities are, okay?  There is nothing to worry about.”

He did not look happy at all as the words spilled out of his mouth and I could tell that his band was a sore spot for his dad.  His mom didn’t say anything but, by the look on her face, it was obvious that she felt bad for Jonathan.

“I hope not.”  Mr. Hunter’s words were firm.

Tension hung in the air as we finished dessert and then we all headed home.  We dropped Barbi off first and she was not happy about that and tried to lure Jonathan back to her room.

“Jonny, I was hoping you could help me hang those pictures I told you about.”

Jonathan’s mom, jumped right in.  “Barbara, Jonathan has a big day ahead of him tomorrow with the welcoming committee and all.  Surely you can find one of your friends to help you hang a couple of pictures tomorrow at a more appropriate hour when you won’t be disturbing your dorm mates.”

Well I guess she doesn’t want anyone else to call her son Jonny!

Barbi’s cheeks were bright red as she mumbled a response.  I couldn’t tell what she said but she quickly thanked the Hunters for dinner and told my parents how nice it had been to meet them.  She plastered a fake smile on her face and she looked at me.

“I will see you tomorrow some time, I’m sure Skylar.  It was so great to spend time with you tonight, we should definitely do this more often.”

I plastered an equally fake smile on my face and nodded at her.  Um, yeah, that will happen when pigs not only fly, but sing and dance too!

She gave Jonathan a hug which lingered a little too long in my opinion, and then she was gone.  Finally!

The energy really shifted after Barbi left and the car ride back to the dorm was a lot of fun.  My parents and Jonathan’s parents were chatting like they were old friends and it was all pretty surreal to me.  Everything felt like a dream as Jonathan casually draped his arm around the back of my seat.  The car pulled up to our dorm a few minutes later and I thanked his parents for dinner and told my parents I would see them for breakfast.  Jonathan said goodnight to his parents and mine, and the car waited until we were safely in the dorm.

Jonathan walked me to my room and was really quiet as we walked down the empty hall.  When we got my door, he stood looking at me with a pensive look on his face for a minute and I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable and raw.  His voice was gentle as he finally spoke.

“Did you have a nice time this evening, Sky?”

“I did, your parents are so nice Jonathan.”

“I could tell that they like you and they like your parents, who are equally as nice.”  A small smile touched the corner of his mouth.

I was on cloud nine and then I remembered Barbi.  “So, Barbi is your cousin by marriage.  Why didn’t you just tell me that from the beginning Jonathan?  That would have saved both of us a bit of heartache.”

He took a step closer to me and gently held my hand, his eyes searching mine.  “Your heart was aching?”

Oh, I revealed too much.  I decided to be honest as I held his gaze.  “Yes, it was.”

He raised my hand to his lips, gave it a gentle kiss, and looked at me.  “So was mine.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Sky, but I tried.  You just wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Well, I’m happy that is all cleared up now.”

“Me too.  I want you to know that I’m not the kind of guy to go after more than one girl at a time.  And right now, you’re the only who has my attention.  I don’t plan on looking anywhere else.”

I wanted to melt right there on the spot.  What do you say to that?  Luckily he kept talking and I didn’t have to say a thing.

He casually smoothed away my hair that had fallen over my eye and he smiled at me.

“Thanks for coming to dinner with us tonight.  I probably won’t see you tomorrow since I am helping set up a bunch of stuff for the festivities, and my parents and I are going to dinner with the dean and a few other people tomorrow night.  But I’ll see you Sunday night, right?”
