Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(20)
Author: Ashley Blake

Dinner with the dean, must be nice to be rich.  Wait, what does he mean Sunday night?

“Sunday night?  Did we have plans?”

“Yes, that’s when I was going to explain the whole Barbi situation.  You’re supposed to meet me at 8:00.”

I was confused.  “But, that’s all cleared up now.”

“Yes, but I still would like to spend time with you.  So, if I don’t see you tomorrow, will I see you on Sunday?”

I could not have been happier as I smiled at him.  “Yes.”

He eyes lingered on my lips and he leaned down and softly touched them with his own and smiled at me.  “Goodnight, beautiful Sky.”

Butterflies for days.  I gave him a small, sweet smile.  “Goodnight Jonathan.”

Chapter Ten

The rest of parent’s weekend passed in a blur for me.  I was still in a fog over what had happened Thursday night, and while I loved having my parents visiting me, all I could think about was my date with Jonathan Sunday night.  We were scheduled all day Friday and Saturday with campus activities and I ended up crashing at my parents’ hotel Saturday night because they were leaving the next day.  My cot was all set up in their room, Jay was brushing his teeth, and my mom and I were talking about the weekend.  She said how nice it had been to meet Jonathan’s parents and how impressed they were with the campus and my professors, and then she wanted to talk about Jonathan.

“So, I think Jonathan is a really nice young man and I hope we’ll get to see him again soon.  He seems to like you Sky, but don’t let that interfere with your studies.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.  “Mom, how well do you know your daughter?”

“Pretty well, I think.”

“Have you ever known me to let a boy get in the way of any of my goals?”

She smiled at me.  “No, I suppose you have never allowed that to happen.”

“Exactly. Trust me, it’s not going to start happening now.  Besides, Jonathan and I are just friends, nothing more.”

She gave me a knowing look but dropped it just as Jay came out of the bathroom.

“Okay ladies, lights out, we have an early day tomorrow.”

He was right, there was a farewell breakfast for the families the next day and my parents were flying home after that.  As I lay there in the dark, my stomach did flips as I thought about seeing Jonathan the next night.  I had only seen him briefly across campus once because he was busy helping out.  I couldn’t wait to see him the next night.

The next morning we ran into Jonathan and his parents after breakfast and we chatted for a few minutes about the weekend.  Jonathan’s mom really liked my mom and they were chatting like they were old friends. I guess what still surprised me about that was that they seemed to be so different, at least on the outside.  My mom was very simple in her appearance, she was pretty but wasn’t really into fashion that much, and Jonathan’s mom was dressed in designer stuff from head to toe.  She looked like the kind of woman who you would see in a high society magazine or something.  But she was so cool and down to earth, not at all what I thought she would be.

Anyway, they were chatting away, Jay and Mr. Hunter were talking about golf and Jonathan couldn’t take his eyes off of me.

“I have to help clean up after all of the parents leave but we’re still on for tonight, right?”

“Definitely.  I’ll meet you in the lobby?”

“Actually, change of plans.  Come down to my room instead.”

His mom must have heard him because she glanced at him and gave him a disapproving look and Jonathan quickly explained.

“I’m having a quick floor meeting and sometimes the guys like to linger and hang out, but when they see you they’ll know to leave.  We can go to the student union to grab a quick snack.”

His father must also have been listening because he chimed in.

“Jonathan, if you have plans with Skylar it is much more appropriate for you to go to her door to pick her up rather than have her come downstairs to your room, we’ve raised you better than that.  I’m sure her parents would appreciate you behaving like a gentleman.”

The words were firm as he gave Jonathan a knowing look, and Jonathan looked sheepish as he looked from his dad to his mom to me.  I could see that he really respected his parents.

“My dad’s right, I’m sorry about that.  I will come upstairs to your door at 8:00 and then we can go to the student union.”

My mom smiled and I knew that she liked that he was going to do what she considered “the proper thing.”  My parents were very old-fashioned like that and apparently so were Jonathan’s parents.  Adults could be so stuffy sometimes.

“Okay, great.  I’ll be ready at 8:00.  Mom, Jay, we better get back to the hotel to check out and get your bags.  You don’t want to miss your flight.”

“Oh, she’s right Sarah, we better get going.  It has been so nice getting to know you, and thank again for the wonderful dinner Thursday night.  And Joshua, so nice to meet you as well.  We hope you have a safe flight back home.”

My mom and Jonathan’s mom hugged each other goodbye and said that they hoped to see each other again very soon.  Joshua gave my mom a side hug and I thought she was going to faint right there.  She was swooning over him like a teenager, it was so cute, and thankfully Mrs. Hunter was not fazed at all.  I think Jay was a bit jealous but he played it off.  I had to agree with my mom about Mr. Hunter, though.  He was drop dead gorgeous.

“Skylar it was lovely to meet you and hopefully we will see you again soon.”  His mom gave me a quick hug which was very sweet.

Mr. Hunter leaned down to whisper to me loud enough for everyone to hear.  “Keep an eye on him for me.  Clearly, between the two of you, you have more common sense.”  He winked at me and smiled and I could feel my cheeks burning.  Oh yeah, Jonathan definitely gets his charm from you.

“Dad, you’re embarrassing her.  Don’t listen to him Sky.”  Jonathan was the one who seemed embarrassed and it was cute.

“Okay, Joshua, now that you have thoroughly embarrassed our son, that is our cue to leave.”  Mrs. Hunter playfully tugged on his arm.

We all said our goodbyes and I went with my parents back to their hotel.

“You know, honey, there is something very special about that family.  I really like Sarah, she’s so nice and so easy to talk with.  I do hope I see her again.  It’s not as easy to make new friends at my age.”
