Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(21)
Author: Ashley Blake

“I’m happy that you guys got along so well, it made the weekend even more fun.”

Jay chimed in.  “I liked Joshua a lot too.  He wasn’t at all what I expected from someone with so much money and power.  Good people, those Hunters.”

We got their luggage and I said goodbye to them as the airport shuttle pulled up.  Sadness fell over me as I realized that they were leaving and I choked back tears as I hugged my mom goodbye.

“Thank you so much for coming, it meant so much to me.”

“Of course honey.  Good luck with the rest of your classes and have fun with Jonathan tonight.”

Jay gave me a hug goodbye.  “But not too much fun.  I don’t want to have to come back here!”

He was joking but there was an element of seriousness behind his words.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine!”

“We love you honey, we’ll call you when we land.”

I waved goodbye as the shuttle took off and wiped away the tear that was falling down my cheek.  I missed my parents already but I would be seeing them in a few weeks for Thanksgiving so I thought about how quickly the time would fly and that made me feel better.

Chapter Eleven

I went back to my room and Katie was still out, so I took advantage of the quiet and studied at my desk for a couple of hours.  My stomach started to growl halfway through reading about Pavlov’s dog and I couldn’t focus anymore.  I walked down the hall to see who was around to go eat dinner and found Jenn who was just getting ready to find someone to go eat with.  We chatted about the weekend as we ate dinner and she told me she didn’t realize that she missed her parents as much as she did until she saw them.

“I know, it was the same for me.  Weird, right?”

“Yeah, totally.  So, did I see you and your parents talking to Jonathan and his parents?”

Jenn was a no nonsense kind of girl, and normally I liked that, but not when the conversation was about me.  I didn’t want her to blab all around so I downplayed the whole Jonathan thing.

“Oh, I guess so.  My parents chatted with a bunch of different people this weekend, so I guess you could have seen them talking to the Hunters.”  Please don’t ask me anything else.

Thankfully my answer seemed to satisfy her so she changed the subject to Jonathan’s band.

“They’re playing this Friday in town and a bunch of us are going, do you want to come with?”

I tried to hide my excitement of seeing him on stage again, of course I wanted to go!

“Yeah, they were so awesome!  I’ll let Katie, Brenda and Amanda know so that they can join us.”

“Um, I don’t think Brenda and Amanda will want to be in the same room together let alone go to a concert together.”  She raised her eyebrows as she looked down at her nails.

“Why not?”

“You didn’t hear about this?”

“No!  I’ve been buried in books at the library every day, what have I missed?”

She leaned in to whisper and I knew some juicy gossip was coming my way.  “Well, you know how Brenda and Jake coupled up, like the first week of school?”


“Well, I guess Jake and Amanda were leaving the library at the same time one night and one thing led to another.”

“What?!  He cheated on Brenda?”

“That’s what the rumor is, and Amanda is not hiding the fact that she is into Jake but Jake is totally blowing her off.”

“Does Brenda know?”

“Yeah, and Jake supposedly was on his knees crying and begging her to forgive him, and she did.”

“Stupid girl.”

“Yep, I agree.  Once a guy cheats on you, you can never trust him again.  So, like I said, I don’t think those two will be going anywhere together.”

“Yeah, you’re right.  Wow, I really have been living under a rock.  I need to get out more so I’ll definitely go to the concert this Friday.”

“Awesome, it’ll be so much fun!”

We went back to the dorm and I grabbed my books and headed off to the library for the afternoon.  I was able to get in a good, solid four hours of studying and then I went to grab a quick dinner.  At about 7:00 I went back to my room to get ready for my date with Jonathan.

Chapter Twelve

Katie still wasn’t back in our room so I was able to get ready without being interrogated.  I was all ready at 7:58 and I checked my lipstick in the mirror, expecting to hear his knock at any minute.  I had known him to be nothing but punctual.  At 8:10 I started to wonder if I had somehow confused the night we were supposed to get together.  At 8:25 I started to get annoyed, and at 8:40 I was downright pissed.

Is he blowing me off?

I could feel myself getting more pissed and I decided to go downstairs and confront him because I was not going to let him get away with treating me like this.

His door was open and there were about six or seven guys in his room and I instantly felt shy because I had only expected to see him.  I didn’t want all of those guys to see me all pissed off at him so I had to keep my emotions in check.

I stood in the doorway and lightly tapped on the doorframe.  Jonathan looked my way and I could see a small grin begin to spread across his face.

“Guys, we can talk about this more tomorrow, okay?”  He had a serious look on his face and that’s all it took for everyone to leave the room and close the door.  Jonathan had a sexiness and masculine authority that was way beyond his young years and I liked it.

“Did I get the day and the time wrong Jonathan?”  There was an obvious edge of irritation on my voice.

“No, I’m really sorry Sky, one of the guys is dealing with some really heavy stuff at home so we were all trying to help him.”

I instantly felt bad for being so upset.  If someone was dealing with heavy stuff at home, that was more important than our silly little date.

“Oh, I feel bad now that everyone left.  We can hang out another time, you really should go talk to this guy.”

“No, no, he’s alright now.  We gave him some great advice and he called home tonight and things are on the mend.  The guys that were here when you came in were just making sure there wasn’t more we could do for him, and there really isn’t except be an ear for him to listen when he needs someone to talk to.  Most of the guys are good guys so he has a solid bunch to choose from, including me, of course.”
