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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(27)
Author: Ashley Blake

The dance floor was set up on the far side of the gym away from the door and the music was just loud enough, but not so loud that we couldn’t hear each other talk.  Katie told me there was an after party at one of the frat houses and there were going to be plenty of kegs there.  I didn’t really care about how many kegs would be there because I just wasn’t into the drinking thing.

“Jonathan and I have plans after but we’ll probably stop by the party.”

“Okay, cool.”

I didn’t see Jonathan anywhere and I tried to be super low key about looking around for him.  I didn’t want anyone to think I was obsessed even though it was heading in that direction.  After 30 minutes, still no Jonathan.  I thought that I would at least get to see him before he went on stage.  After another 30 minutes I tried to hide how bummed I was that he wasn’t there yet and I decided to lose myself in dancing with my friends.

I was still dancing 10 minutes later when I glanced toward the front of the gym and I saw Jonathan leaning down to listen to what Barbi was whispering in his ear.  Her boobs were pressed against him as she cupped her hand over his ear and leaned in close.  If it was physically possible for steam to come out of one’s ears, that is exactly what would have happened to me in that moment.  Has he been here all of this time and not come over to say hi to me?  Maybe I need to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I walked off the dance floor in a huff and turned on my heel to find Ryan, the guy Jonathan said he couldn’t stand, to ask him to dance and of course I wanted Jonathan to see us.  He needed to know that other guys were into me and that he wasn’t the only fish in the sea.  I know it was probably a little mean to use Ryan that way, but he was kinda sleazy so I didn’t feel too bad about it.  I would be able to teach both guys a lesson: Jonathan would learn that he wasn’t the only guy looking my way, and Ryan would learn that he should treat girls with a little more respect.  Ryan gave me his full attention when I walked up to him and he had a flirtatious grin plastered on his face.

“Hey Skylar, what’s going on?”

I tossed my long dark waves over my shoulder and smiled up at him.  “Hey Ryan, I just thought I’d say hi.  I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you and I wanted to know more about you.  You’re from San Diego, right?”

His eyes brightened and it was clearly obvious that he was flattered that I was talking to him.  His grin was nearly ear to ear as he answered me.  “I am, you’ve done your homework on me.”

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him because he looked pretty full of himself in that moment…if he only knew. I decided to play along because the ultimate goal was to get Jonathan’s attention.  

“I guess I have. So, are you ready for this awesome band tonight?”

“Oh yeah, they totally rock!  Hey, do you want something to drink or do you want to dance?”  His green eyes sparkled as he waited for my answer.

I feigned interest and gave him my best flirtatious smile.  "I would actually love a cup of that delicious punch if you don’t mind, and then maybe we can go show them how it’s done on the dance floor.”

“You got it, I’ll be right back.”  He rushed off to go get my cup of punch and I could feel someone piercing a hole right through me, so I turned around and met Jonathan’s intense gaze from across the room.  He does not look happy and it serves him right!  He knows how I feel about that bimbo and he is still letting her hang all over him, well two can play that game buddy.

Barbi was still by his side, whispering something in his ear and, although he probably wasn’t even listening to her, he wasn’t stopping her. His focus was 100% on me, but to anyone else looking at him it seemed as though he was into her and liked having her so close to him since he clearly was not pushing her away.

Ryan came back over to me with my drink and I tore my eyes away from Jonathan and set them on Ryan.  I decided to turn it up a bit since I knew that Jonathan was watching us so I grabbed my drink from him and I put one hand on his arm and lightly stroked it, thanking him for my drink.  I was sure that gesture would really irritate Jonathan and as I took a couple of sips of my drink I glanced in Jonathan’s direction and to say that he looked pissed is an understatement.  I smiled to myself as I turned to put my drink down on the ledge, and I grabbed Ryan’s hand and led him out onto the dance floor. We started moving to the music and at first we were not dancing vey close each other, but I eventually moved closer and closer to him occasionally touching his arm and smiling at him while tossing my hair.

He seemed to be enjoying himself and he also, surprisingly, was keeping his hands off of me.  Maybe I had been wrong about him and maybe Jonathan had too, maybe he wasn’t a big sleazebag.  I was starting to feel bad about using him to make Jonathan jealous, and then I felt his hand on my ass and all feelings of remorse went out the window.  I was going swat his hand away when suddenly an imposing figure was between us.

I looked up and saw Jonathan pushing Ryan away from me and Ryan starting to charge right back at Jonathan, until he realized who it was and he stopped himself.  Ryan put both hands up in the air and said, “Sorry dude”, and walked away.

Jonathan turned his fiery gaze on me and grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, his eyes frantically searching mine.  “So, you’re letting guys rub all over your ass now?  I don’t want anyone touching you but me Skylar, do we understand each other?”

I snatched my arm away from him and returned his fiery gaze.  “You cannot spend half the night letting that tramp rub her tits all over you, and expect me to stand in a corner and wait for you!  You are not the only guy out there Jonathan Hunter, plenty of guys want me!”

He grabbed my arm again and his eyes pinned me.  “Listen, don’t play these games!  I only want you and I know you want me!”

What could I say to that?  There was nothing to say, he was right.  I didn’t want to be with anyone else.  He had just expressed his feelings for me so it did make me feel a little bit better about Barbi.  I just wished she would go away.  I instantly softened as I let his words sink in.  I think he sensed the release of my tension and he placed a finger under my chin and raised my face so that my eyes met his.

“These feelings I have for you are new for me Sky, I don’t play games and I don’t want to be with anyone else but you.  If you see Barbi hanging around, just know that I am not interested in her.  I feel sorry for her and I’m just trying to be nice, for my family’s sake.  I only have eyes for you.”
