Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(28)
Author: Ashley Blake

“I feel the same way Jonathan, this is new for me too, you know?”

“Okay, so we’re good?”

I smiled at him.  “Yeah, we’re good.”

“Do you still want to get out of here and go somewhere to hang out away from all of these people when I’m done on stage?”


He smiled at me and kissed me softly on the lips.  “I better go, it’s almost time for us to go on.  I’ll find you after.”  With that he rushed off.

I went back to my friends, happy as a lark, who were dancing to the music and then the lights dimmed, the music stopped, and strobes swirled around the room as a voice boomed through the speakers.

“Alright, alright!  Fall Festival!  Give it up for Sonic Blaze!”

Screams filled the air as the huge crowd clapped and screamed and the lights rose on the figures standing on stage.  It looked like nearly the entire campus was there.  Jonathan still took my breath away and looked hella sexy as his hands covered the mic and he belted out the first song.  Katie and I were perched near the stage and Jonathan found my eyes a few times and winked at me as he sang to me.

“You’re so lucky Sky, he’s so sexy!”

Yes he is.

They played until nearly midnight and the crowd went crazy after their last song.  The screams and claps didn’t stop until the lights came back up and the other music poured through the speakers on the wall.  Jonathan found me on the dance floor a few minutes later and he was deliciously sweaty and flushed.  I imagined shoving him into a room and totally making out with him, feeling his hard body against mine and his hands all over my body.  I was totally lost in my thoughts and felt him tap my shoulder.

I snapped out of it and looked at him.

“Where were you?  I could tell your mind was somewhere else.”

“I was thinking about what I want to do to you with you looking so sexy right now.”  Me eyes held his and my voice was nearly hoarse as the words flowed out, and I didn’t feel shy this time.

He was speechless and I could tell that he didn’t expect me to say that.

I smiled at him.  “I’ll go tell Katie I’m leaving.  Be right back.”

I felt like I was floating on a cloud as I went to find Katie.  I saw her on the dance floor and I went over to her and whispered in her ear and told her that I was leaving with Jonathan.  She winked at me and told me to have fun.

Chapter Sixteen

Our student union was open late into the night, so we went there, grabbed some nachos and drinks and sat at a table in the back, away from everyone.  I suggested we go there because if I was alone with him in his room, there was no way I would hold back that night.

There were only a couple of people there since almost everyone was probably at the after party, which was fine with me because it gave us a chance to have some privacy.

As he sat across from me I still marveled at how beautiful he was.  My eyes roamed over his chiseled face, down the angles of his jaw and I drank in everything about him that I could see.  He had a bit of scruff and I could tell that he could grow a full beard if he wanted to.  I loved a bit of scruff on a guy and I couldn’t wait to feel Jonathan’s scruff against my cheek again.  He was so sexy, confident and mature looking that it was easy to forget that he was only 21.  I realized that I was staring at him when I heard him ask the question.

“Do you like what you see?”  His dark eyes smoldered as they seductively grabbed a hold of me.

I didn’t back down from his gaze and returned a sincere answer.  “Yes, I do.”

He gave me a soft smile.  “Me too.”  He took a deep breath and then let out a long breath.  “Okay, it’s a good thing we are here and not back in my room, I think we’re safer here.”

I gave him a knowing smile.  “Me too.”

A small smirk turned up the corner of his mouth and I saw the gleam in his eye as he took a sip of his drink.  He put it down on the table and leaned back in his chair, his eyes focused on me.

“Okay, tell me everything.  I want to know all about you Sky.  We haven’t really had a chance to go deep, and I want to go deep with you.”

“Um, okay, where do you want me to start?”

“The beginning.  What was your childhood like?”

A smile spread across my face as I thought about my dad.  “It was awesome.  You already know that I’m the youngest and I think my dad spoiled me because I was the baby in the family.  He had a great relationship with all of us but he and I had something different from his relationship with my brother and sister.  Our bond was really tight and I could talk to him about anything.   My mom and I have always had a good relationship, and we still do, but my dad was my best friend.”

“You’re talking about your dad in the past.  Did something happen to him?”  His eyes were full of concern.

I hadn’t yet told Jonathan that my dad had died when I was a little girl because we hadn’t really talked about our families much.  We had just covered surface stuff like how many siblings we had and where we lived.  I didn’t mind opening up to him about my dad and I wanted him to know how special my dad was.  I took a deep breath and glanced down at the table before raising my eyes to his.

“My dad died when I was nine years old, the year after he gave me this ring.”  I subconsciously rubbed it with my thumb.

“I’ve noticed that you wear that ring every day, I was wondering if it had any significance.”

“He gave it to me for my eighth birthday and it was the first piece of real jewelry that I have ever received.”

“It’s beautiful Sky.”

“Thanks.”  I looked down at it for a minute and then I continued on.  “He had to work late one night and as he was driving home, a semi-truck smashed into him killing him instantly.  The truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and didn’t even know what had happened until it was too late.”

“Oh Skylar, how awful!”

“Yeah, but we got through it and I really feel like my dad is watching over me all the time.”

“I’m sure he is.”

“My mom married my step-dad Jay a few years later and, you met him, he is a really nice guy.  He’s been super supportive of all of us, going to every graduation and school play, you know, stuff like that.  I talk to my brother and sister every week so we all know what’s going on with the other.  My brother works in production in Los Angeles, and my sister lives in Chicago and is a stay at home mom to my six month old niece Sophie.  My grandparents, both sets, live about 30 minutes away from the city.  It’s cool because they are all friends and they go to lunch together all the time.  Aside from losing my dad so soon, it’s been a really good life so far.”
