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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(34)
Author: Ashley Blake

He pulled me into his arms and we lay there for a few minutes until our breathing was normal again.  I felt so happy and safe with him and I wished I could have bottled that moment to keep it forever.

He looked down at me as he casually stroked my hair.  “I meant what I said earlier Sky.  I love you.”

His eyes were earnest as they searched mine and he made my belly flutter.  My fairytale was coming true.

I gently held his face in my hands as my eyes searched his,  “I love you too, Jonathan,” and I pulled him toward me for a soft peck.

We lay there silently for a couple of minutes, our fingers linked together, and then he asked me a question I did not see coming.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something Sky.  What are your plans for Thanksgiving?”

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, thoroughly confused about that.  He knew that I was going home.

“I’m going home, remember?  We talked about it after my parents left a few weeks ago.  I told you that I couldn’t wait to see them again at Thanksgiving.”

He hesitated and he looked really nervous.

What is going on?

“I want to invite you home with me for Thanksgiving.  I already asked my parents and they would love to see you again.”

Was he serious?  Go home with him?  I wanted to jump up and down and scream, I was so excited!  Of course I wanted to go!  But then I remembered my parents and they would be really sad if I didn’t come home.  Maybe if I reminded them that I would see them a few short weeks after for Christmas break, they wouldn’t mind so much.

I could not hide my happiness as a huge grin was stuck on my face.  “Really?”

“Yes.  I know you have to ask your parents, but I really want to spend Thanksgiving with you and I would love for you to meet the rest of my family.”

My stomach instantly dropped into my toes at the thought of meeting the rest of his family.  I was going to stick out like a sore thumb and I don’t know that I had it in me to be scrutinized by so many wealthy people.

“You know, I would love to go but I really think I should go home.”  I couldn’t even look at him as the words came out.

He must have sensed my hesitation because he placed his finger under my chin and I lifted my eyes to his.

“Hey, what’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?”

I didn’t know if I should tell him what I was really worried about.  We are so different out in the real world, but here in our bubble we are perfect, and I really like our bubble.  I didn’t know how to tell him I was afraid that going home with him and meeting the rest of his family would make him realize that I didn’t fit into that world.  I wanted to hold on to what we had for as long as I could and I thought if I went home with him, it would all end.

“I think my parents will want me home with them Jonathan.”

“I know, but I think they might understand if you remind them that you’ll see them just a few weeks later over Christmas break.  I really want you to meet the rest of my family Sky.  I have never brought a girl home, ever, and I want them to meet you because you mean so much to me.”

I lay there mulling over what he just said to me and I could feel myself leaning toward giving in.  I did love him and it would be nice to meet the rest of his family, especially since his mom and dad were so different from what I had expected.  Maybe I was getting nervous over nothing.

“Do me a favor?  Will you at least ask your parents tomorrow?”

“Okay, I can do that.”

He smiled at me and kissed me.  “Thank you.”

As we drifted off a few minutes later, all I could think about was going home with Jonathan.

Chapter Twenty

The room was extra bright the next morning and I woke up feeling more rested that I had in months.  Jonathan was still asleep and I was cradled in the nook of his arm, right where I wanted to be.  My mind wandered to last night as I stared up at the ceiling.  Being with Jonathan for the first time was better than I ever could have dreamt.  He loves me.  I couldn’t help but smile to myself as his words repeated over and over in my mind.  I was on cloud nine and then I remembered that he invited me home for Thanksgiving and I instantly had a pit in my stomach.  Should I go?  I was going to call my parents that afternoon and feel them out about it.  He began to stir next to me and his arm tightened around me, pulling me closer to him.

“Good morning beautiful.”  His hair was tousled all over his head and he had this sexy smile on his face.  I instantly smiled back at him and combed my fingers through his thick waves.  It should have been a crime for a person to look so gorgeous in the morning.

“Good morning.”

“How did you sleep?”  Sleep was still coating his voice.

“Like a baby.  You?”

“Ditto.  I’m starving, do you want to go grab breakfast?”

“Yeah, I just need to hop in the shower, but I can be ready in 20 minutes.”

“My kinda girl.”

“You better believe it.”  I winked at him as I hopped out of bed and put on my dress.

“I’ll come upstairs to get you.”

“Okay, see you soon.”  I rushed upstairs and got ready in record time.  I had just finished throwing my hair in a ponytail when he knocked on the door.  Katie was still sleeping so I quickly opened the door and quietly closed it behind me as I left.

We went to a diner off campus that Jonathan liked and had a leisurely breakfast.  When we were done we strolled back to campus in the crisp fall air, hand in hand.

“What’s on your schedule for the day Sky?”

“I have two papers to work on and a ton of reading to do.  What about you?”

“I have a paper to finish that’s due Tuesday, a few chapters to dig through and we have band practice this evening.  I can meet you at the library later if you want.”

“Of course I want!  Seriously though, I’ll be there all day so just come find me in our usual spot.”

“Okay.  You’re calling your parents, right?”

“Yep, I’ll let you know what they say when I see you.”

We were back at the dorm and Jonathan gave me a wink and a quick kiss before we parted ways.

“See you later.”

Thankfully Katie was not in the room when I got there, I didn’t feel like sharing about Jonathan just yet.  I wanted to keep our special night to myself for just a little while.
