Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(35)
Author: Ashley Blake

I grabbed my books and headed off to the library.

I set up camp where Jonathan and I normally studied and then I went into the hall to call my parents.  My mom answered and it was good to hear her voice.

“Hi honey!  How is everything going?”

“Everything’s good, mom.”

“Classes going okay?”

“Yep, I have a ton of work to do, but nothing I can’t handle.”

“Good.  We can’t wait to see you in a couple of weeks.”

“That’s kind of why I’m calling.  Um, Jonathan invited me to go home with him for Thanksgiving.”

She was silent for a minute and then she finally spoke.

“He did?  Are his parents okay with that?”

“Yes, he asked them.”

“So things must be good with you two.”

“They are, mom.  He told me he loved me.”  I told her because I always shared big moments with my mom, and I wanted her to know that this wasn’t just a casual thing.

“Oh sweetie, I’m so happy for you!  Jonathan is such a nice young man.  Well, I’ll check with Jay, but I’m okay with it, especially since we’ll see you at Christmas.  But no spending Christmas with Jonathan, Skylar.”

“I won’t mom, I promise, I’ll be home with you guys.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!’

“Well don’t thank me yet, I’ll check with Jay and call you later.”

“Okay, mom.  I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, bye honey.”

I knew that she would be able to convince Jay to let me go, so I was already planning in my head which clothes I would bring as I walked back to my table.  Just as I rounded the corner, I saw Barbi, tits first, coming toward me.  She was wearing a super low cut black sweater, skin tight skinny jeans and tall black boots.  The outfit would have been cute if the sweater wasn’t so low cut, and if someone else was wearing it.  Is she glaring at me?  What a ho-bag.

I slapped on a fake smile and tolerated a conversation with her.  She was a part of Jonathan’s family and he felt bad for her so I had to try to be nice, for him.

“Hey Barbara.”  I had to stick that in.

“It’s Barbi and you know it Skylar.”  She ground out the words and I may have even seen steam coming from her ears.

“Oh, my bad.  So, studying hard?”

She snorted at me and turned up her nose as she tossed those cheap looking extensions over her shoulder.  “It all comes pretty easily to me, so I don’t really have to study hard.  I’m just here looking for Jonathan.”

I could feel the smirk coming before it was too late to stop it.  He won’t be here for hours.  “Good luck with that.”

I walked away from her leaving her looking confused and I didn’t care.  I had just given up three minutes of my life that I would never get back and I had more important things to do.  I shook off bimbo Barbi, shut off my phone and immersed myself in the books.

My mom left a message a few hours later saying that Jay had also given the green light for Thanksgiving.  I sat there for a minute and let it sink in:  I was going to Jonathan Hunter’s house for Thanksgiving.  This cannot really be my life right now.

I told Katie at dinner that I would fill her in on the Jonathan stuff later, and after dinner I went back to the library.  I spent a ton of time in the library so Katie knew that when I was deep in study mode she would have to wait to chat with me.  I had to maintain a high GPA to keep my scholarship so I wasn’t going to let anything jeopardize that.

Jonathan found me right on time and he set up camp across the table from me, in his normal spot.

He winked and smiled at me.  “It’s good to see you, beautiful.”  The whisper was soft so that he wouldn’t disturb others around us.

Have I mentioned that I still got butterflies around him?  Yeah, they were going crazy.

“It’s good to see you too.  Hey, I talked to my mom and my parents said I can go home with you for Thanksgiving.”

A huge grin spread across his face.  “Really?”  He practically shouted the word and disapproving shhhh’s came from every corner of the room.  He widened his eyes and mouthed, ‘oops’, and brought his voice down to a whisper.  “That is so awesome, I can’t wait for you to meet everyone else; we’re going to have so much fun Sky.  You just made my night!”

We chatted for a couple minutes longer and then we turned to the books.  We packed up around midnight and Jonathan casually linked his fingers through mine as we waited for the elevator.  When we stepped off of the elevator, the bane of my existence was staring right at us.  Why can’t I get away from this girl?

She looked from me to Jonathan and back to me and then narrowed her eyes as she looked down at our hands linked together.

Take it all in, Barbi, he’s with me.

She tried to hide it, but I could tell she was pissed.

“Hey guys, um Jonathan, I’ve been calling you and looking for you all day.”

“Sorry Barbs, I was swamped today.  What’s up?”

“My mom called and said our Thanksgiving trip to London is canceled because Ethan has to work, so we’re doing Thanksgiving at your place.”

What?!  I have to spend Thanksgiving with her?  My mind went blank for a few seconds but I made myself focus on what she was yapping about.

“She wanted me to check with you to see if I could just fly back home with you.  If not, I have to book a flight.”  She threw a pathetic pout in there at the end and it seemed to work on Jonathan.

“Of course, Barbs, no problem!”

Ugh, he was too nice to this girl and he was totally blind to what she was trying to do.  But I saw it, and I wasn’t going to let her think she had everyone fooled.

“Oh, well this will be fun!”  I plastered an enormous fake grin on my face.

The look of confusion on her face was priceless.

Jonathan chimed in which made it even better.

“Yeah, we’ll all fly together, it’ll be fun.”

She looked back and forth between us, completely in the dark.

“Am I missing something here?”

“Oh, sorry, Barbara, I guess I forgot to mention it when I saw you earlier.  Jonathan invited me to go home with him for Thanksgiving.”  My smile was pure saccharin as I watched her seething in front of me.
