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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(36)
Author: Ashley Blake

I could see that she had to fight to keep from screaming and it was hilarious.

“What?!”  Looks like the screaming won that fight.

“Yeah, I invited Sky to come home with me.  We’re going to have an awesome Thanksgiving.”

“I can’t wait!”  I couldn’t help but throw that in.

“We’re going back to the dorm Barbs.  Are you studying or are you going back too?”

“Um, I’m going back to my dorm.”  The wind had definitely been let out of her sail.

“Sweetie, is it okay if we walk her back?  It’s late.”

I would have done anything he asked me to in that moment because he called me ‘sweetie’ in front of Barbi and she was not happy.

“Sure.”  I smiled up at him and my eyes slid over to her as I threw her one of my best smirks.

We all walked back to her dorm, with Jonathan and Barbi doing most of the chatting.  We dropped her off at her dorm and then went back to our own.  Once inside, I told Jonathan I was going to sleep in my room that night because I had been neglecting Katie.

“Okay, I guess.”  He looked a bit sad so I put my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.

“I will sleep in your room tomorrow night, I promise.  I think my friend misses me so I have to give her some time too, okay?”

“Okay.”  He kissed me, the kind that makes your toes curl, and then hugged me tight.  “I can’t wait until tomorrow night.”

Chapter Twenty-One

The next day, during breakfast, I brought Katie up to speed on everything that had been going on with Jonathan and me, and I also told her that I was going home with him for Thanksgiving.

“You are kidding!  Sky, that’s a big deal, you know?  You guys are totally going to get married one day, I just know it.”

“Married?  Katie, you’re talking cra cra right now.  We’re a little young for that and we’ve only been dating for a short time!”

“I know but there is something different with you guys.  I could tell at the beginning of the year that he was into you the first time he saw you when he was on stage.  I’m telling you Sky, he’s the one, and I better be in the wedding!”

We giggled like school girls as we put our trays away and headed out.  I loved Katie, and I knew she was happy for me, but marriage?  That was a bit too far in the future for me to even think about, but if I was being honest with myself I knew that there was no one else that I could ever see myself with.

I had a study group that afternoon after my last class and then I went to the rec center to work out.  As I was on the elliptical, my mind kept going to my trip home with Jonathan.  I had already decided what I was going to wear on Thanksgiving so I had that covered and it was one less thing for me to stress about.  What I was most worried about was how his family would receive me once they found out that I did not come from money. His parents definitely didn’t give me the impression that they were snobs like that, but I had no idea how his grandmother would react to someone like me. I had never been around anyone with their kind of money, so that part was stressing me out big time.

I grabbed dinner and then finished the night at the library.  Jonathan told me he had band practice until 11:00 that night so he asked me to just come to his room anytime after 11:30 when I was ready to go to bed.  I thought it was kind of weird that he had practice so late, because they never practiced after 9:00, but I didn’t question him about it.

Katie was already sleeping when I got back to our room at about 11:00, so I quietly put my book bag down, grabbed my bedtime stuff and went down to Jonathan’s room a little bit early.  I hadn’t seen him all day and I couldn’t wait to be in his arms.  His door was usually open if he was around and since his door was closed when I got there I figured he was still at practice, so I decided to wait for him in his room.

He never locked his door so I turned the knob and as soon as I stepped inside, to say that bad memories came flooding back to me is an understatement, I felt like I was hit by a hurricane of bad memories.  Lying in Jonathan’s bed, apparently totally naked, was Barbi with her hair all messy and unruly.  She sneered at me as I stood there, frozen, with my mouth open.  This is not happening right now.  The words were very familiar to me.

At first I couldn’t process what I was seeing but then I realized that she was na**d in his bed, holding the sheets over her br**sts, smirking at me.

That smirk put me over the edge and I snapped.

“What the f**k do you think you’re doing?”

A sneer curled up the right side of her lip.  “I’m doing what I do every week around this time.  You didn’t know, did you?”

I was so confused.  Was she implying that they…?  There was no way.  Jonathan wouldn’t do this to me, would he?  I felt my cheeks burning hot as my heart tried to bulldoze its way out of my chest.  But why is she here?  And why is she looking like she was just f**ked from here to Timbuktu and back?  My stomach dropped into my toes and I felt like I was going to vomit.  No, no, no, no, no!

I spun on my heel and flew out of his room to find him.  He had to be around somewhere.  There’s no way this crazy bitch is telling the truth!  There’s no way that Jonathan would cheat on me!

As I rounded the corner, I ran right into Jonathan who was just coming from the shower.  He had a big smile on his face when he saw me and I was briefly caught off guard by his glistening chest, but then I remembered what I just saw.  Was he washing away evidence of being with her?  I glared a hole right through him.

“You lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch!”

He looked totally confused.  “Skylar, keep your voice down!  What is wrong with you?”

“I can’t believe you would ask me that!”

He grabbed my arm and his eyes bore into mine.  “Sky, what is wrong?  I have no idea what is going on here!”

“Maybe the slut waiting for you in your bed will fill you in!”

“What?!  Is Barbi still in my room?”

Oh my god, he’s admitting it!

The tears spilled down over my cheeks without warning and I ran away from him up to my room and threw myself on my bed in a fit of sobs.  Katie started to stir, and then sat up when she heard me balling.  I tried to be quiet but the pain was too great.  She hopped onto my bed and put her arms around me.
