Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(4)
Author: Ashley Blake

After we dropped off all of her stuff in our room, Katie’s parents said their goodbyes and her mom had the same look of sorrow on her face that my mom had when she said goodbye to me.  We were finally alone and we sat down and started chatting and chatting.

Katie rolled her eyes and smiled after her mom left.

“She’s been like that for the last week.”

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  “My mom has been the same way.”

We told each other about our lives back home and how excited we were to finally be away from home on our own.  I told her about what Seth and Bethany did to me and it felt really good to tell someone who didn’t really know any of us.

“You are kidding!  God, that’s the oldest story in the book!”  She rolled her eyes in disgust.  “The best friend and boyfriend hooking up?  That’s so lame Sky, you’re better off without them.  I would have totally cut them off too, how could you ever trust either one again?  On to bigger and better friendships, right?”

“Right!”  I smiled at her grateful for her encouraging words, and for some reason her words made me feel really good.  I liked her already.  Katie told me that she had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was on the prowl for someone new.  She also told me that her family owned a bunch of luxury car dealerships all over Ohio so I knew they had to be loaded.  I’d better get used to that.  I was going to be in a financial league all by myself at a university like this.

“I am so psyched for the parties, they’re going to be so much fun!  Hopefully we will meet some cute guys.  Hey, there’s a band playing at the student union tonight, we should go!”

“There’s a band on the first night we get here?  Some people aren’t even here yet!”

“I know, I guess it’s something they do every year as a little something extra for the people who show up the first day, and they’re supposed to be awesome!  I think they’re all seniors.  It’ll be fun, say yes, please!”

There was no way I could turn down her pleading eyes, she was too nice and seemed like a lot of fun.  I was looking forward to hanging with her and getting to know her better.

“Okay, I’ll go, it sounds fun!”

“Oh, sweet!  One thing you’ll learn about me is that I like to study hard and also have fun.  I know when to focus on the books and when it is okay to let loose, and tonight we’re letting loose!” I was really happy to hear that she wasn’t just a party girl because if she was, we probably would not have a whole lot in common.

Katie had a gleam in her eye when she talked about boys and I knew she would be a lot of fun to scope out guys with.  She had a perfect body which made me green with envy, and she was stunning on top of it.  Some people have all the luck.  I may have been a little bit envious but I couldn’t be jealous of her because she was so sweet.

Don’t get me wrong; I was no slouch, not at all.  I was a very pretty girl, I had medium length, nearly jet black hair, green eyes, and I had no problem turning heads when I walked down the street.  But I could stand to lose a couple of pounds.  They were stubborn and no matter what I did, they stuck with me.

Katie and I were unpacking and chatting when two girls came to our room.

“Hey you guys, I’m Amy and this is Jenn.  A bunch of us girls were thinking of going to grab something to eat in the cafeteria if you want to come along.”

Katie and I both agreed we were starving so we went grabbed our IDs and joined the group that was waiting in the hall.  We lived in a co-ed dorm so we had a chance to see some of the guys as we were leaving.  Katie linked her arm through mine and we whispered to each other that we were excited there were a lot of cute guys in our dorm.  Just as we were leaving the dorm, my eyes landed on the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life, and my breath caught in my throat for just a few seconds.  He was playing Frisbee with a bunch of guys and when he jumped in the air to catch the Frisbee, I wished more than anything that was me he was grabbing on to.  Wait a second Sky, what are you doing?  Guys are off limits!  I scolded myself as we all walked to the cafeteria building together, and I pushed the gorgeous guy out of my mind.

We invited a few of the girls to go with us to see the band, and after dinner Katie and I went back to our room to get ready. We were meeting everyone in the lobby at 8:00 and then heading over to the student union, and I was getting excited to go check out this band.  I loved live music and I had probably seen over 20 different bands in high school.  Everyone seemed super excited about this band and a bunch of people seemed to know who they were so I was psyched about seeing them.

A couple of the girls took forever to get ready so by the time we made it over to the student union it was packed and the band was just about to hit the stage.  The lights were dimmed and I heard the bass of a guy’s dramatic voice flood the room through the mic.

“Boston!”  Everyone cheered and whistled as the lights went off near the stage.

“Boston!  Give it up for Sonic Blaze!”

The drummer started a slow beat as the lights started moving around the room and thunderous claps along with screams and whistles echoed throughout the room.  I turned and grinned at Katie as we craned our necks to find an open spot closer to the stage.  I saw an empty area right by the stage and quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her with me so that we could have a better spot.

The lead singer was looking down at the ground and I couldn’t get a good look at his face, but his body was sick.  He must have been at least 6’1” and his strong thighs filled his jeans perfectly as the cuffs of his t-shirt strained against his ripped arms.  He wore a single long chain with a cross, a leather cuff bracelet and a thick silver ring on his middle finger.  His guitar was slung over his shoulder and I couldn’t see what he looked like but I wanted to climb up on that stage and rip his clothes off.  I had never been so strongly physically attracted to anyone in my life.  When I heard his deep, rich voice penetrate the air it made me shudder as I imagined him singing directly to me.

The lights came on around the stage and I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly as my eyes climbed all over his gorgeous face.  He was breathtakingly beautiful.  Dark hair that was just long enough that I wanted to run my fingers through, a strong chiseled jaw and full lips.  I couldn’t see the color of his eyes but every other bit of him that I could see was gorgeous.  His voice was so mesmerizing that everyone else in the room disappeared as I zeroed in on just him.  His eyes cut to the left of the room and he seemed to be smiling at someone and then his eyes moved to the right and he smiled at someone else.  Both hands covered the mic as he closed his eyes and belted out the chorus of the song and I could not take my eyes off of him.  When he opened his eyes he glanced down at Katie and then me, and his eyes did a double take.  Those gorgeous eyes caught and held mine and I felt heat flush my cheeks as he continued singing to me.  I was thankful that it was too dark for anyone to notice I was blushing at the gorgeous guy on stage whose gaze was set on me.
