Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(5)
Author: Ashley Blake

After what seemed like an eternity he tore his eyes from mine, and Katie grabbed my arm jumping up and down and grinning at me.

“Oh my god Sky, he was looking right at you, he’s so hot!”  She was shouting at the top of her lungs.

I was totally lost in the music and it was a mixture between rock and a couple of ballads.  His fingers glided over the taut strings of his guitar and he made the room vibrate.  The band played for 45 minutes and then took a quick five minute break.  I was getting sweaty and thirsty from all of my jumping around and dancing so Katie and I quickly ran into the hall to get a few sips of water from the water fountain since the vending machines were mobbed.  By the time we got there at least 30 other people had the same idea, so we had to wait.  I heard the band starting again as we were still waiting in line and I was dying to get back inside to see Mr. Gorgeous.  The band was not just good, they were awesome and I would have paid money to see them perform at a stadium.

“Katie, that band is amazing!”

“Aren’t they awesome?  I guess they play all over Massachusetts, that’s what Jenn told me.  How about that hottie lead singer?”

“I know, right?  He’s gorgeous!”

“I’ll have to get all of the info on him because I think he likes you, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you Sky!”

“Oh please, he’s a the lead singer of a band, they’re supposed to make every girl in the room feel like she’s the only one.  Yeah, he looked at me, but he looked at you and a hundred other girls.  That’s what they do.  I’m sure a guy like that is beating girls off with a stick, in fact, I bet I can guarantee it.  But he is gorgeous and he can sing, I’ll give him that!”

We both erupted in giggles as we moved our way closer to the drinking fountain.  Katie stomped her foot and whined as she heard them finish a song.  “Oh man, we’re going to miss the show!  Can you guys please hurry?”

A few seconds later the ice cold water slid down my throat, quenching my thirst, and then it was Katie’s turn.  She gulped down a few sips and we ran back to the concert and made our way as close as we could to the front.  Our perfect spot was gone so we just started dancing and continued to enjoy the concert.  The band played a few more songs and then they called it a night.  It was a short concert, not the kind they usually played, because it was a quick treat for new and returning students who showed up the first day.

Mr. Gorgeous thanked everyone for coming and told us he’d see us at the Fall Festival in a few weeks.  That was a campus-wide event that took place over a weekend right after our first trimester finals.  I made a mental note to be at that concert and I wasn’t going to miss it for anything.

Katie and I met up with the rest of the girls and we all made our way back to the dorm and everyone came to hang out in our room for a bit.  We were all gushing over the lead singer and as I sat there I realized that I sounded like a groupie.  Every girl in that room felt the way I did about him and I didn’t like that.  I decided it was best just to keep my feelings to myself because I didn’t want to be lumped in with everybody else.  He obviously had a ton of girls after him and I was not going to jump on that bandwagon.  Yeah, he was hot, but I was sure that he knew that and he was probably super conceited.  Guys who looked like that usually were.  Oh well, I would just have to enjoy the band from a distance, and that was fine with me.  I had no room in my heart for a guy at that time anyway.  But I had to admit that the concert that night was a welcome distraction and it made me even more excited about college.

Chapter Three

The next day passed in a blur as I tried to get acclimated around campus and figure out where all of my classes were going to be the following week.  There was still a lot of chaos on campus as the rest of the students arrived that day.  After dinner I took a short nap and Katie woke me right before the meeting.  Our dorm was having its first meeting that night and we were all supposed to meet in the lounge area in the lobby at 8:00.  Our entire dorm was gathered in the lounge, some sitting and some leaning against the wall, and it was really awesome to be able to get a look at everyone.

We were in one of the smaller dorms so there were about 100 people in ours.  Not to sound conceited, I was the furthest thing from it, but when I looked around I noticed that there were not very many pretty girls in the room.  Katie and I were easily the most attractive girls in the dorm.  Not that it meant anything, I just noticed that Katie with her sun kissed blonde hair and perfect tan and me with my nearly jet black hair and olive skin, stood out among the crowd.  I was chatting with Jenn when out of the corner of my eye I saw the really cute guy from Frisbee walk in; I mean he was drop dead gorgeous and I heard a scatter of excited whispers from the girls in the room.  He must have been at least 6’1”, he had dark hair and dark eyes, and had that chiseled jaw thing going on.  I could barely breathe as I watched him walk over to a bunch of the guys.

“Jenn, who is that super hot guy?”  I whispered so that no one else could hear me.

I saw her glance at him and noticed the gleam in her eye when she realized who I was looking at.  “That’s the lead singer of the band!”  She whispered in a frantic, excited tone.

I froze as I realized Mr. Gorgeous was in the same room as me, and I could barely breathe.  Suddenly he was standing in front of us addressing the room and the sound of his voice snapped me out of my daze.

“Okay guys, we’re going to get started!  My name is Jonathan Hunter, and I will be your R.A. this year.  We hope that you are all starting to settle in and you are beginning to find your way around campus.  You will have your individual meeting with me later this week.  It’s no big deal, just a few minutes to tell me a little bit about yourself and what you hope to accomplish this year.”

Wait, what?  Mr. Gorgeous, Mr. Hottie, Mr. Lead Singer was our Resident Advisor?  I had to literally silently tell myself to remain calm.  I hated to admit it but I was on pins and needles waiting to hear more, and as I glanced around the room I noticed that several other girls looked as eager as I felt to hear more of what he had to say.  He went on to tell us all of the happenings on campus that week and then he had all of us go around and briefly introduce ourselves. “I’ll start.  Like I said, I’m Jonathan, and I am from Manhattan.”
