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Complicated Girl

Complicated Girl (Baker Street Romance #2)(25)
Author: Mimi Strong

He rolls onto his side, his back to me. I run my hands up and down his bare back, enjoying this quiet moment in the morning sunshine to admire Drew’s perfection. His back is broad and strong, with just a smattering of freckles on his upper shoulders. I cuddle up to him and cup my hands around his butt cheeks. He must have put on his boxer shorts after I fell asleep last night… after he finally wore me out.

The guy is insatiable! After we came in from the front lawn, I made him a sandwich, and he couldn’t keep his hands off me. We went for two more rounds in my bed, much to the irritation of Muffin, who wouldn’t stop jumping up on the bed to judge at us. We shut him out of the room finally. Naturally, he scratched at the door and meowed pitifully until we were done.

Speak of the devil. I hear him jump up onto my nightstand.

I kiss Drew on the back of the neck, then roll over to find a very angry orange cat scowling at me with narrowed eyes and flat ears.

“Be nice,” I tell him.

He flicks his tail, meows once, and then runs from the room.

“Don’t you dare pee on Drew’s shoes,” I call after him.

Drew rolls onto his back and blinks up on me. “What?”

“He doesn’t do it all the time.”

“I can’t tell if you’re joking. Should I be concerned?”

I shake my head. “I’m pretty sure Muffin is not peeing on your nice Italian loafers right now. But you should probably smell them before you put them on.” I smile and run my fingers over Drew’s chest in a flirty way. “I’ll sniff your shoes and make sure they’re okay. What else can I do for you? Breakfast in bed? Pack you a bagged lunch for work today?”

He looks over at the time on the LED alarm clock. “It’s Wednesday, right? You know, I don’t have patients until after lunch.”

“Your practice is slow? Oh, no. Are you not a very good dentist? Maybe I should get a second opinion on that cap you glued into my mouth all willy nilly.”

He gets a mock-outraged look and rolls onto me, tickling my sides with both hands while pinning me down. “Not a very good dentist? You are so mean, you bad girl.”

Drew is bigger and stronger than me, but his hold isn’t as effective as he thinks. I shift my weight in a way he’s not expecting, and a second later, he’s pinned under me.

He goes limp, saving his dignity by not even trying to get away. “Now what? Do you spit in my mouth until I say Uncle? That’s what my brother would do.”

I laugh. “I’m not going to spit in your mouth. How old is your brother?”

“Two years younger than me, but he was always a big kid.” He laughs self-consciously. “I’m more of a lover than a fighter.”

“I’ll say. You wore me out last night.”

He lifts his head enough to give me a kiss. His lips on mine flip a switch in my brain. Now his body, underneath mine, isn’t just the muscles and bones of a wrestling opponent. My body electrifies. Drew is so much more than his body, yet I really like his body.

He rests his head back on my pillow. The seafoam green linens are a perfect complement to his skin tone. His brown eyes are rich with bright flecks, and an inner ring that’s nearly green. You’d think I bought these sheets just to make Drew look even more delicious.

“What are you thinking about?” He reaches up to run his fingers through my tangled morning hair.

“That you look really good in my bed.”

“Thanks.” He grins. “I can’t wait to see how good you look in my bed. Maybe this weekend?”

As he’s talking, he casually slides one hand down the side of my na**d body and then slips his hand between my legs.

“This weekend?” I ask casually, even as I shudder with pleasure at the deliciousness of his finger stroking me.

“I’ll make you dinner, but I should warn you that I have a roommate. I might even throw a small party. So don’t show up na**d under a trench coat.”

His finger is working magic, but I won’t let it show on my face.

“What makes you think I’d show up na**d in a trench coat?”

“You’re a wild girl. Exactly what I need right now.” He doesn’t let it show on his face, but his body is also reacting to our morning pillow talk. Under the thin cotton of his boxers, something is getting some powerful ideas about places it would like to visit.

“You need me right now?” I ask.

He groans and rolls us over so he’s on top.

“Yes, right now. I need you, Megan.”

I gasp and reach down to push his hand away.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“You said my real name,” I whisper. “You said it like you know me, like we’ve known each other forever.” I blink up at his gorgeous face, aware that I sound like an idiot, but unable to stop myself. “You said my name like you know me,” I repeat softly.

He kisses me gently, the skin around his mouth faintly scratchy from his overnight stubble.

“I want to know you,” he says.

My eyes hurt, and I get a chill all over my body. I turn my head to the side, looking away. He takes this as an invitation and kisses the side of my cheek softly, and then my neck. His touch is so beautiful and tender, it hurts. My whole body hurts, especially my chest.

I pull away from him and grab a condom that I thrust into his hand. He blinks at me, his brown eyes big and innocent.

I’ve got a terrible feeling he wants to make love to me. Like, the whole deal, with looking into my eyes and saying sweet things. Saying my name. Loving me. And then later finding out I’m not worth all those things he thought he felt.

I give him an eyebrow waggle, and then get into position on my hands and knees. “How do you feel about doggie style?”

He licks his lips and looks over my body. I shake my hips, and watch as his desire to make love morphs into something I can handle.

“I don’t know,” he says. “I’ve never had the chance. I told you, my history hasn’t been that adventurous.”

“Well, saddle up. What are you waiting for?”

He pushes down his boxers and rolls the condom on. My body tingles with anticipation. He gets in place behind me and pauses.

“Um… did you mean…”

I look over my shoulder. “Not the back door. Not unless you…?”

“Ah. Sorry. Just the regular one, then. Of course, of course.”

He slides the tip in hesitantly. I push back impatiently.

“Oh, that’s nice,” he says.
