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Complicated Girl

Complicated Girl (Baker Street Romance #2)(26)
Author: Mimi Strong

I whip my head around to give him a dirty look. “Nice? Don’t make me kick you out of this bed.”

He gives me a frustrated look. “What do you want?”

“Reach your hand up to the base of my head, grab my hair, and then give it to me like you mean it.”

He reaches for my hair and growls. “Like I mean what?”

“It’s just something people say. Hey, didn’t you promise to spank me? You did. Right in front of everyone at the group.”

He lets go of my hair and slaps my ass. “Like this?”

My inner walls clench at him, answering his question. He thickens inside me and thrusts pleasurably. We both groan.

He laps my butt again, making me cry out in surprise, but not pain. I clench again, and he keeps moving, driving himself into me.

“Again,” I beg, and he does it. He smacks me with a flat hand, first hard and then soft, massaging me in between.

I grab both of the pillows from the bed and hold on to them for support while he drives himself into me, rocking me so hard I can feel my face shake.

Just as he’s coming, he gets a flash of inspiration and reaches around to glide his fingers around in front of where he’s filling me. He finds the spot and takes me with him, over the edge.

“Oh, Megan,” he groans, and I come with him.

I feel so dirty, with my name washing over me.

“Megan,” he says softly.

I shake and shudder like the last leaf on a tree, caught in a howling windstorm.


I let go.

Clutching the pillows tight to my chest, I moan, “Drew.”

Chapter 20

Drew takes a shower in the main bathroom, and I use my mother’s bathroom. The room smells a little funky, which makes me think the water in the P-trap under the shower has dried up, so it’s probably a good thing I’m using her shower.

With the fan on and the window open, the room is perfectly fresh within minutes. I shower quickly, because I don’t want Drew snooping around the house without me. There are certain things I might have in certain drawers, and I don’t want to have to explain them. Some of those things have batteries. Those things, and my relationship with them, is between me and the company that sends them to the house in plain brown boxes.

Once I’m all showered, I grab Drew’s clothes from my bedroom floor. There are grass stains on his trousers.

In the laundry room, I put some pre-wash stain treatment on the grass stains before tossing everything into the washing machine.

I’m in the kitchen when he comes out of the bathroom wearing the gray unisex sweatpants and white T-shirt I sent him in with.

“Sexy,” I say, whistling.

“This is very casual for me.”

“I won’t tell anyone, Mr. GQ.”

He frowns. “Why do people call me that? Some of the hygienists at the practice call me that if I’m wearing a new suit. It’s emasculating to call a guy that, just because he likes to look stylish. I don’t go around calling them Miss Vogue if they buy a new skirt.”

“They’d probably like it if you did.” I nod toward the table by the window. “You can sit. I’ll make you breakfast.”

I’m at the sink, and he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me. He nuzzles my neck. “Let’s make breakfast together.”

I scrunch my neck and shoulder together to push him away gently. His touch is way too intimate, and we’ll never get breakfast if he keeps this up.

He pulls away with a chuckle. “Tell me where the coffee stuff is.”

While I start getting some English muffins ready, I give him instructions on where to find the coffee supplies. He measures out the coffee grounds and water like he’s a high school chemistry teacher making crystal meth.

Once we have breakfast made, and Muffin has been served his soft canned food, we sit together at the breakfast nook. The large window faces the back yard.

“My sister lives there,” I say flicking my chin at the converted garage that’s now a cottage. “She’s one year older than me, but she’s got a boyfriend now, so we can’t set her up with your brother, as cute as that would be for us and double dating.”

He chuckles. “I’d never set a girl up with my brother.”

“Does he prefer dudes? I only have the one sister, but I do have a g*y cousin.”

Drew gives me a sideways look. “No, he likes girls. He likes a lot of girls.”

“He’s the opposite of you.” I grab the jam and spoon some onto my toasted English muffin, and then onto his.

“You sure make a lot of assumptions.” He leans back in his chair and takes a sip of his coffee. “Like you assume I want jam on that, and that I can’t spoon it on myself.”

I stop what I’m doing and stare up at him. Is he serious? I’m being nice here, making him breakfast, and he’s going to grind my gears over some jam?

I bring his English muffin to my mouth and start licking it. He watches, his expression a complicated mix of amusement and horror. Once I’m finished licking off every bit of jam, I set the English muffins back in front of him. He keeps sipping his coffee.

I pull out my phone and chew away contentedly on my own breakfast while I check my text messages and stuff. My sister is working at the flower shop today, so I have the whole day off. What am I going to do? I could bake something. I send Rory a message asking if she wants to hang out. Her schedule is usually relaxed during the week.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Drew opens the peanut butter and coats his English muffin, then takes a bite.

“How’s that taste?” I ask.

“Perfect,” he says. “The saliva blends nicely with the peanut butter.”

“You’re kind of a dick sometimes, aren’t you?”

“I can’t say the thing you are sometimes, because I’m a gentleman.”

“Stop being such a dick. You’re making my ni**les hard right now, and I don’t need you wearing out my you-know-what. You’re probably stretching it out with your big thing.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints this morning. Or last night, when I was begging to go to sleep, and you wouldn’t let me.”

I snort. “Right. Funny, that’s not how I remember it.”

We go back to eating our breakfast, the sexual tension and animosity hanging in the air.

After a few minutes, I casually stretch my arms over my head, and then pull off the sweater I had on over my T-shirt. I smooth down the shirt and cough to get his attention.
