Destined Mate (Page 6)

Angela stretched her arms over her head before opening her eyes. Slivers of daylight streamed into the room from one of the partially open curtains. Normally she slept during the day but Knox had kept her up all night. In the most delicious way possible.

Considering the night they'd had, she felt surprisingly refreshed as she got out of bed. After a shower she found Knox had left clothes for her on his dresser and a note telling her he'd be back soon. Carefully she sniffed them – and immediately hated the brief insecurity that jolted through her – but didn't scent anyone else on them. She wondered where he'd acquired new clothes so quickly but didn't really care. Anything was better than walking around naked all day.

After slipping on the black sweater and dark jeans, she put on her own boots then opened his bedroom door. No one was in the hallway but she knew the house was full. She could smell all the shifters. She couldn't tell where Knox was, however.

Couldn't even sense him. She'd thought once they were mated they'd have that bond but maybe that was only a vampire thing. Her boots were silent along the plush carpeted hallway as she made her way to the staircase.

Two male wolves stood at the top talking but both straightened when they saw her. One she recognized from the day before as one of the males who'd wanted her "strung up and punished." Despite the sinister glint in his eyes, he nodded politely at her.

They both did.

Even though she wanted to know where her mate was she wasn't about to ask these two. She just nodded back and continued down the stairs.

The mansion was just as big as the one she'd lived in before but the smells were different. More alive. Everything was a little brighter, too. Thankfully she could walk in sunlight or she'd be fried with all the big windows. For a brief moment she wondered where Natalia was and how she was faring. Her friend wasn't a day walker so was likely sleeping. Maybe Angela shouldn't have been so hard on the young vampire. She'd only been doing what she thought was right.

Even if it hurt that her friend had left the coven without telling her why, deep down she knew it didn't matter. Hell, they were the only two vamps living in this house now and it was obvious not all the shifters would accept her so easily. She'd need all the friends she could get.

As Angela strode through the house she heard bits and pieces of conversations thanks to her extrasensory abilities. Most of it was mundane, everyday stuff. Where shifters had an incredible sense of smell, her sense of hearing was probably a hundred times better than theirs. Long ago she'd learned to tune things out – she'd had to for peace of mind – but when she heard a female voice say Knox's name, she paused in the hallway where she stood and honed in on it. From the direction it sounded as if the voice came from the south part of the mansion.

"Knox only protected her last night to keep peace between the species," one said haughtily.

The other female laughed. "Don't fool yourself. You sound bitter and jealous. Our Alpha doesn't do anything lightly."

"We'll just see how long it lasts." This time the female sounded almost threatening.

"You better not let anyone overhear you," the other one whispered, though it did no good to stop Angela's eavesdropping. "If he mates with her, she'll be our Alpha, too."

The female snorted. "A vampire as our Alpha female? Knox will never allow it."

"You speak as if you know him so well."

She sniffed in an overconfident manner Angela knew she wouldn't soon forget. "There was a time when – "

Angela didn't need to hear anymore. Forcing herself to block out the rest of the conversation, she continued down the long hallway toward a heavy-looking wooden door with intricate carvings. If she stood around and listened to more of that crap she knew she'd search out the location of the she-wolves and her claws would come out. Literally.

And she didn't think it would be a good idea to confront a couple of she-wolves her first day as Knox's mate. When she turned the door handle relief surged through her that it opened and led outside. She might not be accustomed to spending time in the daylight but anything was better than being stuck in that house with shifters that didn't want her there.

There were a lot of things she hadn't considered when she'd decided to mate with Knox. She was now an Alpha female of a pack of wolves? It felt too surreal. And it was also obvious those females didn't know she and Knox were actually mated yet. Which made her wonder when and if he was going to inform his pack. Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret?

She was on the side of the house if her bearings were correct. Stalking across the grassy yard, she headed for a lone gazebo surrounded by a cluster of trees. At least she could think and breathe and just be alone right now.

As she neared it, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Glancing around, she frowned. She could smell someone nearby even if she couldn't see them. She didn't doubt Knox had plenty of security on his land but this was different.

It wasn't just another presence she felt. She smelled actual danger. It hung in the air dark and potent. Instead of walking up the steps to the gazebo, she kept going and circled around it. If someone wanted to ambush her, they were welcome to try.

When she reached the other side of the structure, she stilled. The male she'd seen earlier at the top of the stairs stood in the shadows of the bushes by the gazebo intently staring at her.

And he held a long, shiny dagger. No doubt silver.

Not very subtle. Or smart. Now that she saw him in the light of day she realized how young he was. Barely twenty in human and werewolf years if she had to guess. "You really want to do this?"

His eyes turned to slits. "You're weaker now."

Yeah, not so much. Probably some stupid myth he'd heard about day walkers. But she didn't tell him that. Let him think what he wanted. "You want to kill your Alpha's mate? You're a pup. You must know he'll kill you." If she didn't first.

"I won't submit to a vampire," he spat.

Before she could respond and tell him to rethink his youthful stupidity, he lunged at her.

With ease, she dodged to the side. He missed her by a good foot which only enraged him. He growled deep in his throat but didn't shift to animal form. That surprised her. He was obviously young and inexperienced. Maybe he thought the only way he could kill her was with silver.

Gripping the blade tightly in his hand, he turned to face her again. He was quiet and intent. And so inexperienced. She didn't want to hurt him if she didn't have to.

"You don't have to do this."

"Your kind killed my brother." He wielded the blade.

She gritted her teeth and faced off with him. It was always the same with werewolves or vampires. Stupid blood feuds. "Well, I didn't. I just want to live in peace. You really need to put the blade down."

On the balls of her feet she swayed back and forth, waiting for him to move. She didn't want to get into a direct fight with him and if she could stop him from doing anything stupid, it could alleviate any bloodshed. Definitely wouldn't do for her to kill a werewolf her first day as Knox's mate.

He dodged back and forth like a fighter then jumped for her. She was fast, but not fast enough. He sliced through her sweater and upper arm. The scent of her own blood tickled her nose and made her claws involuntarily extend.

The wolf came at her again, faster this time. He wasn't trained but he was strong. So was she.

When he flew toward her with the knife, she simultaneously clawed at him and kicked out. As her claws sliced the side of his face, her booted foot connected with his stomach hard and fast.

Grunting loudly, he soared back through the air but managed to land on his feet. As he did, a burst of wind ruffled her hair and teased her face.

Then the young wolf went sailing farther through the air until he slammed into a tree with enough intensity that she heard a loud crack.

Frowning, she blinked as Knox skidded to a halt on all fours in wolf form. She hadn't even scented him. Or heard him. How could he have moved so fast? Her heart pounded erratically as she stared at him. He turned to look at her and she immediately took a step back when he narrowed that deadly gaze on her. Did he not recognize her? She didn't understand why he was looking at her like that.

She opened her mouth to speak when she felt a hand on her lower arm. Startled she glanced up to find Alaric standing next to her.

"We need to go," he murmured.

"What's – "

"Now." His grip tightened and he began to pull her away. She tried to yank her arm free but stopped when Knox growled deep in his throat.

And it was directed at her. The sound made her jump and even if she wouldn't admit it out loud, it scared her. Where was the tender, loving man she'd had last night in her bed?

Once they stepped inside the house, she pulled her arm free. "What's going on?"

Alaric shrugged. "You need to wait in Knox's room."

"But – "

"I have strict orders to escort you upstairs."

Her hands balled into fists at her sides. "Who is that guy who attacked me? And what's Knox going to do with him?"

He shrugged again, which only infuriated Angela. "Probably listen to his side of the story."

His side? Did Knox think there was any possible way she'd attacked one of his pack mates? She couldn't believe he'd ordered Alaric to "escort" her upstairs like she was some sort of prisoner. Her heart ached that there was a possibility the bond they'd forged last night wasn't enough to hold his trust. That he actually thought there was any way she'd randomly attack someone. Something warm and moist pricked her eyes but she blinked rapidly. There was no way in hell she'd let anyone in this house see her cry.

Knox scrubbed a hand over his face as he stood in front of his bedroom door. He could scent Angela in there. She was alive, he reminded himself for the hundredth time.

He shouldn't have left her alone this morning but he'd had important pack business to deal with. Business that specifically related to her. He'd never thought anyone would outright attack his new mate. Not when he'd made it clear vampires were now welcome under his roof. Natalia had been under his protection less than a week and no one had made a move against her. Of course her new mate hadn't let her out of his sight for a second either. And Knox shouldn't have let Angela out of his.

He rolled his shoulders, then slowly opened the door. He'd been gone a few hours and knew she would have questions.

The second he stepped inside something soft and fluffy hit him in the face. As one of his pillows hit the ground, he focused on Angela sitting cross-legged on the trunk at the foot of his bed – their bed now. "What was that for?"

Her pale eyes glinted dangerously. "Where have you been for so long? And why did you lock me in here again like some sort of prisoner? Do you really think I started that fight?"

Her questions flew at him like machine-gun fire but he answered them all. "I've formally kicked Roderick – he's the wolf who attacked you – out of my pack." He'd wanted to do worse but Alaric had stopped him and told him to use common sense. When it came to Angela all sense could be damned but he'd listened to the objective voice of his second-in-command. He was going to have enough problems getting his pack to accept a vampire as his mate and he didn't want to start things off by killing a well-liked pack member – even if the pup had started the fight.

She uncrossed her arms from her chest but her expression was still dark. "You didn't answer my other questions."

"I didn't keep you in here because you're a prisoner. I wanted you somewhere I knew you'd be safe. And the answer to your last question should be obvious. I know you didn't start that fight."

Her eyes narrowed. "You growled at me."

"Because I needed you to leave. I couldn't punish him if I was worried about you."

"Hmm." She sat with her lips slightly pursed.

His shoulders ached and all he wanted to do was climb into bed with her. But it was obvious she still needed to talk. "What are you thinking?"

"How the hell we're ever going to work? Your pack will never accept me – "

"They'll accept you," he ground out. Most of them were fine with it. As of now there were a few dissenters, but he'd weed them out. Times were changing and these blood feuds had to stop if they wanted to survive.

She kept going as if he hadn't spoken. "We'll always come up against opposition and what if you want to continue your line. I don't know that I'll be able to give you children."

If he'd wanted offspring, he could have mated a hundred times over. It was rare for a vampire to give birth – one of the reasons a blood born vamp was so powerful – and if all he had was Angela for the rest of their lives, that would be enough. More than enough. He'd heard about a vampire-werewolf hybrid born decades ago, so he knew it was at least possible for their species to mate, but in the end… "I don't care about that. I never have. I want you."

She shook her head and stood up. "Knox – "

He wasn't in the mood to argue. Not after the day he'd had. And it was obvious all she wanted to do was tell him why they wouldn't work when he knew exactly why they would work. So he kissed her.

For a brief moment she tensed against him but just as quickly her body melted against his like liquid sin. When he pulled his head back to pull her top off, she shook her head. "You don't fight fair," she murmured.

"I never claimed to." With her breasts bared to him he didn't waste time sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. Talking could always wait when he had her naked in front of him.

Immediately she arched her back for him, giving him more access. He ran his tongue around her tightening bud and he felt her moan all the way to his toes.

Tonight he would dominate her. He needed to. Their mating and all last night had been scorching hot but now he wanted to take her the way his inner wolf demanded.

When he reached for the button on her pants, she did the same to his. In a flurry of supernaturally fast movement, their clothes were discarded and she was naked and on top of him.

The cool covers underneath him were in direct contrast to the fire in his blood. Angela stroked herself over his cock but didn't make a move to let him inside her. She seemed content to kiss and tease him. Her tongue flicked against his in erotic strokes, making him remember how she'd teased him the same way last night.

As if she read his mind, she drew her head back and smiled. His breath caught at that rare smile. Bracing her hands on his chest, she scooted lower and began a trail of kisses down his body. When she reached one of his nipples, he shuddered as she ran her tongue then teeth over it.

Everywhere she touched or kissed made him burn. She started to move lower but he grabbed her hips and sat up, meeting her mouth with his. The kiss was crushing and demanding.

The harshness of Knox's kiss startled and turned Angela on even more than she already was. His hands tightened around her hips and before she realized what he was doing, he'd flipped their positions.

So dominating.

Even when she tried to take control, he took it right back. Not that she minded. Giving in to him this way was something she could do over and over again. They might have a lot of issues with his pack but they certainly didn't have a problem in the bedroom.

She started to wrap her arms around his neck to pull him closer when his fists tightened on her. He flipped her onto her knees in a fluid, graceful movement. Looking over her shoulder at him, she trembled at the possessive look in his dark eyes.

With his gaze on her, he ran his palm down her back until he reached between her legs from behind. Her parted the lips of her sex and slowly pushed a finger inside her.

The position was different but she found she liked it. Turning, she let her head fall forward as he began stroking her. First with one finger, then two. The intruding thickness made her inner walls tighten around him with each push.

She could feel herself moving closer and closer to orgasm but his fingers wouldn't be enough. She needed all of him right now.

"I need more." She wasn't a big talker in the bedroom and thankfully neither was he. Even if she hadn't told him, she knew he'd listen to what her body said anyway.

He had to feel how wet she was. Would know exactly what she needed. When he withdrew his fingers, she mourned the loss but he quickly grabbed her hips once again in a tight grip.

He pushed into her, hard and fast. Despite making love so many times the night before, taking him inside her again was still an adjustment.

Her back arched and she pushed out a gasp at the intrusion. But he didn't give her a chance to get used to him. Her inner walls expanded and stretched around him as he slammed into her.

Over and over, he pushed into her. Behind her, his breathing was as harsh and shallow as hers. Her skin felt too tight. As if she could crawl right out of herself. Erotic pleasure speared through her with each stroke and she didn't bother holding back her moans. She didn't care if the entire house heard them.

Knox could barely contain himself as he thrust into Angela. Holding her in this submissive position, he knew it wouldn't be long before he came.

But he needed her to feel pleasure first. Especially today. She was obviously worried about their future and he wasn't good with words. But he did know how to show her he cared.

Moving one of his hands from her hips, he slid it over her belly and down until he reached her clit. As he continued thrusting, he lightly stroked her.

"Come for me." The words came out low and commanding. He needed to feel her release on him.

His words set her off. Her body tensed and her breathing became more erratic as her climax slammed through her. Her fingers dug into the covers beneath them and tightened. As she rode through her orgasm, she milked him tighter and tighter.

After holding on to that tiny shred of control for what felt like forever, it wasn't hard to let himself go. Holding on to her as if his life depended on it, he thrust one more time, spilling himself into her long and hard. If she wasn't as strong as she was, he had no doubt he'd bruise her hips with his grip. Some primal part of him liked the idea of marking her. Reminding her they belonged together.

As he released into her, his body became almost limp as the climax subsided. When Angela collapsed on the bed and rolled on her side to face him, he smiled and stretched out next to her.

Her eyes were heavy-lidded but he didn't want her dozing off. Not yet. Reaching out, he placed a light hand on her hip and tugged her closer.

She immediately slid into his embrace and threw a leg over him. "I need some time before another round," she murmured.

"I know," he said, his voice equally low. "We need to talk anyway. Things probably aren't going to be easy at first. My kind, your kind, they aren't all going to be accepting."

"I know." She nodded slowly, making her dark hair swish against the pillow.

"You can doubt other people but you can't doubt us. That's all I ask." He had to know that no matter what happened, she'd believe in him and them.

She placed a light hand on his chest and sighed. "I know. When you growled at me today I guess I just thought the worst. That maybe you regretted us or me or something."

He didn't expect things to get easy for them overnight. With so many prejudices – some he'd once held against vampires – there would be good and bad days, but he had faith in them. "I'll never regret us. I've been hunting for you for nine decades. My feelings just wouldn't die, Angel. Don't expect them to now."

"I do believe in us. I'm just nervous about what this will mean for you and your pack. There's probably going to be some fallout from some of your members if today was any example."

He was Alpha for a reason and if someone didn't like his decisions, they were free to leave. He'd known his entire pack wouldn't be accepting when he took her as his mate but any consequences were a nonissue to him. He ruled one of the strongest packs in the world and his inner wolf dared anyone to come up against him over Angela. They wouldn't like the cost. "After we get dressed I want to formally introduce you to the pack." She tensed at his words so he quickly continued. "They need to meet you immediately to understand what you mean to me. Natalia's fiance is one of my warriors. The fact that he's accepted a vampire as his mate means all the warriors will accept you, too. Everyone else will eventually come around."

Her expression was soft and almost pleading as she stared at him. "Just don't shut me out when making decisions. There's a lot about pack life and werewolves in general. I don't know or understand."

Like earlier. She didn't say it but he understood what she meant. A she-wolf would have understood his intentions but it made sense she didn't. "It'll be a learning curve for both of us."

"I can live with that," she whispered as she closed the distance between them and met his mouth with hers.

As their tongues collided, she tightened her leg and arm around him and pulled flush against him. At the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest, most coherent thought fled. Yeah, meeting the pack could wait for an hour or so because whatever the future held for them, he knew it would be full of times like this.