Devoured by Darkness (Page 65)

Devoured by Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #7)(65)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

He turned, regarding the tiny gargoyle with a steady gaze. “Levet, we need a distraction.”

Laylah grabbed his arm. “Why do we need a distraction?”

“If Ariyal is capable of forming portals then it won’t take him long to collect your aunt and return.”

She shook her head. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

Tane sighed. He’d forgotten the side effects of the mating. He’d never be able to lie to Laylah again. Not always a good thing.

“I have a feeling that Ariyal was willing to use your aunt to track the child,” he confessed, “but now that he’s found you, he plans to take matters into his own hands.”

“What matters?”

“I don’t intend to find out.” He glanced toward the gargoyle. “But I need your help.”

Levet folded his arms over his narrow chest. “Ah, so I am to remain behind and become a martyr?”

“That’s what heroes do.”

The gargoyle hesitated, no doubt debating between his desire to remain with Laylah and his oddly quixotic nature.

“True,” he finally conceded, heaving a tragic sigh. “I am, after all, a Knight in Shining Armor.”

Laylah moved to kneel in front of the demon. “Just promise me you’ll be a knight who doesn’t take foolish chances.”

Levet glanced toward Tane with a sly grin before placing a kiss on Laylah’s cheek. “For you, I promise.”

Tane reached down to grab his mate’s arm, gently pulling her back to her feet.

Damned gargoyle.

“We must go,” he muttered.

Levet snapped his wings. “How will I find you?”

Tane parted his lips to inform the beast he could start his search in hell, when Laylah caught them both by surprise.

“We’ll be in Siberia.”

He flashed her a puzzled frown. “Why the hell are we going to Siberia?”

“Cassie told me, ‘to find the end you must return to the beginning.’”

Chapter 19

Just before dawn they found themselves in Styx’s lair.

Laylah hadn’t been pleased, but he’d convinced her they needed to share the information they’d learned with the Anasso, not to mention the fact that she could use another day of rest before trying to shadow walk with a baby and vampire as passengers.

Now she was settled in an upstairs bedroom and he had sought out his king in his private study so she could actually get some sleep.


Just the thought of her stretched on the massive bed with satin gold sheets draped over her naked body was making him hard. She wouldn’t get any rest if he didn’t control his libido.

He leaned against the massive desk, watching Styx pace the floor as he processed Tane’s account of what had happened since they had last met in this room.

“Darcy’s sister is a prophet?” he at last muttered, tugging on the amulet that hung around his neck while the turquoise ornaments in his long braid filled the air with a musical tinkle. “Damn.”

Tane grinned. “You have interesting in-laws.”

“Tell me about it.” Styx came to a halt in the middle of the office, his arms folded across his massive chest. “We just had a visit from Darcy’s mother.”

Tane’s smile widened. Darcy’s mother was a pureblood Were who liked her sex rough and often. The more often the better. Styx usually had to give his Ravens an entire week off after a visit from his motherin-law just to recover.

Then he recalled the date and he doubled over in laughter. “She visited during a full moon?”

Styx failed to find the humor. “She was … terrifying.”

Tane straightened, his amusement fading. “Speaking of mothers. Have you heard from Uriel?”

“Victor sent word that Uriel had located the tomb where the gypsy was being held, but there was some difficulty in the escape.”

That didn’t sound good.


“He didn’t go into detail, but he did promise to send word once she’d been brought to his lair and he’d determined she wasn’t a threat to Laylah.”

“Good.” Tane nodded. If it was up to him the gypsy wouldn’t be allowed near Laylah until it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was her mother. Unfortunately, he sensed his mate might have her own opinion. “She doesn’t need any unnecessary distractions. Not now.”

Styx studied him with a somber expression. “She is determined?”

“You have no idea.”

“Is that a joke?” Styx demanded in incredulous tones. “I’m a walking testament at having a mate who is determined to risk her neck at every opportunity in the name of truth.”

Tane grimaced. “Does it get any easier?”



Styx shrugged. “Would you prefer I lie?”

Hmmm. Was ignorance bliss?

Tane didn’t have an answer.

And in the end, it didn’t matter.

Laylah was his. And no amount of future aggravation, annoyance, and downright terror would convince him that it was anything but a miracle.

Time for a new conversation.

“Have you discovered any information on the Sylvermyst?”

“Not much.” Styx’s expression hardened. He didn’t like the fact the evil fey had managed to keep their presence hidden. Or the fact that they weren’t sure just how much a danger they posed. “Jagr has been studying what little information he has in his library.”


“From what he read they share the same magic of other fey. They can form portals, cast hexes, and enchant objects. They can also create the usual illusions.”

Tane straightened from the desk. That was next to worthless.

“Styx, these were no typical fey.”

“No, they aren’t,” he agreed, his eyes darkening with frustration. “But they were always secretive and rarely mixed with other demons, so the truth of their powers is hid in obscurity. Now there’s nothing more than nearly forgotten rumors.”

“What are they?” Tane demanded. Rumors were better than nothing.

“One claims that they have a much higher tolerance to iron than their cousins.”

“That’s no rumor. The bastard disappeared out of a cell made entirely of iron and lined with lead while shackled. I’ve never heard of another fey who could do that.” He shook off his regret they hadn’t kept a constant guard on the bastard. How could they have known he could create a portal through enough lead to kill most fey? “What else?”