Dreams (Part One) (Page 38)

Dreams (Part One) (Dreams #1)(38)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

“You can use mine.“

“I think I’ll just do that. Serve you right for being too stubborn to move in with me. And then we’ll fix breakfast, and then I have got to get some work done today. What with one thing and another, I’m not exactly producing pages of manuscript lately. I think I’ll kick the kids out of the house for the day, lock all the doors, make a large pot of coffee and spend some time doing what I’m supposed to be doing this summer.“



“I’m glad you came by when you did last night. It would have been a very long night, otherwise.“

He leaned down and gathered her up into his arms, crushing her very close once more. “I’m glad you needed me a little last night. Because I needed you, too.“

She clung to him until Specter scratched at the front door.

Three hours later, Brandon appeared in the Jeep. Specter raced out ferociously at the familiar sound of the engine, but when he saw who was at the wheel he immediately lost interest in the attack.

“Hi, Diana,“ Brandon said when Diana walked out onto the porch. “Dad won’t let anyone into the house. He says Robyn and I are supposed to entertain ourselves for the day. We’ve already gone hiking, and now Robyn is reading out there under the trees. I’m on my way into town to pick up Dad’s mail and some groceries. Dad said you might want to go along. He said you usually go into town about this time, too.“

“That sounds great, Brandon. I’ll get my bag.“

“Specter can come, too,“ Brandon called after her. “That’s why I brought the Jeep. There’s room for both of you.“

“If only your father were so gracious toward my dog. Specter might take an entirely different attitude toward him.“

Brandon laughed, and a few minutes later the Jeep pulled out of the yard with all of them aboard.

“You drive like your father,“ Diana muttered as Brandon whipped the Jeep neatly into a curve and accelerated confidently on the other side. The sense of speed, power and control was very familiar.

“Probably because he taught me,“ Brandon said with a casual shrug. “Specter okay back there?“

“He’s fine.“ Diana patted Specter, who had his nose stuck out into the slipstream.

There were several interested stares as Brandon parked the Jeep in front of the post office. Across the street, Eddy Spooner waved from under the hood of a car. Diana waved back on the way into the gossip center of Fulbrook Corners.

“Groceries next,“ she announced a few minutes later when they trooped back out of the post office.

“I’ll come with you,“ Brandon said. “Got to get some stuff for dinner. Dad says we’re having you over again tonight.“ He glanced around with interest. “Hard to believe Dad grew up in a place like this. Somehow it just doesn’t look like him.“

“I don’t think he fit in too well here,“ Diana murmured.

“I wonder why he came back this summer.“

“It’s an interesting question.“

It was then that Diana saw the aging blue Cadillac moving ponderously down the street toward them. She knew in that moment that she faced a major decision. She also knew there weren’t many options. The Cadillac was already slowing in front of them. Harry was going to park in front of the grocery store.


“Yeah, Diana?“

“That’s your grandmother in the Cadillac.“

Brandon came to an abrupt halt, staring in fascination as Harry got out of the car and opened the door for the regal woman inside. Margaret Fulbrook stood waiting, her eyes riveted on her grandson.

“Good morning, Mrs. Fulbrook,“ Diana said quietly as she and Brandon drew close. “Allow me to present Brandon Savagar. Brandon, this is Margaret Fulbrook.“ She held her breath, but Brandon’s innate good manners overcame the traumatic nature of the moment.

“How do you do, Mrs. Fulbrook?“ he said with admirable calm.

“You look like him,“ Margaret Fulbrook snapped accusingly. “Just like he did at your age. Except for the eyes.

What they told me about your eyes is true. They’re just like Cynthia’s.“

“That’s what Dad always said.“

“I’m surprised your father would admit there was any part of you that resembled your mother’s side of the family.

What did Colby tell you about Cynthia when you were growing up?“

“He said she was very pretty.“

Margaret Fulbrook’s eyes softened reminiscently. “Yes,“ she said, “my daughter was very pretty. Very full of life.

If it hadn’t been for your father…“

Brandon didn’t wait for her to finish. “Excuse me, Mrs. Fulbrook. We’ve got some shopping to do.“ He took Diana’

s arm with all the cool aplomb Colby would have demonstrated in the situation and started toward the entrance of the grocery store. Diana didn’t try to stop him.

“Where do you think you’re going, young man?“ Margaret Fulbrook shrilled behind them. “You come back here this instant. I’m talking to you. Harry, stop him. Stop him this instant.“

Harry lumbered into their path, moving as heavily as the big Cadillac he drove. His small eyes were narrowed in anticipation. “You heard her, kid. She wants to talk to you. Do like she says, or I’ll give you what I gave your father one night, back when he was your age.“

Brandon released Diana’s arm. She could feel him preparing himself.

“Don’t worry, Brandon,“ she said smoothly, “your father says Harry’s big, but he’s slow. And if he was too slow to take your father twenty years ago, I think it’s safe to assume that by now poor Harry’s turned into molasses.“

Rage creased Harry’s heavy face. “Slow, am I? I’ll show you who’s slow.“ He raised a meaty fist, glaring at Brandon. “You’re just like him, damn you. Just like him. He probably taught you a couple of his sucker punches. But I’

ll take you. See if I don’t.“

Brandon stood waiting. He never took his eyes off his opponent.

Diana turned to fix Margaret Fulbrook with a withering glance. “This little performance is certainly guaranteed to make sure Brandon never speaks to you again, isn’t it, Mrs. Fulbrook?“

“I want to talk to him. I must talk to him. Now that^ I’ve seen him, I must speak to him. Don’t you understand?“