Finding My Prince Charming (Page 39)

Finding My Prince Charming (Finding My Prince Charming #1)(39)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“It sounds magical.” I couldn’t keep the excitement out if my voice.

“It will be.” He held my hands and his face turned serious. “Thank you for being so good about this. I want to apologize for turning your world upside down like this. Most people would not have been able to handle it.”

“It’s okay, you can’t help being a prince,” I shrugged. He laughed so hard that I could see tears in his eyes.

“You’re so refreshing, Lola. Most women love that the most about me.”


“Are you full?” Xavier gave me a small smile as I finished eating my chocolate croissant.

“Yes, or should I say, oui.” I licked my lips and then took a sip of my coffee.

“I’m excited to show you the gardens.”

“I’m excited to see them. I had no idea we were going to come on a class trip here.”

“Okay, I think I need to let you in on a little something.”


“There will be no class trip to Giverny.”

“What?” I frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I told you a little porky pie.” He placed some money on the table and stood up. “After I saw how excited you were about Monet’s water lily painting, I knew I had to bring you here.”

“You lied to me.” I could hear the shock in my voice.

“I wanted you to see the pond and bridge in person.” He looked at me intently. “I thought you’d appreciate seeing exactly what Claude saw when he painted.”

“I don’t know what to say.” My heart thudded at his words. “That was so thoughtful of you, yet I don’t know why you lied.”

“Would you have come if I had told you I wanted to take you somewhere personally?”

“Maybe not.” I made a face.

“Exactly,” he shrugged. “I know that it has been slightly awkward between us, so I wanted to show you that I can be a thoughtful man.”

“Or you just wanted to seduce me.”

“You booked the rooms, Lola. Did you want to seduce me?”

“No.” I blushed. “That was a mistake.”

“I like mistakes.” He smiled gently. “But now let us go look in the gardens.” He pointed ahead of us and I saw a man waiting with an expensive looking car.

“You got a car?”

“Normally Max drives me around, but …” He stopped talking and shrugged. “Now I have a chauffeur.”

“You didn’t need to do that.”

“Oh, but I did.” He nodded to the right and I followed his movement. “The paparazzi will be waiting for us all day and night. This will make it easier for us.”

“It’s crazy how they hound you.”

“It comes with my position.”

“It must be nice, being the playboy prince of Europe.”

“It has its advantages and disadvantages.” He shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“It is what it is,” I mumbled under my breath and made a face behind him. He was always so blasé about everything.


“Where is everyone else?” I looked around as we got to the gardens.

“It will just be us today.” He walked ahead of me. “I wanted you to enjoy and explore and feel like you can be one with nature.”

“That was very thoughtful of you.” I looked around me, and my breath caught in my throat as I saw how beautiful our surroundings were. I’d never seen so many different shades of green in one place before. The grass and the trees all seemed to be positively thriving in the setting and the flowers were all so bright and beautiful. I half expected to see some animals dancing on the grass and having a picnic. As soon as I saw the pond, I started running. It looked just as I remembered it from Monet’s paintings. It was magnificent. I ran hard and fast, and I felt my hair flapping against my back. The sun warmed my face and I gazed at the pond and green bridge in awe. There were purple flowers hanging overhead, and I just stared at the picture in front of me, my eyes taking in every color and flower.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Xavier’s voice whispered into my ear as he stood next to me.

“It’s just like the paintings. He captured the essence so brilliantly.” I nodded, not looking away. “Look at the lily pads.” I pointed into the pond. “It feels almost magical being here after seeing the photos so many times.”

“Being with you feels magical.” His arm slid around my waist and we just stood there taking it all in.

“Thank you for bringing me here, even if it was due to a lie.” I smiled up at him. “This is really wonderful. And I’m sorry about the paparazzi. I’m sorry they got the wrong impression of us.”

“Don’t be sorry.” He grabbed my face and tilted it up to look at him. “Everything happens for a reason.” He leaned down and kissed me hard and I kissed him back. I lifted my arms up as he pulled my t-shirt off and then we fell to the ground. He undid my bra and I grabbed the front of his shirt.

“I’m going to make love to you in the fields.” He groaned as he kissed down my neck. “Are you okay with that?”

“I don’t have any …” I gasped as his teeth bit down on my nipple.

“I have protection.” He grinned at me as he looked up and switched over to the other nipple. He bit down again and I cried out. His lips moved quickly to my shorts and he pulled them down swiftly. I felt the cool breeze against my naked skin and shivered. “I’ll keep you warm, Lola.” Xavier sat up and pulled his shirt off and then his pants. I stared at his manhood, hard and bulging and then reached out and grabbed him.

“I’m looking forward to you keeping me warm.” I laughed as he groaned and pushed me back down on the grass. His face immediately fell between my legs and his tongue explored my folds while he lips sucked on my clit. I felt my wetness against his face and I squirmed beneath him.

“What are you doing?” I moaned as he lifted my legs up and his tongue slid from my clit down to my other hole.

“Relax.” He groaned as he licked my anus. I felt the tip of his tongue enter me slightly and I bucked against his face in shock. “Close your eyes and relax.” He chuckled, still holding my legs up as he tongue moved back to my clit. I groaned as his tongue entered me and moved back and forth inside of me. I felt my orgasm come hard and fast and he licked me up eagerly as I came.