Heartbreaker (Page 21)

Michelle felt her control slipping away by degrees, and she didn’t care. Control didn’t matter, nothing mattered but the heat that was consuming her body and mind, building until all sense of self was gone and she was nothing but a female body, twisting and surging beneath the overpowering male. A powerful tension had her in its grip, tightening, combining with the heat as it swept her inexorably along. She was burning alive, writhing helplessly, wild little pleading sobs welling up and escaping. John took them into his own mouth, then put his hand between their bodies, stroking her. She trembled for a moment on the crest of a great wave; then she was submerged in exploding sensation. He held her safely, her heaving body locked in his arms while he thrust deeply, giving her all the pleasure he could.

When it was over she was limp and sobbing, drenched with both her sweat and his. "I didn’t know," she said brokenly, and tears tracked down her face. He murmured to her, holding her tightly for a moment, but he was deep inside her now, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Sliding his hands beneath her hips, he lifted her up to receive his deep, powerful thrusts.

Now it was she who held him, cradling him in her body and with her arms tight around him; he cried out, a deep, hoarse sound, blind and insensible to everything but the great, flooding force of his pleasure.

It was quiet for a long time afterward. John lay on top of her, so sated and relaxed that he couldn’t tolerate the idea of moving, of separating his flesh from hers. It wasn’t until she stirred, gasping a little for breath, that he raised himself on his elbows and looked down at her.

Intense satisfaction, mingled with both gentleness and a certain male arrogance, was written on his face as he leaned above her. He smoothed her tangled hair back from her face, stroking her cheeks with his fingers. She looked pale and exhausted, but it was the sensuous exhaustion of a woman who has been thoroughly satisfied by her lover. He traced the shape of her elegant cheekbones with his lips, his tongue dipping out to sneak tastes that sent little ripples of arousal through him again.

Then he lifted his head again, curiosity burning in his eyes. "You’ve never enjoyed it before, have you?"

A quick flush burned her cheeks, and she turned her head on the pillow, staring fixedly at the lamp. "I suppose that does wonders for your ego."

She was withdrawing from him, and that was the last thing he wanted. He decided to drop the subject for the time being, but there were still a lot of questions that he intended to have answered. Right now she was in his arms, warm and weak from his love-making, just the way he was going to keep her until she became used to his possession and accepted it as fact.

She was his now.

He’d take care of her, even spoil her. Why not? She was made to be pampered and indulged, at least up to a point. She’d been putting up a good fight to work this ranch, and he liked her guts, but she wasn’t cut out for that type of life. Once she realized that she didn’t have to fight anymore, that he was going to take care of her, she’d settle down and accept it as the natural order of things.

He didn’t have money to waste on fancy trips, or to drape her in jewels, but he could keep her in comfort and security. Not only that, he could guarantee that the sheets on their bed would stay hot. Even now, so soon after having her, he felt the hunger and need returning. Without a word he began again, drawing her down with him into a dark whirlpool of desire and satisfaction. Michelle’s eyes drifted shut, her body arching in his arms. She had known instinctively, years ago, that it would be like this, that even her identity would be swamped with the force of his passion. In his arms she lost herself and became only his woman.

Chapter Five

Michelle woke early, just as the first gray light of dawn was creeping into the room. The little sleep she’d gotten had been deep and dreamless for a change, but she was used to sleeping alone; the unaccustomed presence of a man in her bed had finally nudged her awake. A stricken look edged into her eyes as she looked over at him, sprawled on his stomach with one arm curled under the pillow and the other arm draped across her naked body.

How easy she’d been for him. The knowledge ate at her as she gingerly slipped from the bed, taking care not to wake him. He might sleep for hours yet; he certainly hadn’t had much sleep during the night.

Her legs trembled as she stood, the soreness in her thighs and deep in her body providing yet another reminder of the past night, as if she needed any further confirmation of her memory. Four times. He’d taken her four times, and each time it had seemed as if the pleasure intensified. Even now she couldn’t believe how her body had responded to him, soaring wildly out of her control. But he’d controlled himself, and her, holding her to the rhythm he set in order to prolong their lovemaking.Now she knew that all the talk about him hadn’t been exaggerated;both his virility and his skill had been if anything, underrated.

Somehow she had to come to terms with the unpleasant fact that she had allowed herself to become the latest of his one-night stands. The hardest fact to face wasn’t that she’d been so easily seduced, but her own piercing regret that such ecstasy wouldn’t last. Oh, he might come back…but he wouldn’t stay. In time he’d become bored with her and turn his predatory gaze on some other woman just as he always had before.

And she’d go on loving him, just as she had before.

Quietly she got clean underwear from the dresser and her bathrobe from the adjoining bath, but she went to the bathroom down the hall to take a shower. She didn’t want the sound of running water to awaken him. Right now she needed time to herself, time to gather her composure before she faced him again. She didn’t know what to say, how to act

The stinging hot water eased some of the soreness from her muscles, though a remaining ache reminded her of John’s strength with every step she took. After showering she went down to the kitchen and started brewing a fresh pot of coffee. She was leaning against the cabinets, watching the dark brew drip into the pot, when the sound of motors caught her attention. Turning to look out the window, she saw the two pickup trucks from John’s ranch pull into the yard. The same men who had been there the day before got out; one noticed John’s car parked in front of the house and poked his buddy in the ribs, pointing. Even from that distance Michelle could hear the muffled male laughter, and she didn’t need any help imagining their comments. The boss had scored again. It would be all over the county within twenty-four hours. In the manner of men everywhere, they were both proud and slightly envious of their boss’ sexual escapades, and they’d tell the tale over and over again.