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Heartstrings (Rock with You #1)(11)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“Yes, we should discuss that. I have a meeting now that will take me through most of the afternoon. Stop by my office after five.”

Before she could answer, Ryan was gone.

She quickly dialed Logan’s cell phone but it went to voice mail. She left an apology for abruptly ending the call and asked him to call her later, with a time and place. And that she was very much looking forward to dinner.

An uneasy feeling dogged Melody for the rest of the afternoon. She read through the resumes in the file, heartsick at the thought of replacing Melissa. When she returned the file to Joe’s office, he seemed remote and cold, and Melody wondered if Ryan had had any conversations with him about her. She decided she was being paranoid and went back to her office, delving into her other cases.

It was just after four o’clock and Logan hadn’t returned her call. She debated calling him before she went to see Ryan, but her phone buzzed, her heart skipping at the thought that it was Logan. But the digital display showed Ryan’s office number, and she frowned. She picked up, almost dreading the sound of his voice.

“Come on up. I finished my meetings early. We can get this done tonight, Lori can make the changes tomorrow and it’ll be filed.”

She took the stairs to Ryan’s office, her feet dragging. Get it over with and look forward to dinner with Logan.

Ryan’s door was open and she knocked, hesitating in the doorway.

“Have a seat.” He walked over to the small table, pushing the door closed. The sound of the latch made Melody jump.

“Hunter’s lined up several candidates. He’ll do the initial interviews and then you can have the top three to interview, along with Joe and I. That should get you someone within a few weeks, assuming they need to give notice.”

Melody nodded, making a note on her pad. Ryan had Logan’s case file and he spread the documents out on the table, turning them toward her, before rising and walking behind his desk.

The room had grown quiet and she was focused on the complaint, making notes in the margins.

Ryan’s sudden presence by her chair made her jump. He leaned over, one hand on the back of her chair, the other on the table. Again, she felt pinned by him, as he looked over her shoulder at the complaint. She was overly aware of the scent of his aftershave, of the warmth of his body.

“Very good…I like this.” He pointed to an area of her notes, tapping the paper with his finger.

“I like this very much.” His voice was low and Melody could feel his warm breath on her cheek.

“Ryan…” She didn’t even know what she wanted to say but before she could continue, he put his hand on her shoulder, his fingers moving upward, into the hair along the nape of her neck.

“Shhh…just relax. You’re so tense. I can feel it. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Nothing here that you don’t want.”

“Please…Ryan. Stop.” She wanted to get out from under his touch, but he moved closer, his body pressing against her shoulder.

“I’ll stop when you do…you know you want this as much as I do. Ever since Patrick, you’ve been playing me, making it clear how this is going. And I’m just following your lead.”

She shook her head. “But, not…not this.”

“Not this? We’ve had this conversation, Melody. The same page, remember? I know what you want…you want partner. You want it so bad you can taste it. And I want it for you. And we can do it together.”

The brush of his lips on her neck made her cringe. She pulled away, turning her head.

Ryan stood, drawing in a sharp breath. “Have you changed your mind then? We’re not talking the same language anymore, are we?”

He pulled out the chair across from her, sitting stiffly against the high leather back, hands folded in his lap.

“I’m disappointed, Melody. Maybe this case isn’t for you?”

Ryan was looking at her critically, and she saw reproach and a sneer of contempt on his face, something she’d never seen, ever felt from Ryan before.

“Maybe you’re not the woman I thought you were. Perhaps partner isn’t for you either. There are others…” He rose, standing in front of the window, his back to her, hands clasped behind him.

“You can go. We’re finished here, for now. Lori can make the changes and file in the morning.” He spoke without turning around.

Melody gathered her notebook and pen, hesitating a moment, but Ryan didn’t turn around. She let herself out of his office.

* * *

In her office, Melody tossed her notebook on the growing chaos of her desk. Melissa’s absence was already creating havoc with her work, raising her anxiety level. She was afraid she was going to miss something critical, some deadline would slip by unnoticed and her client’s would suffer.

And Ryan’s behavior wasn’t making her life any easier. In frustration she threw her pen across the room, watching it bounce behind a chair. Sighing heavily, she walked over and retrieved it from the floor. Everything was so complicated, so muddled.

Ryan was using her, no doubt. She’d wondered how women allowed themselves to become victims, to let themselves be used by men. She’d always thought the women were weak or really wanted the abuse.

But now, in the midst of it all, with her own career on the line, she understood how a man in power could manipulate a woman into a situation like this. I’m in that situation; I’m that woman.

She reached for the phone, dialing Logan’s cell phone. He answered and the sound of his voice, the accent, the hint of a smile…made her smile in return.

“Dinner with you, Melody? Of course. And I’ll even let you eat this time.”

* * *

Melody met Logan at a restaurant near his hotel. He was waiting for her, a small group of fans gathered around him. She watched for a moment as he patiently signed autographs and posed for pictures. He was in his element, relaxed and casual, taking the time to sign a girl’s arm. She walked away with her friends, holding her arm as if it were somehow cast in gold.

Logan saw her and his face lit up. He excused himself from the rest of the group, and took her arm. The maître d’ escorted them to a secluded table, leaving a wine list. Logan pushed it aside, taking Melody’s hands briefly, kissing her fingers.

“You’ll make the fans jealous, if they see you holding my hand.”

“I suppose I will. But they’ll have to get over it. You’re my only girl now.”

“Was it hard to get used to that…being recognized? Asked to sign body parts?”

Logan laughed, letting go of her hands. “Aye, at first it was a bit odd. I was always shocked that someone knew my name, especially after we were out of Scotland. Everyone knew me there, but the first time it happened somewhere else, I was completely thrown. But now, I’m fair used to it.” He sighed.

“Signing arms though…that’s a first. She said she was going to get it made into a tattoo.” He shook his head in disbelief. “That’s a new one on me. I asked her what would happen if she decided someday she didn’t like my music. She said she’d always love me anyway.”

Melody grinned. “The price of fame, your name forever tattooed on a girl’s arm.”

“I’d rather have it etched on someone’s heart.”

Melody felt a rising blush in her cheeks and grew suddenly shy as she looked at Logan over her water glass. The waiter arrived, taking their order, returning with a bottle of wine. Logan poured them each a glass. Melody toyed with hers, wishing she could push the afternoon out of her mind.

“You’re distracted. Is something bothering you?” Logan was watching her closely, for once his eyes serious, no playful smile lurking at the corners of his mouth. He’s worried…about me, or about us?

She kept her eyes down, debating just how much to reveal. “Just work. It’s been…busy. Melissa was let go so…it’s been hard.” She raised her eyes to his.

Logan was looking at her, a frown creasing his handsome face. “I feel I’m letting you down somehow. You’re so focused on me, the case…and I don’t know what’s going on with you.”

“Oh, Logan. You can’t think that way. I don’t think that at all. Please don’t feel you’re neglecting me.”

She reached across the table for his hand. “You have to admit this hasn’t been a very conventional relationship so far. Please…don’t for a minute think you’re lacking in any way. You have so much to think about, with the band, with Ashton. I’m fine, really.”

Logan’s lips curved up in a smile. “It’s just my manly pride that makes me think I should take care of you, in every way, all the time. And I should know how. But you’re right. This is anything but conventional.”

He squeezed her hand. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

They made small talk for the rest of dinner, Melody artfully avoiding any further conversation about work. But on the short walk back to Logan’s hotel, he held her hand and she told him an abbreviated version of Melissa’s firing.

“It was just such a shock. I thought everything was going well. But I guess I have a lot to learn about managing staff.”

“You’ll be fine. You’re good with people. Are you sure it was really Melissa and not something else? Something from higher up?”

In the soft darkness, Melody tensed. Did Logan suspect there was more happening at work? Or was she that paranoid? There was no way she could explain what was happening with Ryan; she didn’t really understand it herself.

“No, nothing else. I guess I grew too dependent on her and now I’m paying the price.”

They took the elevator to Logan’s room. There were several bouquets of fresh flowers in the room and Melody bent to an arrangement, inhaling the sweet scent of the blooms.

“From adoring fans?” Logan’s arms were around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. She leaned back against him and he nuzzled her neck.

“No. They’re for you. I want to send them to your office, but I didn’t think it would be the right thing, you know? So, they’re here, for you to enjoy.”

She turned to Logan, her lips parted to speak, but he caught her in a kiss. He held her gently, and she melted against him, her words forgotten, all thoughts of work and Ryan pushed from her mind.

Eventually he broke the kiss, leading her solemnly to the bedroom. With gentle fingers he undressed her, carefully placing each item of clothing on a chair. He held her hands when she reached for the buttons on his shirt, gently walking her backward until her legs brushed against the bed. She sat down, sliding back, pulling her legs up onto the mattress.

Silently Logan climbed beside her, lying next to her, his legs wrapped around hers. With slow fingers he brushed the hair from her forehead, tracing a line down her cheek, her throat, down to the tops of her br**sts.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen. I’ve told you that but it’s true. The first time I saw you, I thought you were magical, even if you were insensible.”
