Read Books Novel


Heartstrings (Rock with You #1)(12)
Author: Adriana Hunter

He was looking down at her, his eyes serious, his mouth quirking up at the corners. “Insensible or not, you’re mine now. For as long as you’ll have me.”

His lips were on hers again, firm and gentle at the same time, his tongue dancing across her lips. She opened her lips and his tongue found hers, the kiss deepening, intensifying.

For Melody, everything seemed new, yet somehow familiar. The giddy sense of excitement, of discovery, now came with the feeling of comfort and growing ease. She ran her hands over his body, not with the rushing eagerness she’d felt before, but with a slow purpose with the pleasure of knowing she felt safe with Logan. Her fingers trailed lightly over his body, caressing him softly, moving on to touch and fondle, caress and hold.

Logan leaned on one elbow, looking down at her, his fingers slowly drawing circles on the soft skin of her breast “You’re different tonight…softer, slower. Relaxed. I like it.” He kissed her forehead, her eyelids.

“I’m happy.” The words slipped between her lips before she realized she’d spoken. But as soon as she heard them, she knew it was true. She smiled at Logan, who had an amused look on his face.

“I’m glad. It’d be a terrible shame if you weren’t. I’d feel very guilty being the only one here who’s happy.”

He leaned over, claiming her breast with his mouth. Melody ran her fingers through his hair, holding him against her. As he moved lower, kissing a wandering path down her body, she sighed, shifting as he moved between her legs, his hands resting beneath her, cupping her to him.

The rest of her body felt weightless and as he used his mouth and tongue to slowly drive her crazy, she felt as if everything was concentrated down to her core, to the searing sensation of fire between her legs. The fire that grew, surging up through her body, rising as she writhed and twisted on the bed.

Her cries were muffled in the pillow, her body arching against Logan as he took her over the edge.

He held her for a long time, his head resting on her hip, his breath soft across her stomach, as her breathing slowed, as her heart stopped thudding in her chest. She ran one hand through his hair, and he looked up at her, a slow smile spreading on his lips.

Without a word, he moved up her body, the weight of him slowly pinning her to the sheets, pressing her down as he settled between her legs. When he took her, it was slow and focused, each movement fanning the fire he’d started.

She was breathless as she watched him, his face close to hers, his eyes moving over her face, taking in every detail.

When Logan came, he buried his head on Melody’s shoulder. No soft words this time, no murmurs against her skin. She felt his mouth open against her neck, an exhalation as he let go and then a sound so primal, so full of lust and passion that it sent a shiver down her spine. He shook and trembled and she held him to her, the power and force of his release so evident in his body.

After a long time he pulled away, rolling onto his back. Again, he searched for her hand, holding it fast in his, bringing it against his chest.

When he spoke his voice was soft, far away. “Ye remind me of home, Melody. Of hills and green and sudden storms that cover the mountains, wild with thrashing wind, and then it’s calm with a rainbow. And the sun comes out and it’s warm again.”

He turned toward her. “I’d want to take you there sometime, to walk in the heather, and see the lochs. It would be grand, just us.”

“I’d like that. Just us.” She smiled, sighing. “Just us and no one else.” Curling against his shoulder, she let herself enjoy the fantasy of running away to Scotland with Logan.

It was much later, after they’d come together again, that she heard him murmur the Gaelic words he’d said before. She didn’t need to ask this time what they meant. They settled on her heart, etching themselves there.

“I love you too, Logan.”

She searched in the dark for his hand, holding it against her heart.

* * *

Even with the lack of sleep, Melody was at her desk well before anyone else. She wanted to keep off of Ryan’s radar, do her job and concentrate on Logan’s case. But she found herself drifting into thoughts of her night with Logan, his hands on her skin, the combination of gentle and forceful. The Gaelic words she now recognized as he spoke them softly while making love to her. She caught herself sighing more than once, idly tapping her pen against her teeth.

The chime of her email brought her back again from one more daydream. It was from Lori. She clicked the icon and opened the attachment. It was the confirmation of the filing for Logan’s case. Her heart did a little flip. Filings were routine for her, but this meant they had taken the first step in hopefully repairing the damage Jack Ashton had caused. Now it was just a matter of waiting for Ashton’s answer and, as Melody had told Logan, the possibility of Ashton’s counter-suit.

She dialed Logan’s cell phone, re-reading the email as the call went through.

“Hello.” Logan’s voice was groggy and Melody cringed.

“I woke you. I’m sorry.”

“Aye, but I don’t mind being woken by you, or your voice. I should be doing things anyway, not lying about in bed.”

“I have news. We filed today. It’s official.”

“Well, then. That’s progress. I feel better now, even though I know the worst is yet to come.”

“The worst may be the public side of it all, depending on how Ashton reacts in the press. You’ll have to be prepared to hear some pretty ugly things, I would think.”

“I know Ashton and yes, he has a very sharp tongue and a very short temper. I’ll be on my own in this. There’s nothing I can do but tell the truth.”

“I’d advise you to say nothing, actually. But we can talk about that later, as things progress. You and I and Ryan can meet and decide on how we want you to handle the publicity.”

“I want to see you again.” Logan’s voice was low, seductive and Melody’s heart started beating faster.

“You just saw me, something like six hours ago.”

“It’s been that long? Too long…any time is too long.” She heard his soft laugh. “You bring out the romantic in me, Melody. I’ll be writing love songs now in the wee hours instead of rock.”

“I should go. I’ll call you when I’m home. Come to my apartment and I’ll make you dinner. I’ll even find a bottle of Macallan for us.”

“You cook and I’ll bring the Macallan.”

The afternoon passed quickly. Joe Hunter called to set up interviews for a new paralegal. Melody mentally chastised herself for not calling Melissa and made a mental note to do that as soon as she got home.

It was almost five o’clock when her phone rang. She answered the phone and was greeted by a very angry sounding Ryan.

“My office. Now.” The line went dead.

What did I do now?

She was standing outside Ryan’s door a few minutes later. He was seated at his work table, with what looked like a stack of glossy photos.

“Come in. Close the door. Sit.” He gathered the photos, tapping them square and laid them on the table in front of Melody.

She looked down at the image on the top of the stack. It was Logan, with a pretty blonde woman Melody recognized as a model, or former model.

“Logan MacKenzie…in all his glory.”

Melody sat on the edge of the chair, looking through the photos. Each showed Logan with a different woman. In all of them he had his arm around the woman; in many they were kissing. She felt a sharp twinge of jealousy at seeing Logan with other women, but he’d told her there had been some…more than he’d liked to admit. But it still was uncomfortable to see in black and white.

“Where did you get these?” She looked up from the stack, her eyes filled with suspicion.

“They were delivered today by courier. I suspect from Ashton, but there was no note attached so I can’t be sure.”

Melody put the stack down. “I don’t really see the point of this. Logan’s personal life isn’t part of the suit…”

“Keep going.” Ryan pointed to the stack.

Melody flipped through the remaining photos. And there it was. The last photo in the stack.

It was of her, very clearly her. In the bar with Logan, almost sitting on his lap. They were locked in an embrace, one she remembered very well. She closed her eyes.

“Care to explain?” Ryan’s voice held something more than professional disapproval. His jaw was tight and his words were uttered through clenched teeth. He’s jealous of Logan.

“It was before he became my client.”

“And since he’s been your…our…the firm’s client? Has this relationship continued?”

“No.” Melody felt a flush creep up her cheeks, something she knew happened when she was caught in a lie. She hoped Ryan would think it was just embarrassment at the photo and nothing more.

“Do you know what this will do to the case, much less your career…and the reputation of this firm…if this goes public? It’s a serious conflict of interest. And if this package came from Ashton, which I strongly suspect that it did, it will be splashed across every tabloid willing to listen. You’re seriously damaging this case even before it’s started.”

“But this was before the suit.” She knew her protests weren’t going to make any difference. Something was wrong, a nagging feeling she was missing a vital connection. But she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Is there anything that can be done? Any damage control the firm can do?”

Ryan stood, pacing in front of the window. The tension in his body was obvious and Melody felt her own body tense as she watched him, heard the rising anger in his voice.

“Damage control? Yes, for one, you can be taken off the case. Two, you can be let go from the firm. Any damage control starts with getting rid of you first, Melody. You can’t expect us to sweep this under the rug. Sleeping with a client…”

“Ryan.” Her voice was louder than she anticipated. He turned, scowling at her.

She knew what it was, the nagging inconsistency in her mind. Ryan had no way of knowing she was sleeping with Logan. He suspected the worst, leapt to that conclusion, but he had no proof. And the photo in her hand was not evidence of an affair, even as damning as it might seem.

She made the effort to lower her voice. “Listen. This photo was taken more than a month ago. And…” She held up the photo. “I am not sleeping with him in this photo. Based on this, why are you accusing me of sleeping with Logan?”

“Because everyone else will accuse you of sleeping with him. You’re missing the point. This has nothing to do with me…You’ll be tried in the public media and it will destroy your client’s case”

Melody sighed. “So now you know the worst, Ryan. Let’s wait, see how this plays out. You don’t know where these photos came from. Planning for the worst is one thing, but you’re convicting me based on no evidence at all.”

Melody tried to maintain some kind of professional calm, but her heart was pounding and she knew her face was still flushed.
