Read Books Novel

Hold on Tight

Hold on Tight (Sea Breeze #8)(14)
Author: Abbi Glines

“You can do this,” I said one last time before opening the door.

Cam was dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a light blue polo shirt. I had dressed appropriately. One worry off my list.

“Hello,” he said with a grin. “You look gorgeous. I feel like I need to go back home and try to make myself look like it’s actually believable that we’re out together.”

Yes, he was doing wonders for my self-esteem. “Thank you, but you look very handsome yourself. I don’t think anyone will question that we are together.”

He chuckled, then shrugged. “I’m not sure how you’re that blind, but I’m just counting my lucky stars.” He held out his arm to me. “Ready?”

I nodded and stepped outside onto the porch, then locked up behind me before sticking my keys in my purse. I’d had a key made for Tabby this week and given it to her, so if she needed to get inside to get Micah anything, she’d be able to.

“I made reservations at Le Cellier. I hope you like steak,” he said with a smile. I had heard of Le Cellier, but I’d never been there. “I love steak,” I told him. And I intended to eat a filet, which felt nice. I wouldn’t have to pick at my food because I was worrying about what he was thinking. This was going to be a good night. I could already tell.

* * *

Two hours later I was ready to go back home and put on my pajamas. Cam was really nice, but I was a little bored with him. He talked about work and asked me about myself. He did everything right, but there was something missing. I wasn’t sure if I was just being picky because my last relationship had been with someone I was already so close to.

“You want to stop in Live Bay and listen to Jackdown play? I hear they’re good. I haven’t been to see Jackdown yet, but Live Bay seems to be the place to go to hear live music and dance.”

For the first time all night, something sounded exciting. I hadn’t been dancing in forever . . . since the prom, and I wasn’t sure that counted. I danced with Micah all the time around the house, but live music and actual dancing sounded like fun. Maybe it had been the stuffy fancy restaurant he had taken me to that had bored me. If he liked to dance, he couldn’t be completely boring.

“Sounds like fun,” I said, trying not to bounce in my seat like a kid.

He pulled his Volvo into the parking lot. The place was packed. I soaked it all in. This was a world I didn’t know. One I wanted a taste of. Live Bay had been around when I was sixteen, but I hadn’t been old enough to get inside. Now I was getting to see what the fuss was all about.

“Isn’t that your . . . uh, son’s uncle?” Cam asked.

I swung my gaze over to where he was looking and immediately wished I hadn’t. Seeing Dewayne pressing some girl up against his truck while attacking her face was not what I wanted to see. I was sure she was gorgeous. Surprisingly enough, she had red hair. That’s all I could see of her. Maybe my hair needed to be a lighter red for Dewayne. She also looked tan. I didn’t have time to get tanned. I should make time. I could play outside with Micah and get a tan.

Wait . . . How did Cam know who Dewayne was?

I tore my gaze off Dewayne and the lucky female to look at Cam. “How do you know Dewayne?” I asked. Had he researched me? If he had, I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It seemed creepy.

Cam pressed his lips together as if he was thinking hard about something. Crap. I needed to get away from this man. He could have stalked me! “Dewayne paid me a visit at work today. He wanted to check me out before you went out with me.”

I didn’t have any words. None at all. Cam was telling the truth. I didn’t have to ask Dewayne to know that Cam was telling the truth. It was something Dewayne would do. He didn’t trust me to keep Micah safe, so he was doing that for me. I understood that to an extent, but he had crossed the line. I wasn’t going to let him walk into my private life and stick his nose where it didn’t belong. Maybe I should find out who that woman was who currently had his tongue down her throat. If he was going to be around Micah, I deserved to know if she was suitable.

“Stop the car,” I ordered, and Cam didn’t argue. He put the car in park, and I jumped out without an explanation and marched over to Dewayne’s back, letting my anger burn brighter with each step. I hadn’t thought this through, but in the moment I was so mad I didn’t care.

I slapped him hard on the back without thinking that he could knock me across the parking lot with one swing. Luckily, I’d had the forethought to take a step back as Dewayne spun around and reached out to grab my arm. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was pissed. His grip on my arm made my knees buckle because it seriously felt like he was about to snap my arm in two. But I fought back a cry of pain and tried to keep the angry glare on my face.

The moment his eyes focused on me, he dropped my arm like it was on fire. “Fuck! Sienna, what the hell are you doing?”

I would not cradle my abused arm in front of him and the bimbo behind him. Yes, I called her a bimbo, because now that I could see her, she looked like one. Seriously way too much makeup, and her br**sts were bare.

“You,” I said, pointing at Dewayne with the hand that was attached to my good arm. “You went to Cam’s office today! How dare you question my decisions? When you’re out here with”—I glanced at the female who had thankfully pulled her shirt up over her chest—“her.”

The girl frowned at me. “Who is this?” she asked in a pouty voice, and I realized her lips were pumped full. Ugh.

“I was protecting you. Someone needs to. You agreed to a date with a stranger at the grocery store, Sienna. I was making sure he wasn’t a psycho.”

“You had no right! I’m not bringing him around Micah. Not until I know him. So that means he is none of your business.”

Dewayne raised his eyebrows and took a step toward me. His expression darkened. “Yeah, it is. I want Micah’s momma safe.”

Well, crap. I would not melt because he was being a protective, possessive bear. Just because I hadn’t known what it felt like didn’t mean I had to like it. Dang it.

“What about her? You’re in Micah’s life. Is she safe?” I asked.

Dewayne didn’t even glance back at her or explain. He had been about to screw her right here in front of everyone, but now he was ignoring her. “I don’t even know her name, Sienna. This is just fun, baby. I’ll never see her again.”

“Excuse me,” the girl said, now more than annoyed.

My heart had decided to do a little flippy thing from him calling me baby. Which was ridiculous. He thought I was average, and now I knew why. I didn’t wear enough makeup or show enough skin for him.

“It’s what I do, Sienna. I don’t do relationships or dates. You were going on a date with the guy. I had to make sure that he was a good man.”

Okay. I didn’t understand this world at all. Dewayne was still a man whore, apparently. I had never seen him in a relationship with a female. Which was a shame because the territorial thing he did and the way he called me baby was pretty amazing. Even in his barbarian way he made me felt special. He was good at that.

Cam cleared his throat behind me, and I realized I had forgotten him in the car. I turned back to him and gave him an apologetic smile. “Cam, you know Dewayne,” I said, then glanced back at Dewayne. “So, did he pass inspection?”

Dewayne didn’t move his eyes off me. He held my gaze for a moment too long. The female with him said something, but I was completely lost in his eyes. I had always loved his eyes. “Yeah, Little Red, he’s safe.”

He hadn’t called me Little Red in so long I had forgotten about the nickname. But that wasn’t what struck me the most. It was the way he said “safe.” As if he’d been let down by me. Hadn’t he wanted me with someone safe?

“Take care of her,” he said to Cam, then turned around and took the girl’s arm, and they walked back to the club.

Cam touched my sore arm, and I jerked. Crap, I had forgotten about that. It was still throbbing. “It’s dark out here, but this looks like it’s gonna be a helluva bruise. Let’s get you home and get some ice on it. Unless you can’t move it and you need me to take you to the hospital.”

I made myself move it, and I could easily enough. I just winced and teared up.

“I’m good. I just need some ice,” I assured him.

We didn’t talk much on the way back to my house, and I figured this would be the end of Cam. Not that I could blame him.

* * *

The knocking on the front door broke me out of my thoughts as I stirred the sugar in my coffee. I walked to the door, wondering if Micah had already woken up and wanted to come home. I wanted to see him. When Tabby had told me he’d fallen asleep and asked if he could sleep over, I hadn’t wanted to say yes. I had never been apart from Micah at night.

But the way Tabby’s eyes lit up with hope made me give in, and I went home alone. Without Micah sleeping in his room beside mine, I hadn’t slept well. I missed him. I wasn’t sure how he would feel about waking up without me.

I opened the door to find Dewayne instead. Not who I wanted to see this morning. Not at all.

“We need to talk,” he said, stepping inside like he owned the place. He may own a lot of things, but this house was mine.

I left the door open because I didn’t like the idea of being closed up inside with him. I was mad at him. My arm had a black-and-blue bruise on it in the shape of his massive hand. I had taken ibuprofen last night and kept my arm on ice. Didn’t seem to help. It hurt and it looked awful.

“Last night—” he said, then stopped as his eyes zeroed in on my bruised arm. I watched as he went pale, and I wasn’t sure if he was going to pass out. It was ugly, but it wasn’t that ugly.

“Holy f**k,” he swore, walking over to me and taking my wrist gently in his hand so he could lift my tender arm and look at it. “I did this,” he said.

I just nodded. Who else did he think had grabbed me like he wanted to break me last night?

“I need to be shot,” he said as he gently touched his fingertip to the marred skin. It was like a feather and, instead of hurting, caused me to shiver. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’d never hurt you. Know that. I would never hurt you. I didn’t know it was you last night when you slapped me, and I had drunk too damn much. My mind was slow, and it took me too long to register that it was you. God, Sienna, I’m so sorry.”

His voice sounded so pained that I had to fight the urge to comfort him. Maybe slapping a man his size with his temper from behind had been a bad idea. . . .

“It’s okay,” I told him, then tugged my hand free of his and put some space between us.

“No, it’s not. That isn’t okay,” he said, and his hands fisted up. “That will never happen again. I swear it. I’ll f**king stop drinking. That shit is not okay. Ever.”

Micah would be here soon, and after seeing Dewayne’s reaction to my arm, I needed to change into something with longer sleeves. Micah would be upset too. I didn’t want him scared of his uncle.

“Why are you here?” I asked, wanting him to get to the point before my son showed up.

“I came to talk about last night. To explain why I went to check out your date. But, shit, I can’t get past your arm. I was worried about Cam, and I was the one who f**king hurt you. Did he know I did that?”

I nodded.

Dewayne’s face darkened. “Fucker should have hit me. You need a man with some balls, and that dipshit knew I hurt you and didn’t even come after me.”

Was he kidding? Did he think everything should be handled with violence? And why was that so incredibly hot? I needed to seek mental help. Violence was not sexy. Even if Dewayne’s muscles flexed when he was just talking about a fight.

“You need to leave,” I told him before I could say something stupid.

Dewayne started to say something, but I held up my hand to stop him. “I know you didn’t hurt me on purpose. I know you checked out Cam because you were protecting me and Micah. I get it. Now please leave. I need coffee, and I didn’t sleep well last night, and I—”

I stopped talking as Dewayne took two steps toward me until he was towering over me. Then his larger-than-life hands cupped my face, and before anything could register, his lips were on mine.

I reached up and grabbed his arms to keep myself from melting into a puddle on the floor. Dewayne Falco’s mouth was very talented, and the second his tongue slipped along my bottom lip, I opened up for him and was lost. The minty taste of him consumed me as he nibbled and explored my mouth. I just held on. It was all I could do. My entire body was under his command. I couldn’t think coherently. Nothing had ever been like this. Ever.

But then, I had only kissed one other. And we had just been kids then.

Dewayne’s hands slipped down my back and cupped my bottom as he lifted me higher up against his body. His tongue danced along and teased mine, driving me crazy.
