Jacked Up (Page 66)

Jacked Up (Fast Track #6)(66)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Tuesday, however, had no such problem saying something. “Excuse me,” she said, tapping the girl on the shoulder. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhearing your conversation and I’m sure Nolan would be totally flattered that you think he’s hot, but he does happen to be married.”

Eve was less inclined to hate the girl when her jaw dropped. “He’s married? Oh, shit, that sucks.”

“Yes, he’s married.” She shot her thumb in Eve’s direction. “This is his wife.”

Three sets of eyes swiveled onto her. Eve tried to give a smile, but there was still taffy on her teeth, so she just nodded and gave a close-mouthed smile.

“You’re his wife?”

She didn’t need to act so damn surprised. Why couldn’t she be his wife?

Because she wasn’t coiffed and tanned and tweezed to within an inch of her life like they were, their feet covered in fuzzy boots, cle**age still displayed in arctic hoodies.

“Where’s your wedding ring?” one had the nerve to ask her.

It was on the tip of her tongue to say, “Up your ass,” but she didn’t. She was just going to let all of this slide right off her back. She wasn’t going to feel inadequate in any way. “It’s being sized.” Which was a lie. But they didn’t need to know that. “We just got married last Friday.”

“Well. Congratulations.”

If looks could kill, she’d be six feet under. Plus she suspected they didn’t even believe her. Not that she could blame them. She probably wouldn’t believe some random chick in the stands either. “Thanks.”

When the derby started, Eve found herself chewing her taffy even faster, nearly pulling out a tooth a time or two. She was both nervous for Nolan, wanting him to win, and second-guessing his strategy. “Oh, my God, does he not see that yellow car? He needs to get a hit in on him. That’s his strongest competition.”

Tuesday seemed to find the whole event more entertaining than stressful. She cackled with glee whenever a collision was hard and loud. “This is so bizarre, I love it. Where else can you intentionally slam into another car? God, I haven’t been to the derby since I was a kid.”

“Oh, shit, he needs to watch 42. He’s trouble. Did you see that? He just went out of bounds and no one noticed. Geez. Where were the officials on that one?”

By the time it was just Nolan and the yellow car, Eve had dislocated her jaw from violent chewing and her palms had ridges from where she had dug her nails into them.

“He’s going to win,” Tuesday said, looking calm and unconcerned. “He’s cleared the field and the other dude still running has two flat tires and his bumper is dragging.”

Her stomach hurt. Which was either stress or the eight pounds of taffy her body was trying to digest. She wasn’t as confident as Tuesday.

But Nolan won, and when he climbed out of his car and bounced on the hood a few times, fist pumping, she was grinning like a fool. “He is so sexy. Isn’t he sexy?” she asked Tuesday.

“Uh, sure, if you say so.” Tuesday licked her mitten. “Shit, I got taffy on my glove. But he did drive well, I have to admit.”

“He did.” Though if she were honest with herself, Eve would have much preferred being down there behind the wheel herself than sitting in the stands. “I’m proud of him.”

They started down the steps, heading toward where Nolan was getting his picture taken with his trophy.

The girls in front of them had beaten them to the ropes. One was leaning over, displaying her cle**age. “Hey, Nolan, can I get an autograph? Right here?” She fondled the top of her breast.

Eve wanted to yank her back by her processed hair, but Tuesday put a hand on her arm. “Chill out. You know it happens all the time in racing, big or small track. Doesn’t mean anything.”

Except that Eve didn’t know how to handle it. She’d never been the prettiest or the sexiest or friendliest. She was used to being passed over for women like the three in front of her, and she didn’t understand why Nolan wouldn’t have done the same thing. Maybe that’s part of what had driven her in competition in her youth. She couldn’t compete with the girls and win, but she could with the boys.

“So I’m supposed to just stand here and wait until he’s done being fawned over by big-boobed women?”


“Well, that sucks.” She felt ridiculous. Like a groupie.

Nolan didn’t make it any easier by taking the girl’s Sharpie and signing his name on her cle**age. Really? Was he a rock star?

He must have felt the penetrating spikes of her glare because he glanced over at her and smiled. “Hey, cupcake!”

She didn’t feel like being cupcaked at the moment. “Congrats,” she told him. “You did awesome.”

“Thanks.” Then his finger came up. “Give me one second.”

The girls wanted their picture taken with him and the one turned, cutting Eve off from any further conversation. She stood there feeling moronic as the three girls snuggled up to her husband. This was part of the reason she had sat there at the table and told Imogen she did not want to marry a driver. This was annoying.

When they finally walked away after seven hundred hours, Nolan kissed Eve on the cheek. Eve forced a smile because she didn’t want her petty jealousy to destroy the mood when he’d won the derby.

“Let me get your picture,” Tuesday said, her phone up in the air already. “Get close. Hold the trophy between you. I’ll put it on my blog.”

“Sure.” Eve pinned a smile on her face and leaned in to Nolan.

“You’re not really jealous of those girls, are you?” he asked in a low voice.

She turned and stared at him. “Of course not. They just seemed a little trampy, that’s all.”

“Eve, you turned!”

“Sorry.” She faced forward and smiled again.

“Because I’m committed to you. I don’t cheat. I don’t even flirt when I’m with someone.”

“I just wish your ass wasn’t out there for everyone to see.”

“If you want, I’ll tattoo your name on my ass.”

Eve laughed. “You would not.”

“Hell, yeah, I would.”

“Eve, now your eyes are closed from laughing!”

“It’s not necessary to brand your ass.” Though she was starting to think she wouldn’t mind a wedding ring. “And if you’re going to tattoo me anywhere on you, I don’t really think I want to be where you sit down all day.”