Read Books Novel


King’s (The King Trilogy #1)(39)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Yes, but—”

“There is new information.”

“Are you going to share it?”


Of course not. Because it would totally ruin his whole mysterious vibe. Can’t have that.

“Then you’re on your own. And, by the way, we need to talk.” I wanted to ask him what he knew about Justin’s financial backers and also convince him to tip off the authorities regarding the horrible fate of Justin’s team. The families needed to know because the pain of not knowing had to be tearing them to pieces.

“We can talk on the plane,” he said, not bothering to turn around or stop walking.

“I’m not going!” I protested as he walked away. “And you can’t force me forever.”

King waved into the air. “You’ll enjoy the trip. I promise.”

“Not going!”

My mother called for me again, and I gritted my teeth as King disappeared down the dark wet sidewalk.

I took a calming breath and made my way back up to the kitchen. Now I had no idea what I was going to tell them about why I’d vacated my apartment, quit my job, and left town without a word.

I guess it’s your turn to make up a big fat juicy lie.

~ ~ ~

Having received the biggest chewing out of my life for hiding “the truth,” not asking for their help, and losing my dream job because of my “irresponsible and stubborn ways,” I called Becca the moment I left my parents’ house.

Not only did I need to update her on the turn of events, regarding what they’d been told about Justin and my situation, but I needed to warn her that a rather large, unfriendly foreign gentleman would be showing up at any moment at her house to collect me.

“Mia?” Becca answered on the first ring. “How’d it go?”

“Like shit. You’re not going to believe it, but—”

“King showed up, lied to them, and told you to be ready by eight thirty?”

“How did you know?” I asked, terrified by how she might answer.

“Because…it’s 8:45, and he’s here right now, waiting for you.”

Huh? Dammit. I had the urge to throw my cellphone on the cement. “And he told you all that?”

“Yeah. He said that I needed to know how important keeping your parents in the dark was. That if I wanted to save Justin, I had to lie, too.”

He’d manipulated Becca. I just couldn’t believe it. I wanted to scream at the top of my goddamned lungs.

“You’re going tonight, right, Mia?” she asked.

Oh my frigging God. “Can you put him on, please?”

I heard the muffled voice of Becca say, “She wants to talk to you. Can I get you a refill on that coffee?”

I heard King’s deep voice reply, “You are too kind, Becca. But I’m fine.” There was a quick pause. “Hello, Mia.”

“Son of a bitch. What did you do to Becca? Did you brainwash her? Use your weird sadistic powers on her? Because so help me—”

“I did no such thing.”

“What in God’s name are you doing there, King?”

“I thought I’d try a more subtle approach with you.”

“Subtle? You show up at my parents’ house, lie to them, and now you’re manipulating Becca. Leave her out of this.”

“You are the one who pulled her in by sharing facts that were not yours to share.”

How did he know that I’d told Becca everything? Shit. Probably the same way he knew I was going to my parents’ house that evening to tell them about Justin. Had the man bugged her apartment? Or, an even more horrifying thought, maybe he really was inside my head. All. The. Time.

“What do you want from me?” I asked.

“For you to get on a plane and attend a party in Los Angeles tonight.”

“You want me to go with you to a party tonight?” Was he out of his mind?

“No,” he replied, “not with me. I cannot attend. In fact, that is why I’m here now, to explain there is a change of plans. But as usual, you’re late, and had you arrived on time, you would see the look on my face is one of respectful insistence.”

Respectful insistence. “You mean, you’re asking me?” I continued walking down the steep hill toward one of the main avenues to catch a cab back to Becca’s.

“Yes, I’m asking. In an assertive manner, but I’m asking.”

King was asking. How odd. It definitely piqued my curiosity. “Who’s throwing the party?”

“10 Club.”

“You’re joking. Why the hell would I want to go to a party with your billionaire yachting buddies?”

“I do not own a yacht,” he said blandly. “I own an ocean freighter line.”

Sure. Of course. “Why do you want me to go?”

“I need your help, and helping me is always in your best interest.”

I wanted to tell him to take a long hike down a deep, dark hole, but the fact that he was asking—not forcing—made me wonder. King never asked. He demanded.

“Will going help find Justin?”

“Yes or no, Miss Turner?” he replied impatiently.

Again, I wondered why King was asking when we both knew he could force me. Was this some sort of olive branch? “Fine. I’ll go.”

“Very good, Miss Turner. I will leave instructions on the plane. I will see you as soon as I’m able. And, Miss Turner?”


“Do not deviate in any way from my instructions, and do not leave Mack’s sight tonight. Not for a second.”

Oh, goody. That sounded promising.


When I finally returned to Becca’s apartment, Arno was indeed waiting to take me straight to the airport, and Becca already had several of her dresses laid out for me on the bed. Most of my clothes were in storage.

“I can’t believe you fell for King’s bullcrap, Becca,” I said, shoving my makeup and hair products into a small overnight bag.

She shrugged. “I didn’t ‘fall’ for anything, Mia. His argument made sense; that’s all.” She held up a blue dress. “How’s this one?”

I pointed to a sleeveless, black dress. I hoped it would be nice enough. “He’s dangerous. Didn’t you hear a word I said about him? He killed people right in front of me.”

“Okay. But didn’t you say those men were about to attack you?”

I slipped on the dress, and she zipped up the back. “Yeah, but—”
