Kiss of Venom (Page 7)

"What about them?" Xavier asked.

"Do you know them?"

He shrugged his massive shoulders. "I haven’t seen the dwarf before, but Stuart’s a regular. He’s always coming in and sweet-talking every pretty thing who gets within spitting distance of him. He thinks he’s more of a player than he really is, though, and when his game doesn’t work on a lady, he tends to take it personally. He’s been in his share of fights, with men and women alike, and I’ve warned him about harassing folks."

"Can you give me ten minutes, then throw them both out of the club?"

"Sure," Xavier said, cracking his knuckles. "I told Stuart not to show his face here for at least a month. That was three days ago. I was planning to let him order a couple more beers, so Roslyn could make a little money off him, before I showed him the door. Any particular reason you’ve taken a dislike to those guys?"

"I heard them talking in the bathroom. They’re here for Gin."

Xavier’s face tightened, and he nodded. In addition to working as a bouncer, Xavier was Bria’s partner on the police force. He knew all about Gin’s troubles with the underworld bosses.

"Consider it done," Xavier growled. "You want me to come outside and help you with them?"

"Nah," I said. "That’s what Phillip is for."

Xavier looked past me and grinned. "Have you told him that?"

I glanced over my shoulder. Phillip had apparently given up trying to get free of the dance floor. He was now engaged in a very close, very slow, very suggestive dance with not one but two women. He whirled first one way, then another, trying to dazzle them both at the same time with his slick moves and cheesy smile.

"He’s going to throw out his back, jerking around like that," I muttered.

Xavier chuckled. "Oh, I don’t know. I think that Phillip could give Finn a run for his money when it comes to hamming it up with the ladies."

I sighed and shook my head. "Better make that fifteen minutes."

Xavier chuckled again.

* * *

I wormed my way through the crowd, trying to get to Phillip, but I kept getting cut off as people gyrated right into the middle of my path. I’d been on the dance floor for two minutes and hadn’t gone more than twenty feet. And Phillip, of course, was now smack dab in the center.

I’d just taken another step forward when a hand touched my shoulder and sidled higher, caressing my cheek. Before I knew it, Sierra, our waitress, had her arms wrapped around my neck and her body plastered against mine. I put my hands on her waist, out of instinct more than anything else.

Sierra took that as an invitation to wiggle even closer to me. "It’s about time you got out here on the dance floor, handsome."

"Sorry," I replied. "But I’m not staying. I only came to get my friend over there."

"Now, why would you want to go and interrupt him having a good time?" She grinned, showing me her small white fangs again. "Especially since we could be having an even better time by ourselves. Alone. Somewhere more . . . private."

I dropped my hands from her waist and started to step around her, but she kept her arms around my neck and moved in that direction, blocking me.

"Are you sure there’s nothing else that I can get you tonight, handsome?" Her voice was low, husky, and filled with all sorts of promises.

"I’m sure," I said in a firm tone. "But thank you for asking."

She shrugged. "Well, it was worth a shot."

She didn’t seem offended, but for some reason, I still felt the need to explain myself. Maybe because I’d done such a lousy job of it to everyone else lately.

"Listen," I said. "You’re gorgeous, sexy, and charming. We both know that, and you can have your pick of any guy in this place."

"Just not you."

I shook my head. "I’m already spoken for. You see, there’s this woman I lo – "

She waved her hand, cutting me off. "Oh, I know, sugar. You keep staring at Gin Blanco like you’re on a desert island and she’s the last bottle of water around. News flash, buddy. You do not want to mess with her. She will cut out your heart and show it to you before you die."

Well, that was one of the more colorful rumors that I’d heard about the Spider’s prowess, and it wasn’t that far from being true. I’d seen her fillet more than her share of bad guys – and she’d done the same to me without even realizing it.

"She’s already cut out my heart," I quipped. "And I was happy to let her do it."

Sierra frowned, like she thought I was just drunk and spouting nonsense. Maybe I was, thinking about how Gin held my heart in the palm of her hand. Either way, I gently unwound Sierra’s other arm from around my neck.

"Thanks for the dance, but I really have to go."

"If you change your mind . . ." Her voice trailed off suggestively.

"I won’t."

After a moment, she shrugged. "Your loss, sugar."

She pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, her vanilla perfume tickling my nose. She gave me one more sly, flirty smile before she danced away to the next man.

I watched her glide away for a moment before glancing back over at the bar. Instead of talking to each other or shooing away the peacocks, Gin and Bria were both watching me. From the angry, pinched set of Bria’s mouth, she’d seen the whole scene with Sierra – and so had Gin. Her face was completely blank, but her fingers slowly curled around her drink, as if she wanted to smash the glass against something – my face, most likely.

I grimaced. Once again, I’d upset Gin without even trying, just like I had when I’d brought Jillian Delancey to the Briartop art museum a few weeks ago. It had been a total fluke, Jillian being in town and wanting to see the exhibit of Mab’s things. Since I’d had an extra ticket, I’d figured it wouldn’t hurt to bring her along with Eva and me.

I just hadn’t realized that night would cost Jillian her life.

That hadn’t been my fault, any more than it had been Gin’s. No, the blame for Jillian’s death rested on the dead shoulders of Clementine Barker, along with Jonah McAllister, who was regrettably still very much alive. But I couldn’t help but feel guilty all the same. Not only because Jillian was dead but because when I’d seen Gin at the gala, I’d forgotten all about Jillian, even though the two of them had been wearing the same dress. And then, when Clementine had thrown a body into the middle of the crowd, crowing about how she and her men had finally killed the Spider, I’d been so shocked, so horrified, so convinced that it was Gin, that I hadn’t even realized that Jillian wasn’t in the rotunda with the rest of the hostages. Once again, I’d failed a friend.