Lacybourne Manor (Page 124)

Lacybourne Manor (Ghosts and Reincarnation #3)(124)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“We’re free!” She smiled as she turned her face up to his. “Rick’s no longer holding us captive in the library, the sun is shining, a bunch of people I love are sitting in the garden and the shish kebabs are ready.”

He was staring down at her, a peculiar look on his face and his hand came up to the side of her neck, his thumb at the soft skin under her chin.

Something in his eyes made her toes curl.

And her stomach pitch.

And, if that wasn’t enough, her heart skipped three beats.

Then it started racing.

“Are you all right?” she whispered.

“I love you,” he said quietly in return.

And then the world fell away and there was only the two of them, alone together, and all time and place faded.

* * * * *

Marian was not the only one to notice the gold shimmer in the air intensify to the point that it seemed as thick as treacle.

Mags noticed it too.

As did Phoebe.

And Jemma.

And, of course, Tina and Kyle.

The kids didn’t notice anything.

Annie murmured, ‘I’m finding it a bit hard to breathe,’ as the golden air caught in her lungs. This, somehow, caused her no fear. She thought it felt rather pleasant actually.

Meg’s face collapsed in a smile for she was looking to her left and seeing Colin holding Billie in a way so tender and true, it could only be love.

Mrs. Griffith missed it all; she was looking around on the ground by her chair.

She couldn’t find her cane.

This was because Mallory was lying on it.

* * * * *

“Oh my goddess.”

Colin smiled.

Sibyl’s eyes were wide. The colour drained from her face and then just her cheeks suffused with warmth.

“Oh my goddess.”

Colin’s arms tightened.

“Say it again,” she demanded.

“You heard me,” he growled low.

“Oh… my… goddess!”

Colin’s smile widened before he asked, “Is that all you have to say?”

She pulled her lips between her teeth and then let them out. “No.”

His eyebrows rose arrogantly.

“I love you, too.”

And then her face split into a smile that if she had known, she would have been devastated but still wouldn’t have been able to stop herself, had an ever-so-slight negative effect on the ozone layer.

And just as incapable of stopping himself, Colin kissed her.

It was sweet and wild and beautiful and absolutely everything a kiss should be.

When he lifted his head, he was shaken to his soul.

“Oh my goddess,” Sibyl whispered reverently.

Apparently, so was Sibyl.

She blinked and then tore out of his arms but not away. She grabbed his hand and with all her strength, started pulling him towards the house.

He followed for three steps and with a slight tug of his hand in hers, brought her to a halt and she whirled back.

“Colin! We have to go inside.”


She walked back to him, closing the short space between them, grabbed his other hand and exerted pressure on both, trying to walk backwards and pull him with her.

“We have to…” she explained, “you know… do it. Break the curse. Like… now!”

He grinned again and she felt her heart skip three more beats and her legs start to wobble.

“Darling, we have guests,” Colin pointed out.

She glanced quickly at their audience and caught their knowing smiles then back to Colin.

“They won’t mind,” she assured him.

His grin broadened to a wicked smile but he didn’t move.

“It’ll only take ten minutes,” she cajoled.

His eyebrows rose again.

“Okay… fifteen,” she amended.

The smile turned lethal, her stomach did a somersault as his head tilted.

“Twenty?” she tried.

He shook his head and she stomped her foot.


He lifted one of her hands up, brushing his lips on her knuckles and as he did this, never once did his eyes leave hers.

She stared at him, mesmerised. Just that morning, Royce had done the same thing.

“Colin,” she said far more quietly.

“Marry me, Sibyl.”

Her breath caught.

Her mind stilled.

All thoughts of Royce flew into the atmosphere.

She couldn’t have uttered a word if she’d learned at that moment that the World Health Organisation had been given a gazillion dollars to socialise healthcare globally.

He didn’t wait for an answer, just dropped her hand and put one of his in his pocket. Then there was an extraordinary, princess cut, diamond ring being slid on her finger.

She knew just by looking at it that it was exorbitantly expensive.

And she didn’t care one bit.

“Oh my goddess!” This was said (more like screeched) from behind them, coming from Mags.

Sibyl finally found her voice.

“Does this mean you think you can boss me around for the rest of my natural born days?”

He tugged sharply at her hand, Sibyl fell into him and his arms closed around her.

“And through eternity,” he promised against her lips, this said in his low, effective, deep, rich voice.

She was powerless against it and therefore instantly agreed.


* * * * *

While Sibyl and Colin ate vegetables on sticks and were given pats on the backs, hugs, kisses, handshakes and many congratulations through smiles and tears…

Nearly five hundred years earlier, at the same precise time, Royce helped Beatrice onto Mallory’s sleek, dark, back.

They were going home to Lacybourne.

He swung into the saddle behind her and the moment he settled, he felt her tremble against him.

“Nerves, my sweet?” His voice rumbled deliciously in her ear.

She shook her head and looked back him, pressing her chin endearingly against her shoulder. “I just can’t wait to be home.”

Then she smiled, a lovely, inviting, slightly anxious smile.

And at the sight, his guard lowered.

And Royce Morgan, for the first time in his life, became vulnerable.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The Real Consummation

“What are you doing?”

Sibyl whirled then with an obviously guilty movement shoved behind her back the small, pink box with glossy, intricate writing embossed on top.

They’d just finished their vegetable shish kebabs and she’d ducked upstairs to begin planning her first night with her new fiancé, who also just happened to be in love with her.

In love with her.