Let Me Be the One (Page 44)

Let Me Be the One (The Sullivans #6)(44)
Author: Bella Andre

Only, just as he was about to draw her back into his arms, Vicki gave the barest shake of her head, so small that he wasn’t sure she even knew she’d done it.

But he heard what she wasn’t saying out loud as if she’d screamed it at him.


* * *

“So, how’d it go last night?”

Vicki nearly jumped out of her skin at Anne’s question as she finished putting the little sculptures she’d just made for Summer’s birthday party into the kiln in her studio.

She’d hit a snag on her still-unnamed fellowship project and had put it away for a few hours to try to sketch herself out of the hole she was in. But when the sketching didn’t work either, she realized she had to face facts.

After what had happened last night with Ryan—what amounted to the most beautiful, stunning, mind-blowing lovemaking of her life—she simply couldn’t get her brain to focus on work. On top of that, she was incredibly nervous about going to a family party, even more now that their fake engagement had morphed into an accidental night of sizzling hot sex.

She could have gone to a toy store to buy Summer a standard gift, but she knew it would make her feel better to get her hands in clay and make one. Evidently the little girl had just gotten a new poodle puppy from Zach’s girlfriend, Heather, and was head-over-heels for it.

After she’d made a really fun poodle out of the clay, she decided to make a pretty Oak tree for Mary Sullivan, and then when she was done with that, she’d tackled a well-read hardback book in clay for Sophie to put in the library. Vicki had been working with such serious intent for such a long stretch on her fellowship project that she’d been almost giddy from the pleasure of making the cute and funny sculptures.

She barely noticed the sun falling lower in the sky as she moved from one little project to another. What fun it was to have a big family to make things for. She wouldn’t have time to make a wine bottle for Marcus or a pair of ballet shoes for Lori, though. Next time.

Her hands had stilled on the book spine she’d been pressing into the clay with her fingertips.

Next time.

What on earth made her think there was going to be a next time?

Pretty soon, she’d be moving out of Ryan’s house. She hoped she and Ryan would be able to find time to get together to catch up on life on a regular basis, of course, but once she was no longer living at his house, the two of them would be going their separate ways.

Anne’s question had startled her out of her somewhat depressing musings and brought her right back around to the previous night.

And all the amazing sex she’d had with Ryan.

“Everyone liked the dress. Of course you knew they would. It’s an awesome dress.”

Anne’s smile was wicked…and pleased. “Awesome, huh?” She raised her eyebrows. “Dare I hope my awesome dress ended up in shreds in your gorgeous man’s bedroom?”

Vicki automatically started to shake her head, but quickly realized there was no point in trying to pretend it hadn’t been the most glorious night of her life. Especially with the engagement ring Ryan had given her hanging between her br**sts on the gold chain.

It had been a long time since she’d had another woman to confide in. Justifying it by telling herself that Anne’s knowing only gave more credence to the false engagement, Vicki pulled the ring out from under her tank top. “He gave me this.”

Anne’s eyes went wide as she grabbed it, inadvertently pulling Vicki forward while she inspected the ring. “He has great taste. Are you free tonight for a bottle or two of champagne? And could he bring a few of his gorgeous baseball playing friends?”

“I’d really love to,” Vicki said, “but I’ve promised Ryan I’ll go to a family birthday party with him tonight.”

Anne clapped her hands together. “Even better—you can wear another one of my dresses. Who needs this fellowship when I have you to wear all my clothes?”

She had pulled Vicki halfway down the hall by the time Vicki could get out the words, “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

Anne put her hands on her hips. “Why? You were stunning last night. And clearly, the dress made an impression on your man.”

But that was just the problem. Ryan had loved the dress…and he’d loved stripping it off her even more. Vicki’s body started heating up all over just thinking about it.

If she wore another one of Anne’s brilliantly sexy designs, he might think she was trying to say that she wanted a repeat of last night. Which, of course, she did, because how could anyone not want that?

But, God, this morning had been awkward enough.

Last night had been an accident. A sexual slip-up. Two bodies in motion colliding without pre-meditated intent.

She couldn’t imagine how awkward it would be if he thought she was actually trying to seduce him this time. Instead of letting her down easy, he’d be forced to take much more drastic—and obvious—steps.

But since she couldn’t say any of that to her out-of-the-big-lie-loop friend, Vicki grabbed onto the only excuse she could think of. “The party is for an eight-year-old. I’m sure everyone will be wearing jeans.”

“Or pretty little sundresses,” Anne shot back. “A couple of days ago I didn’t know why I was so compelled to make this dress, since I can’t use it for the fellowship. Now I know. It’s my engagement gift to you.”

With that, Vicki knew she had no choice. She let Anne drag her into her own studio and hand her a pretty summer dress made of dozens of light and colorful layers.

And, despite knowing better, she couldn’t help wanting to knock Ryan’s socks off one more time.

Chapter Twenty

Ryan stood in his brother Gabe’s living room surrounded by his family, a big group of strangers, and a dozen rambunctious eight-year-olds. And yet, all he could see was Vicki.

Summer had just barreled into Vicki’s waist to give her a huge hug. Clearly, the eight-year-old girl loved the poodle sculpture Vicki had made her. She’d surprised Sophie and his mother with fun little sculptures, as well, and he knew they wouldn’t stop gushing over the unexpected gifts for a very long time.

As she chatted animatedly with Summer, there was nothing fake, nothing affected about Vicki, not from her soft hair to her unpainted fingernails to the sweet curves that had transfixed him since he was a teenager. To make matters worse for the hard-on he was working like hell to hold at bay, she was wearing another pretty dress that simultaneously hid and showcased her incredible figure as the breeze played through the fabric.