My Lord Immortality (Page 46)

My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)(46)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

Sebastian shivered, his heart wrenching with the need to concede to her request. Blessed Nefri. There was nothing he desired more than to make this woman his eternal mate. To have her so much a part of him that it would be impossible to determine where one began and the other ended. But the price was much higher than Amelia could ever suspect.

"Amelia, I fully intend to make you my bride," he said softly, his hand reaching to stroke her cheek. "But not until I have finished with Drake. Until then, it is too dangerous."

Her brows furrowed at his words. "What do you mean, dangerous?"

He grimaced, not wishing to add to her fear, but knowing that he had to be honest.

"The Immortal Kiss would mean that you would be bound to me regardless of what happens this evening. If Drake were to injure me, you would feel my injuries as if they were your own. And if I were to die … you would spend an eternity blackened by a grief that would never lessen, never heal."

She bit her lip at his brutal explanation, but her expression never wavered. Lifting her hand, she pressed it to his heart.

"Such a fate awaits me regardless, Sebastian. If you leave me, my heart will mourn your loss for as long as I draw breath." An unashamed need glowed in her lovely eyes. "Please, Sebastian.

Make us one."

Not even a logical, always sensible, scholar could possibly remain immune to the soft plea in her voice, he acknowledged ruefully. And a vampire consumed by love did not have a prayer of denying her request.

There was a brief, futile struggle as his common sense attempted to remind him of all the reasons he should not allow himself to weaken. Then he heaved a small sigh.

He could not battle her desire as well as his own. Not when he was still weakened by the acute

fear he’d felt when he’d been so close to losing her.

"Amelia, there is no going back," he felt compelled to warn again.

She smiled with a sweetness that reached his very soul. "That is precisely what I desire."

With a low groan, Sebastian at last loosened the restraints upon his most primal instincts. This was his true mate. The woman who would complete him.

His fangs lengthened in the shadowy moonlight, but Amelia showed no fear. Instead she regarded him with an unwavering trust that did not falter even when he lowered his head toward her. In the silence he could hear the rapid rasp of his own breath and he was forced to pause a moment to gather his nerves. He had to be absolutely in control to avoid causing her any pain.

At last convinced that he was once again in command of himself, Sebastian closed the remaining space to the willing curve of her neck and gently eased his fangs to the satin skin.

Within moments, the faintest trace of her blood was flowing through his body, nearly sending him to his knees with the burst of intimatacy that filled his heart.

It was all there. The magical sweetness of her heart, the utter loyalty of her soul, and the overall golden glow of her love for him. It all rushed through him so swiftly that he reeled slightly before pulling back to regard her in amazement. Truly she was a most remarkable woman. And now she was his. Thoroughly and completely.

Lifting his arm toward his teeth Sebastian prepared to complete the binding. He held her wide gaze with his own as he drew blood from his wrist, and then, scooping a drop onto his finger, he pressed it gently to her lips.

Her reaction was just as startled as his own had been.

A small gasp echoed through the silent forest as she clutched at his arms to steady herself.

Sebastian swept his arms about her, briefly concerned that the joining had been too powerful for her to bear. After all, she was a mortal despite the Medallion that hung about her neck.

Slowly becoming accustomed to the potent awareness that they were now bound together, Amelia regarded him with eyes that glittered in the moonlight.


"Are you well, my dear?" he asked in concern.

"Well?" Without warning, she tipped back her head to laugh with an unrestrained joy. "Mr. St.

Ives, you have just made me the happiest, luckiest, most satisfied maiden in all the world."

Chapter Fourteen

It was only with a heroic effort that Amelia allowed Sebastian to leave her in the protection of Nefri as he went in search of the renegade. Sensibly, she understood the need to halt Drake. As long as he remained at liberty he would pose a constant threat to her as well as to William. Even to Sebastian.

Still, such common sense did not keep her from pacing uneasily beside the carriage where William slept. Nor halt the growing sense of dread that was filling her heart.

She knew all too well just how dangerous the treacherous Drake would be when he was cornered. During the ghastly time in the cottage she had sensed his ferocious lust for power. But more than that, she had sensed a deeper, darker emotion. One of fear.

Her brows furrowed as she continued to pace. Why would the vampire so fear failure?

Because of the retribution his brother vampires would offer? Surely that could not be the explanation. Sebastian had offered to allow him to return to the Veil in safety more than once. So what was it?

What could force the vampire to risk utter destruction rather than concede that the Medallion was out of his reach?

The bothersome question nagged at the edge of her mind until she sternly reined in her thoughts.

What did it matter? Soon Sebastian would have him trapped and he would be forced back to the Veil or destroyed. Either way, the ghastly threat that he posed would be at an end.

Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to concentrate upon the gentleman who was now a part of her very essence.

He was moving ever further away but she could easily assure herself that he was unharmed and filled with a grim determination. A faint smile chased away her fears. Even at such a distance, she could feel the golden warmth of his love flowing through her.

Unwittingly, her fingers rose to her lips. They still tingled from the fierce, possessive kiss he had bestowed upon her before leaving. A kiss that promised that the intimacy of their joining was far from complete. And that he would very soon tutor her in the pleasures of a more physical nature.


The soft call of Nefri’s voice had Amelia abruptly wrenching her eyes open. An absurd blush stole to her cheeks as she wondered if the wise old vampire was capable of reading her wicked thoughts.


"Move into the carriage."

Any hint of embarrassment faded as a chill inched down her spine. "Is something the matter?"

The seemingly frail woman lifted her face toward the moon, closing her eyes as if concentrating upon the shadows that surrounded them.