My Lord Vampire (Page 48)

My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)(48)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

It did not seem possible.

But even as she grew dizzy from shocked delight, she realized he was awaiting her response.

What had he said?

Join their souls?

She gave a faint frown as she attempted to consider what he might possibly mean.

“Is that possible?”

“Yes, but it would mean that we are truly a part of one another.” He gently cupped her face in his hands, his dark eyes boring deep into her own. “Our thoughts, our emotions, the very beat of our hearts. We would be bonded for all eternity.”

She carefully considered his words, knowing that this was far more important to Gideon than any marriage ceremony.

The thought of being so closely connected with the man she loved did not frighten her. She very much desired to be one with him. But something in his words made her hesitate.

For all that she had accepted who he was, she could not forget that they were very different. As a vampire he was immortal. What would happen to him when she eventually died?

“Gideon, I do not have an eternity,” she reminded him sadly.

His hands tightened upon her face. “Who is to say? With the Medallion anything is possible.”

She gave a reluctant laugh at his familiar words. “You are very fond of telling me that.”

“Because it is the truth.” His expression softened with a longing that tugged at her heart. “Simone, I wish to have you as my true mate. Will you?”

She could have denied him nothing at that moment. All the love and need she had tried to deny for so long flooded through her as she gave a nod of her head.

“What must I do?”

“Nothing but trust me,” he said in low tones.

She met his gaze squarely. “I do.”

Moving slowly, as if afraid that he might startle her into flight, Gideon lowered his hands so that he could sweep her long curls over her shoulders. Then just as slowly he lowered his head, angling it so that he could approach the bare skin of her neck.

Just for a moment Simone instinctively tensed, unsure what was about to happen. The satin blackness of his hair brushed her chin, the scent of spices filling her senses. Of their own accord her hands raised to grasp his shoulders.

She felt the warm brush of his breath upon her skin, then shockingly the sharp points of his fangs.

Panic threatened to rise as there was the faintest prick upon her neck, but before she could give in to fear a warm rush of sensation relaxed her taut muscles.

There was no pain, just the sense of being enfolded in a comforting embrace. Her head tilted backward, allowing him to gently taste of her blood.

It lasted only a moment before he offered a lingering kiss and pulled away.

He did not speak, however, and holding her bemused gaze he lifted his hand and turning it over he bit the inner skin of his wrist. Blood instantly welled and he lifted it to softly place it against her lips.

Startled, Simone instinctively dipped out her tongue to taste of the wetness staining her lips.

She was not certain what she had expected, but it was not the sudden shock of emotions that tumbled through her. Her head spun as she squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to steady herself against the onslaught.

For long moments she struggled to calm herself. She was dazed and not at all certain she could bear the shimmering sensations that threatened to consume her.

Then slowly the torrent began to subside and she was able to concentrate upon the changes within her.

There was the awareness of Gideon, of course. But it was no longer the vague knowledge that he was near. He was clearly nestled within her mind, as well as the sharp sense of concern that held him tightly gripped as he watched her. More than anything, however, she felt the steady, undeniable beauty of his love.

A smile of wonder curved her lips. “Oh.”

“Simone, are you … well?” he husked, his hands tightly gripping her own.

“I am … whole,” she said, still marveling at the knowledge that they were truly bound together. “I did not realize how lonely I have been all my life. Now I am complete.”

“My sweet.” He reached down to delicately touch his lips to her own. “We will be wed according to human custom. I have already procurred a special license.”

“You … you will not return to the Veil?” she forced herself to ask the question that refused to be dismissed no matter how irrational. Her father had loved her, but he had abandoned her. She could not bear it again.

He easily knew how important his answer was to her. “Perhaps for the occasional visit, but my place now is with you.”

“Yes,” she whispered, boldly leaning forward to claim his mouth with her own.

It was the first time she had ever initiated such an intimate caress and she discovered a heady delight as she felt his instant response. Encouraged by the sudden tension that gripped his body, she daringly raised her arms to twine them about his neck, tugging the ribbon from his hair so that she could thrust her fingers into the satin strands.

Gideon gave a throaty growl as his arms wrapped about her, taking firm command as his tongue urged her lips to open.

Simone readily complied, allowing him to deepen the kiss as his hands ran an impatient path over her back. Urgent pleasure flared through her, making her arch toward his warm body with aching need.

The sensation of his own rising passion swirled through her body, heating her blood and making her heart pound. It was astonishingly erotic to have his emotions pulsing through her, and Simone gave a low groan as she impatiently pressed herself closer.

“Simone.” With a heartfelt moan he reluctantly pulled back to regard her with a tight expression. “I think I should warn you that if you continue in this manner you will never be returned to your bed.”

She allowed a wicked grin to curve her lips. “That was my intention.”

“Wench,” he chided with a glint of amusement. “If you only knew how long I have ached to possess you.”

His teasing words abruptly forced Simone to realize that she had not yet been entirely truthful. She grimaced as she forced herself to pull away from his warm grasp.

After all the lies and charades between them, she had to ensure that when they came together it was in complete honesty.

“I could not give in to my desire no matter how much I might have wished to,” she confessed in low tones. “My charade as a widow would have come to a swift end.”

He stilled as he considered her confession. “Because you are innocent?”


There was a long pause before Gideon abruptly heaved a deep sigh.

“Ah, my love, you do not know how you torture me.”